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Hinduism: Moksha, Karma, Dharma, Caste System

Moksha - Liberation
E perience characteri ed b infinite being, infinite a areness, infinite bliss
Completel be ond e periences of this orld
Monism: All is Brahman
Most Hindus belie e in Monism
Doctrine that all realit is ultimatel one
Belief that all forms of realit share a COMMON ESSENCE - Brahman
Ultimate Realit (Brahman) can be understood through in ard
contemplation of the self
Ultimate realit ithin is Atman - the eternal Self
Parts of Atman make up Brahman!
La and Order: Di ine Principles in the World
Karma functions HAND IN HAND ith SAMSARA - determines nature of
each reincarnation
Moral la of cause and effect: states that e er action produces an
outcome that is justified b the action s moral orthiness
Determines all the particular circumstances and situations of one s
*An indi idual s karmic record sta s ith the self from
reincarnation to reincarnation*
Karma determines life form into hich the atman (self) is
La of Karma: holds people responsible for actions
Appl ing this requires standard for determining
rightness/ rongness of actions
This standard: DHARMA (ethical dut based on di ine
order of realit )
Dharma is the complete rule of life
For e er acti it , there is a a of acting that conforms to
Four sources:
Di ine re elation (sacred scriptures)
Sacred tradition (from generation to generation)
Practices of those considered isest in societ
Shifts focus from satisf ing pri ate cra ings to caring for others + limits
one s pursuits
Ka a, e
a a
f ca e a d effec , ba ed d a a, e ca
d ,a d
,D a a c
ec ed
Person s dharma: determined b ​ e de , ca e, a e f fe
Ka a ba ed D a a!
Dharma of Women: t picall emphasi ed obedience to men
Primar role: elfare of famil
Limited education and career
Thought to ha e more integrit
Dharma of Men: tied more to caste + stage of life
Doing One s Job: The Caste S stem
Four distinct classes
Brahmin: Priests
Kshatri a: Warriors and Administrators
Vaish a: Producers
Shudras: Ser ants and Laborers
Additional categor for outcastes - those considered to be
outside of societ altogether
Also kno n as Harijan ( God s Children ); ha e onl
recentl gotten some legal rights
Subdi ided into >3000 categories
Correspond to different occupations for men
For omen: caste determines ho the can marr
Ca e
e :
d ba ed
e ed
One is simpl born to lifelong cast identit
This identit : determined b karma - directs soul into hate er
situation it deser es
Karma can be seen to justif the caste s stem itself
People do not just happen to be born outcastes: the deser e
this lo l status because of their stinking conduct in pre ious
li es/lifetimes
Ka a de e
e ca e de
, ca e,
, de e
ec f c
a e
Acting One s Age: Four Stages of Life
Upon undergoing initiation ritual at pubert , Hindu bo enters first stage: of
Lasts until marriage
Second stage: Householder
Pursuing a career and raising a famil are central
Women and husbands together in ol ed in this stage
Third stage: Birth of the first grandchild
Forest d eller stage
Fourth stage: sann asin ( andering ascetic)
For forest d ellers ho are read to return to societ but remain
DETACHED from normal attractions/distractions of social life
Engaged ith the orld but NOT ATTACHED to it
Seeking One s Desire: Four Goals of Life
Important: Liberation from samsara (c cle of rebirth) is summit of spiritual
Moksha: ULTIMATE GOAL of life
(1) Sensual Pleasure
Kama - pleasure
Ultimate goal of life
Mainl pleasures of sensual lo e - is to be embraced b
hosoe er desires is (as long as lo ers remain in limits of
(2) Material Success
Yearning for Artha: material success (and social po er/prestige that
follo s it)
Hinduism celebrates goal of ARTHA
E entuall pro es unfulfilling; people e perience earning to stri e
for something BEYOND PURSUITS that pro ide for onl personal
& material needs
(3) Harmon ith Dharma
Dharma: general principle of ethical dut
No the thing that is MOST desired
Deep jo of li ing in harmon ith dharma is kno n firsthand
(4) Bliss of Moksha
All Hindus destined to seek 4th goal
Infinite being, a areness, bliss of Moksha
Three Paths to Liberation (MOKSHA)
For the Acti e: ​Ka a​ Marga ( Path of the Works )
Most people (for hom ph sical acti ities come naturall ) choose
liberation through Karma Marga
Also kno n as: Karma Yoga
Has to do ith li ing in accordance ith Dharma
Performing action ithout attachment to outcome
Selfless Ser ice
Cease to identif ith the ego
Heart is purified: egoism/selfishness is anished; creates
space for pure lo e, compassion, etc.
Ma E e ce: D
beca e
e DHARMA ( e
e) a d acce
ae e c e
For the Philosophical: ​J a a​ Marga ( The Path of Kno ledge )
Intended for those ith talent for philosophical reflection
Shortest (but steepest) ascent to liberation
Requires great amount of time: (for) learning + meditation
Most practical for BRAHMIN class
order ofreality
E e ce: A a
ed e e
a ce ed e f
e a e f ea
E periential dimension of Hinduism!
Reached through ​
e f​,
e perience brings full a areness of truth, certitude that has po er
to transform kno er (leading to liberation)
Sa d be e
d ff c
a : e
d a d e ec
d e e e
f a
ea e
a eO e
For the Emotional: Bhakti Marga ( The Path to De otion )
Yoga of De otion
Said to be easiest of paths - can be practiced b an one (regardless of
mental/ph sical abilities) + does not require e tensi e ogic practices
c e
e ea
a ce, a ed,
, e c.
Replaces feelings ith jo , di ine ecstas , bliss, etc.
Vedanta: Fine thread made of Pure Lo e (Prem) hich connects heart
ith Di ine
Has been l ing dormant in heart since beginning of creation,
hidden b la ers of ignorance and suffering
But no matter ho deep one goes, this thread (Di ine
connection) can ne er be broken
Creates deep YEARNING of Soul for JOY and
Bhakti: To be lo e - to be into icated ith Di ine Lo e
f be
A atar
Incarnation (li ing embodiment) of a deit
Commonl of Vishnu - sent to earth to accomplish Di ine
Bhaga ad Gita
Most popular sacred te t of Hindu Religion
Rele ant to man aspects of Hinduism
Most closel associated ith BHAKTI YOGA/MARGA
Content of Bhaga ad Gita ackno ledges fruitfulness of path of orks and
path of kno ledge but tends to fa or path of DEVOTION
Caste S stem Toda
Marriage across caste lines is still taboo for some families
India s rapid economic e pansion and booming high-tech sector: BIGGEST change to
alle iate problems of caste s stem (that pre ailed through centuries)
Turning AWAY reser ation of ell-pa ing jobs for some and menial jobs for
Hiring of thousands of orkers: b foreign and domestic high-tech firms
Some Dalits - rising into India s middle class
International companies (talent is #1 issue) ha e also made difference
T o Indias - one rich and one poor
India s caste s stem can NO LONGER full contain the socioeconomic
change the countr is undergoing
Different religions, occupations, and le els of education - no longer
correlated ith caste
Limited access to education and resources - still a problem for some Dalits
Missionar schools and go ernment-sponsored education ha e helped