Grade – IG 1 BA-01 Section – 2 Dt. Subject – Business Studies Name_____________________________________________ 21/ 06/2019 Teacher’s Sign________________ Job Satisfaction There are several ways in which a business can increase the job satisfaction of its (1)_______________. (2)_______________ involves workers swapping round i.e. workers move between jobs. (3)_______________ gives workers more responsibility and involvement in the decision making process for a particular job. (4)_______________ means training workers to carry out a variety of jobs. Extra tasks and increased (5)_______________ are added to the worker's job description.(6)_______________ can give job‐satisfaction‐being part of a team and being involved in the (7)_______________ within the team gives the worker a feeling of responsibility and (8)_______________. (decision making employees Job enlargement Job enrichment Job rotation responsibility self‐ esteem Teamwork) Organization Structure The organization structure for an organization describes the different (1)________________________, and how decisions are put by an into practice. This (2)________________________. An structure organization can be chart represented shows the (3)________________________‐ the way in which decisions are passed up or down the organization, from one level to the next‐ and the (4)________________________‐ the number of employees for whom a person at a higher level has direct responsibility. A (5)________________________ organization is one in which there is a long chain of command. Different levels of the organization are known as (6)________________________. A flat organization has a (7)________________________ chain of command. (chain of command hierarchy levels of responsibility organization chart short span of control tall) Recruitment & Selection Process Analyse the exact nature of the job and the duties to be undertaken also know as (1)_________________. Design a (2)________________.Design a (3)_________________. (4)_________________ the vacancy in a newspaper or any other appropriate media. Send out application forms to the applicants or read (5)_________________ and letters of application. Produce a short‐list from the replies of those who best match the employer's requirement. Conduct an (6)_________________ and take up references. Select suitable applicant and offer them the job. Reply to unsuccessful applicants. Organise (7)_________________ training for the successful applicants. (Advertise induction interview Job Analysis job description job specification resumes) Business Objective Organisations in the (1) sector are usually created to earn maximum (2)______________________for their owners, i.e. to achieve the best possible return on the money which they have invested in the (3) ____________________. However whilst this will certainly be the main (4) of most businesses, some may have other objectives which they pursue. For example, a new business may see (5) as its main (6) _______ its early years. This could then be followed by increasing (7) term objectives such as (8) in share in the long run. A couple of short _________________sales and market share may lead to (9) term objectives such as (10) ________________ of scale. (aim, business, economies, increasing, long, market, objective, private, profits, survival, loss) Public Limited Company A Public Limited Company has (1) at the end of name, distinguishing it from a (2) limited its company. These shares of most public limited companies are bought and sold through the (3) The shareholders have (4) and can be held responsible only for payments up to the value of their shares. Like the private limited company, public own (5) procedure for setting up a public limited company . company has its status separate from the shareholders. The starts with submitting (6) _____, document stating the company’s name and address of the company along with the how the company will be run. The (8) _____________ giving details ___________ issue will (7) about a (9) ______. After this the company can issue a (10) ______________‐ an advertisement inviting the public to buy shares in the company. When the shares have been issued the Registrar of Companies will draw up a (11) ; this allows the company to start trading. (Article of Association, Certificate of Incorporation, Certificate of Trading, legal, limited liability, Memorandum of Association, plc, private, Prospectus, Registrar of Companies, Stock Exchange)