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QFS MUN International Travel Forms NHSMUN 2023

Qatar Foundation Schools Model United Nations
International Travel Forms
Applicant’s name
Introduction Letter
Dear Parents,
January, 2023
Qatar Foundation Schools MUN – Trip to National High School Model United Nations
March 8- March 17, 2023
The Qatar Academy Model United Nations Club is planning to take part in The National
High School Model United Nations Conference (NHSMUN) this year. Apart from the wonderful
cultural and educational activities available, the object of this visit will be to have our students
meet and work with other young people from schools similar to ours. This conference is an
educational opportunity that fits into the academic goals of Qatar Foundation Schools by
creating a variety of learning situations. All students selected are fully capable of meeting their
classroom responsibilities as well as practicing many of the skills they have been taught in
school. The students will stay in a local hotel and will be accompanied and supervised by Qatar
Academy teachers, which is also the conference venue.
The deposit payment is non refundable, however the next two payments are fully
refundable in case your child withdraws from this trip for reason of ineligibility as determined by
your child’s school, or family emergency as determined by communication from you to your
child’s school. Ineligibility criterion may include attendance, behaviour, or academic concerns
raised by the school.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Fatima El Mahdi
Manager Student Enrichment, Pre-University Education
Provisional Schedule and Travel
Qatar Foundation Schools MUN – Trip to National High School Model United Nations
March 8- March 17, 2023
Flight Details
We plan to take the following flights and times on Qatar Airways. Families are responsible for delivering
their son or daughter to the airport 3 hours prior to departure, to ensure that everyone is accounted for,
any potential complications can be dealt with successfully, and everyone can have a relaxed departure.
Outbound flight
Wed, 08 Mar DOHA 1:55, JFK 8:55 time 15h 0m, operated by American airlines
Inbound flight
Fri, 17 Mar JFK 1:20, DOH 20:55 time 12h 35m, operated by American airlines
Name and Location: The New York Hilton Midtown is located in the center of Midtown Manhattan,
very close to the city’s main attractions and popular destinations. Steps away from Central Park and
Times Square, it is easy to enjoy the uniquely cosmopolitan experience of New York City.
Breakfast and access to food
Breakfast is served at the hotel. The options for meals are endless: from quick grab-and-go meals to
higher-end dinners, the location of the New York Hilton Midtown offers countless different possibilities
and will enhance your experience at NHSMUN. There are dozens of very affordable restaurants, cafes,
shops, and food establishments in the immediate vicinity of the hotel, within a very short walking
Hotel Address:
Hilton Midtown
1335 6th Ave
New York
NY 10019
United States
Hotel Front Desk: +1 212-586-7000
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guestreservations/
Costs Breakdown
# of Students
# of Staff
delegate fee USD
Staff fee USD
Delegation fee USD
Hotel for student USD
hotel for staff USD
Airport transfer USD
sightseeing USD
flights QAR
Total in QAR
Kindly note that these numbers may change due to fluctuations in the number of delegates and
chaperones, and fluctuations in the price of flights.
We will require that all students have their visas before leaving on the trip. Students will be
responsible for all visa fees including courier fees. Qatar Academy is not responsible for
knowing the visa requirements of individual countries so please check with your national country
regarding any special visa issues. It is also the responsibility of the parent to ensure all Qatar exit
permits are taken care of before the date of travel.
Payment Procedures
Payment link for deposit
Est. Total
Due by Dec 30th
1500 non
QAK QR16,367.20 deposit
1500 non
QAD QR17,124.86 deposit
1500 non
Awsaj QR17,124.86 deposit
1500 non
QLA QR17,369.70 deposit
Payment link first half
Paid by Feb
Participants will have breakfast and lunch provided for them (hotel and conference). Students
will be required to bring money for the remaining dinners (8) and for personal expenses such as
gifts, souvenirs, sightseeing, or extra snacks. Please note that all funds submitted to Qatar
Academy international trips are non-refundable.
Deadlines and meetings
December 30
January 30
Feb 28
1500 Riyals
7500 Riyals
variable, between 7-8,000 Riyals
Team selection and permission process
We are also requesting that before you grant permission to your son/daughter that you discuss
your behaviour expectations for the trip. Please take time to discuss the attached set of rules with
your child before signing the permission slip. All applicants must receive behavioural and
academic clearance from Qatar Academy administration before being accepted to the NHSMUN
team. For the students who are selected, there will be a parents’ meeting that will last for
approximately one hour and will give details about the trip and will answer any questions that
you may have.
Please be advised that Grade 11 students must complete ALL required IB work BEFORE
they will be permitted to travel. MUN is an educational opportunity for students but Qatar
Academy will not permit students to travel if it puts their IB Diploma at risk. Students who are
removed from the trip for academic or discipline reasons will be NOT be refunded their
What will they be doing at the conference?
Friday March 10:
Training in UNA-USA procedure
Saturday March 11:
Morning: Speaker Series; Mission Briefings
Afternoon: Committee Session 2
Evening: Committee Session 3
Sunday, March 12:
Morning: Committee Session 4
Afternoon: Committee Session 5
Evening: Optional Programming and dance
(Non Dance participants) downtown New York
Monday, March 13:
Morning: Plenary Session
Morning: Closing Ceremonies
Tuesday, March 14:
Sightseeing around NYC, and shopping trip
Monday, March 15:
Cultural activities, museums and shopping trip
Tuesday, March 16:
Sightseeing around NYC, and shopping trip
Wednesday, March 17:
Return flight to Qatar
Statement of Rules Form:
1. The rules and behavioural expectations of the school apply to students as if they were attending
school. Students will be expected to obey any reasonable instructions given by the sponsors.
2. The possession and/or use of tobacco, consumption of alcohol, inappropriate materials, or illegal
drugs will not be allowed during travel or while in the host city. The rules of Qatar Academy and the
laws of the State of Qatar will be used to define inappropriate and illegal.
3. Any sightseeing will be done only with the permission of the sponsor. Students must be accompanied
by at least 2 other students. All groups will be required to have a mobile phone with them.
4. All students will adhere to the curfew hour set by the sponsor. Students are prohibited from leaving
their assigned hotel room once they have been assigned to their room for the night.
5. Since the purpose of the trip is Model United Nations, all activities and conferences of the convention
will be attended at all times. All team meetings and homework sessions will be attended.
6. Any unusual circumstances or problems experienced by any member of the NHSMUN team will be
reported immediately to a sponsor.
I hereby grant permission for my child, __________________________________________ (print full name), to attend the
QAMUN trip to New York from March 8-March 17, 2023. I give permission to Qatar Academy staff to admit my child
into a hospital if emergency medical care is required. I realize that if my child violates any of the rules stated above, one or
more of the following consequences could result:
Immediate return to Doha at the parent’s expense.
Restriction from further participation in school sponsored activities and trips.
Suspension from school for a period determined by the QA administration.
Other disciplinary action or restrictions as determined by the QA administration.
Criminal prosecution by the State of Qatar.
We have read, understood, and agreed to abide by the rules stated above.
Signature of the parent
Signature of the student
Medical Release
Personal Information
Student’s Name:
Student’s Email address:
Student’s Mobile Number:_________________
Father’s Name:
Father’s Mobile Number: ________________
Mother’s Name:
Mother’s Mobile Number: ________________
Parent Email address:
Home Number:
List any medication(s) that your child will be taking while traveling:
List any medical problems or allergies of which staff should be aware:
Medical Insurance
List any additional medical insurance company, policy numbers and relevant information we may need in the event your child will require
emergency medical attention during this trip:
Insurance Company: ___________________________________ Policy #: ___________________________________
Other Information:
Designated Qatar Academy staff are authorized and empowered to-wit:
All hospitals, clinics or other similar facilities, as well as doctors, nurses, medics, paramedics or other medical personnel may rely on the
decisions and authorizations of any of the above described person, concerning whatever medical care or treatment, including surgical
procedures, administration of paracetomol or general anaesthetic that they deem necessary for our child.
Any payment made by the teachers of Qatar Academy for medical treatment for a traveling student while on this trip will be billed to
Authorization for Medical Treatment
I, _______________________________________, do hereby authorize and empower any of the following persons named below to
(Name of parent/guardian)
make any and all decisions concerning the medical and/ or surgical care of our child, ____________________________________.
(Child’s name).
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:________________________
Father’s Signature:
Mother’s Signature:____________________
Family Visitation Permission Form
Often when Qatar Academy groups travel on international trips, students have family members in the conference city, or
parents of QA students will also travel to the same destination at that time for various reasons. If this is the case, QA students
are not permitted to abstain from any of the curriculum-related activities in order to visit family members. However, during
certain sightseeing activities and free time, at the discretion of the trip supervisor, students may visit family members. Please
note that students may only leave with family members that show ID and are included on the list below. Students must re-join
the group when instructed by the trip supervisor.
Please complete this form, if you have family members that you will allow your child to visit while on the trip.
Relation to family
Mobile Phone / Contact Details
Plan / Itinerary:
Plan / Itinerary:
Plan / Itinerary:
Plan / Itinerary:
Plan / Itinerary:
Parent Signature:
Dance Permission Slip
On the final night of the NHSMUN conference, a dance is held at the conference centre. The
dance is supervised by teachers as well as professional security. Alcohol is prohibited at the
NHSMUN dance and our students are strictly prohibited from possessing or consuming any
alcohol or drugs at any time. If you would give permission for your student to attend the dance,
with the understanding that school rules still apply, please complete the form below. Attendance
at the dance is not required and all participants are subject to final approval by the chaperoning
I give permission for ____________________________________________ to attend the dance
at the NHSMUN conference. I have read the above I realize that if my child violates any of the
rules stated above they will be immediately removed from the conference and will face school
sanctions upon their return to Qatar.
Parent Signature:
Printed name in English:
Student Signature:
Printed name in English:
Delegate and MUN Conference Form
In order to participate in the NHSMUN conference, all delegates will be expected to complete
one excellent resolution and background reports on all remaining issues in their committee.
Please indicate the committees you are interested in joining and the topic in which you wish to
write your resolution.
Desired Committee details:
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice
I declare that the resolution to be submitted will be my own work and will be reflective of the
high expectations of the QAMUN club. I realize that plagiarism of an MUN resolution is a form
of academic dishonest and may result in my removal from the team. In addition, I may be subject
to further sanctions by Qatar Academy as outlined in the student handbook.
Student Signature: