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British Acts of Parliament Analysis Worksheet

Acts of British Parliament
Highlight the act you will be analyzing:
Proclamation of 1763 | Sugar Act | Stamp Act
Quartering Act | Tea Act | Townshend Acts
Date the Act was approved in the House of Commons:
Conditions, actions, and provisions established by this act:
british subjects shouldn’t settle past the western frontier
● No settlement west of the appalachian
● Land was reserved for the Indians
Major purposes of or reasons for this act:
● To protect Indians in the western lands
● Tighten control
wanted to keep the Colonists “safe” from the native
Colonists reactions to the act:
● They didn’t think that the british could restrict where they
● They felt that they had rights to the land
● The people didn’t like that they had to protect british soldiers
Date act was repealed: Never Repealed
Major reasons for the act’s repeal:
● British wanted control
● The natives were angry
● The british wanted to have a home for their soldiers
Acts of British Parliament
Highlight the act you will be analyzing:
Proclamation of 1763 | Sugar Act | Stamp Act
Quartering Act | Tea Act | Townshend Acts
Date the Act was approved in the House of Commons:
Conditions, actions, and provisions established by this act:
● An act that taxed the selling of tea
● A ton of tea was shipped into the colonies
● All this was done without the colonists permission
Major purposes of or reasons for this act:
● The British were in debt
The British wanted to show the control they had
● The British wanted to pay only one company for tea
Colonists reactions to the act:
● They threw boxes of tea overboard
● They started riots
● The colonists started mobs
Date act was repealed: 1776
Major reasons for the act’s repeal:
● The British were in a lot of debt
● The british wanted to show control
● The Colonists were beginning to get angry so the British had
to show control