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Company Types & Registration in Pakistan

Presentation on Company
Roll #
Umbreen Anjum
• A company is an association or collection of individuals,
whether natural persons, legal persons, or a mixture of
both.Company members share a common purpose and unite
in order to focus their various talents and organize their
collectively available skills or resources to achieve specific,
declared goals.
Types of companies
There are following types of companies;
• Statutory company
• Charted company
• Government company
• Single member company
• Registered company
Statutory Company
• The companies which are formed under special statutes are termed
as statutory companies.
• These are public enterprises brought into existance by a special act
of the parliment. The act defines its powers and function, and
regulations governing its employees and its relationship with
government departments
• These are governed by the Acts or Ordinance through which these
are created.
• Example of such type of companies is the;
• State Bank of Pakistan
• Small Business Finance Corporation
• Investment Corporation of Pakistan etc.
• A statutory corporation is a corporation created by statute
Charted Companies
• Chartered companies are formed by means of a special charter
granted by the head of state, or King or Queen of the
Crown.Normally these enjoy certain exclusive rights and privileges
on other associations of persons.
• The East india company and the Charted Bank of England are the
examples of such type of companies
• A charted company is an association formed by investors or
shareholders for the purpose of trade, expolartion and colonization
• Charted companies were usually formed incorporated and
legitimized under a royal or in republics, an equilvent government
charter this document set out the terms under which the company
could trade ; defined its Boundaries of ifluence, and describes its
rights and responsibilities
Government Company
• .A government company is a company of which not less
than 51% (fifty-one percent) of the paidup capital is
held by the Government. A company which is a
subsidiary of a Government company automatically
becomes a Government company.
• The defining characteristics are that they have a
distinct legal form and they are established to operate
in commercial affairs while definitional issue , it is
difficult to become categorically what level of state
ownership would qualify to an entity to be considered
as “state owned” since governments can also own
regular stock, without implying any special interference
Single Member Company
• Single Member company (SMC) has been introduced
through companies ordinance 2002 The single member
company shall have all the rules rights and privilages as well
as Obligations and liabilities as other private company has
• Registered Company;
• Registered companies are those companies which are
registerd in pakistan under the companies ordinance 1984
or any other previous companies act or ordinance.
• A corporation that has filed a registration statement with
the security Exchange commission prior to releasing a new
stock issue
• Registered companies are further classified into the
following three broad classification:
Company limited by shares
Companies limited by Guarantee
Unlimited company
Company Limited by Shares;
It means a company whose memorandum of association limited
the liabilities of its members to the amountas the members may
respectively under take to contribute to the assets of the company
in the event of its winding up.
• In such a company the shareholders Obligation is to pay the
company for the shares they have taken in it. The indiviual puts the
money into the company , and in return the company gives it a
percentage of ownership , in the form of shares
• Once the shares are fully paid for ( and this would usually be the
case with a private limited company)
No further money is payable by the
sharesholders. Thier liability to the company is
satisfied.If the shares are issued unpaid (which
can sometimes be the case for variety of
Company limited by shares includes two
categories ;
• Private limited company
• Public limited company
Private Limited company
• Private limited company prohibits any kind of invitation to general
public to subscribe for its any shares and any amount to the
company in that respect
• Public Company;
• A company other than a company registered as private limited
company is called public limited company.
• Companies’ordinance defined certain conditions for public limited
companies which are as under:
• A company registered as public limited company does not impose
any restrictions on the number of members that the company can
• A Public company is a company which does not impose any
restriction on the right of transfer of its shares.
• Public company can be further classified into two categories;
Listed Company
Unlisted Company
Listed Company;
Listed company is the company which has its
shares listed on any stock exchange. Pakistan at
the moment companies are listed on three stock
exchanges of the country namely
• Karachi Stock Exchange
• Lahore Stock Exchange
• Islamabad Stock Exchange
Unlisted Company
• Unlisted Public companies are those companies whose shares are
not listed on any stock exchange of the country and these type of
companies are not allowed to trade their shares
• Company Limited by Guarantee;
• It means a company whose memorandum of association limited
the liabilities of its members to the amountas the members may
respectively undertake to contribute to the assets of the company
in the event of its winding up.
• This company may or not have a share capital.
• In a company limited by guarantee,there are no shares - hence
there are no shareholders. Instead, the company will have
'members'. The members of a company limited by guarantee are
bound by a guarantee inthe company's articles of association,which
requires them to pay the company's debts up to a fixed sum
Unlimited Company
• . It is a company which is registered without
limited the liability of the members to the
extent of the value of the shares held by
them. Now-a-days such type of companies is
not found in Pakistan.
How to Register a New company
in Pakistan ???
Steps and Requirments
According to the company Ordinance 1984 the process of
company Formation is divided into
4 stages
Stages in the
formation of
Promotion Stage
Promotion Stage
( 1st Stage )
Promotion means to start the business it is the
first stage in the formation of company that
people who take inetial steps in the formaton
of company are called promoters these people
prepare the legal documents and takes step
for its registration the promoters shall have to
observe the legal formalities drafting the
following documents…
• Memorandum of association;
An important step in the formation of
a company is to prepare a document called
Memorandum of Association. It is the charter
of the company that contains the basic
conditions on which the company is
Contents of Memorendum
• Name
it is the legal requirement that a company must
state the name of the company
• Address
a company is required to state the name of the
province in which the office is situated its also
necessary to give the exact address and name of the
city where the company is located
• Liability
this Claus show the nature of the liability of the
Artical of Association
• These are the regulations that govern the
internal management affairs of the company
and the conduct of its business.
• The Articles are subordinate to the
Memorandum of Association.
Contents of Articales of Association
• Amount of share capital issued
• Rights of shareholders regarding voting
dividend return of capital.
• Rules regarding issue of shares and
• Procedure of transfer of shares.
• Rules regarding appointment of directors,
managing directors, agents and secretaries
• Numbers ,qualification, power and liabilities
of directors
• Rules regarding to the winding of the
• Matters related to the account and audit etc…
(2nd Stage)
• The second stage for formation of company is
to get the company registered. for registration
of company following documents are
submitted registrar for the registration of
• Memorandum of association
• Article of association
• Nominal capital
• Qualification of shares
• List of directors
• Declaration
• If the registrar is satisfied with documents
then he will issue certificate of incorporation
private limited company can start its business
after receiving certificate of incorporation. but
a public limited company wait for certificate of
Issue of prospectus Or Subscribtion
(3rd stage)
• After the receipt of certificate of incorporation
the promoters issue prospectus of the
company with a copy of application form for
share. Prospectus shows the rules regarding
purchase and sale of share and about the
mode of payment. A copy of prospectus
should be submitted to the registrar.
Commencement Stage
(4th Stage)
• A public company has to received the
certificate of commencement before starting
the business.
• A company submits the following documents
to registrar.
• Prospectus
• Minimum subscription
• Directors shares
• After verifying these documents registrar
issue a certificate of commencement they can
start the business.
• Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
established under the Pakistan Act 1997
• It was operational as a body Corporate on 1st
January 1999.
• important functions of the SEC is registration of
• This task has been entrusted to the Registration
Department, Company Law Division which has its
field offices known as Company Registration
Offices (CROs).