Uploaded by aaboualy

Art Integration in Education: Benefits & Methods

Art intgeration \
\ I'm currently art teacher at Qatar leadership academy member of Qatar foundation teaching visual art
for diploma program student &art examiner - PYP work shop leader I became work shop leader around
2 years ago and I have been around Oman-Bahrain and Saudi doing teaching and learning work shops I
have been teaching art since 1996 mainly in international school in Oman Bahrain – Qatar\
\ Developing lessons & Art integration is an approach to teaching in which student construct and
demonstrate understanding through an art form. student engage in creative process wish connects an
art form and another subject and Address multiple intelligences • Builds literacy skills across subjects •
Develops the Whole Child • Engages community • Encourages differentiated instruction • Encourages
culturally relevant curricula • Develops 21st century skills
\ The Arts are a powerful tool for student demonstration of learning.develop stronger academic skills
across multiple non-arts subjects and Help students to
– Feel good about themselves as individuals
– Develop abilities to observe and respond sensitively
– Develop skill, creativity, and imagination
– Develop understanding of the arts
collaborative planning -Artistic Perception -Processing-Analyzing
Identifying, Defining, Designing, and Using Arts Integration in the Classroom
-how to use museum for lessons for non art subject