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Animal Farm: State Apparatus & Empowerment (Marxist Analysis)

Lecturer: Zainur Rofiq,S.S., MA
Muhamad Haydar Aly
: 16320026
TAHUN 2018
Background of the Study
Marxism is a notion based on the views of Karl Marx. Marx composes a great theory
relating to economic systems, social systems, and political systems. Followers of this theory
are called Marxists. Marxism includes dialectical materialism and historical materialism and
its application to social life. Marxism is the basis of the theory of modern communism. This
theory is contained in the Communist Manifesto book made by Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Marxism is Marx's form of protest against capitalism. He assumed that the capital
accumulated money at the expense of the proletariat. The condition of the proletariat is very
sad because it is forced to work long hours with minimum wages, while the results of their
work are only enjoyed by the capitalists. Many proletarians have to live in suburbs and slums.
Marx argues that this problem arises because of "private ownership" and the domination of
wealth dominated by rich people. To make the proletariat prosperous, Marx argued that
capitalism must be replaced with communism. If this condition continues to be allowed,
according to Marx, the proletariat will rebel and demand justice. This is the basis of Marxism.
This problem is very interesting to discuss because Animal Farm contains propaganda
which is perhaps more than just an understanding of political matters. Whatever George
Orwell tried to propagate, the propaganda was successfully carried out through this book.
Discussing politics, of course there are experts who may be more precise when discussing it.
History as a study that is always close to political matters, may be interesting if used to
discuss the contents of this book. However, is it interesting if literary works are enjoyed just
like that without discussing other issues inherent in them? Read this book so you will
understand it by yourself, regarding whether or not this book discusses political criticism of
an event.
Animal Farm is an English-language novel written by George Orwell in the era of
1945. With the fable story, this novel tells about how power politics can be criticized in
Marxist studies. Besides that, Andy Kershaw reinforces this review of the relevance of the
Orwell novel with a reflection of the events of the Russian Revolution in 1917 towards the
Stalinist era. In addition to this novel there are also other novels such as Nineteen Eighty
Four (or 1984), which brought famous Orwell and Orwell is considered one of the best
literary writers ever. Animal Farm reflects the events that led to the Stalinist era before World
War II. There is also explained that Orwell was a democratic socialist, Orwell was very
skeptical of Stalinist goals and actions and therefore used novels to highlight how destructive
and disastrous the consequences were. In other words, Animal Farm is a novel that describes
the oppression of the bourgeoisie against the proletariat. Which in each character is described
through animal figures. This bourgeoisie regulates everything in that society, both in terms of
politics and economics.
So far there are differences in research with previous researchers, which here only
focus on the actions and effects of these actions. This is done so that researchers can find out
what is done by the upper class towards the lower classes. Moreover, you can find out the
tactics and strategies used for politics. Not only that but you can find the impact of these
high-class actions. Besides that, this novel is often printed repeatedly because this novel
provides many new ideas, new knowledge, information, and cultural values that can enlighten
educated people. Animal Farm does take animal figures, but the true meaning in this novel
tells about the politics and ideology of communism described by George Orwell with satire or
sarcasm arranged in Western culture. As a fairy tale and at the same time Orwell's form of
satire towards political practice and power. Besides that, this novel also drowns itself out in
the Marxist realm, which can be seen that the axis of the problem refers to power, class, and
of course ideology.
According to Marxists, ideology is considered a false consciousness that can refer to
an illusion that deceives the subject, as Marx said as a condition "they do not know, but they
do" (Zizek, 2009: 24). Ideology is not ideas that arise naturally, or an idea from an individual
as a way of thinking and acting. Rather, ideology is a product that is implanted in oneself
which the individual considers that the ideology he receives is real. This is what makes
people not aware that they are in power, especially when the illusion is polished with terms
that are manipulatively aimed at them even though it is only to reinforce the power of the
government. From here, the problem of ideology becomes an ordinate in which class
consciousness becomes a major component in these social problems. This social problem also
explains why the story of Animal Farm is an interesting problem, especially if it is associated
with power, ideological practices, and historical facts referred to by the novel conflict.
Therefore, from the presentation above this novel can be analyzed using the Marxist
Criticism approach, especially regarding the application of Marxist theory in the novel. What
will be discussed is the struggle of the proletariat against capitalism.
Problem of Study
According to the background of study above, the researcher has two two purposes:
1. What are the actions of Napoleon and Snowball figures on the animal community on
the farm at George Orwell’s Animal Farm?
2. What is the impact of Napoleon and Snowball's actions on the social fabric of animal
society at George Orwell's Animal Farm?
Objectives of the Study
In connection to the previous statement of the question, there are two objectives of the study
that was formulated by the author:
1. What is the response of the animals on the farm to Napoleon and Snowball?
2. What are the responses and attitudes of the animal community towards Napoleon and
Significance of the Study
This study is expected to contribute to theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, this
research is expected to enrich the theoretical basis of literary studies, especially the application
of Marxism theory to analyze literary works.
Practically, this study is very helpful for students who conduct this research to deepen their
analysis of Marxism theory, especially for students who major in literature.
Besides that, this aims to prove that there is a form of oppression carried out by the elite class
against the lower classes. Which people who have higher capital can act arbitrarily?
Scope and Limitation
In this study, the writer focuses on analyzing the actions and impacts of the elite class on the
lower classes which are told in the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. Which can harm one
party. Therefore, the writer can answer questions correctly and because of the large scale. The
creator will limit the extent to which the problem will be discussed and underlined in the part
of the perpetrator and the meeting as the main problem of the examination.
Definition of Key Term
To make this study clearer and avoid misunderstanding, the writer will clarify the key terms
used in this study, some definitions are put forward.
1. Idelogy
An ideology is a collection of normative beliefs and values that an individual or group
holds for other than purely epistemic reasons. The term is especially used to describe a system
of ideas and ideals which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy. In the
sense defined by French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser, ideology is "the imagined
existence (or idea) of things as it relates to the real conditions of existence".
2. Marxism
Marxism is a theory and method of working-class self-emancipation. As a theory, it
relies on a method of socioeconomic analysis that views class relations and social conflict using
a materialist interpretation of historical development and takes a dialectical view of social
transformation. It originates from the works of 19th-century German philosophers Karl Marx
and Friedrich Engels.
3. Discrimination
Discrimination is treatment or consideration of or making a distinction towards, a
person based on the group, class, or category to which the person is perceived to belong. These
include age, color, criminal record, height, disability, ethnicity, family status, gender identity,
generation, genetic characteristics, marital status, nationality, race, religion, sex, and sexual
Previous Study
Every research certainly has prior research, related to the context and object under
study. Next the author presents the results of previous studies. First, research conducted by
Sony Yanuar Wicaksono in 2917 majoring in Indonesian literature, faculty of language and
arts, Surabaya State University with the title Practical Ideological and Repressive State
Apparatus in George Orwell's Novel Animal Farm. The compilation of this journal uses a
qualitative type method and by using a mimetic approach, the data collection technique is in
the form of documentation or recording that contains core steps; (1) reading, (2) citing or
collecting data, and (3) classification of data. On the other hand, the analysis technique is an
interpretative description that contains the core steps; (1) investigation of problems, (2)
quotations, (3) analysis, and (4) inference. In this journal it aims to reveal the functions of the
state apparatus as an ideological practice.
Research Method
In this study researchers used qualitative research with a historical method approach.
This method is more focused on events that have occurred and carried out past reconstruction
with data sources or historical witnesses that still exist today. The data sources can also be
obtained from various historical records, artifacts, verbal reports, and living witnesses that can
be justified. Another feature of this method is that the research study relies heavily on
observational data of other people who have already carried out a study, not just the observation
data of the researcher himself. In addition, the data sources used must be objective, systematic,
accurate, and authentic, which can be justified and come from the right sources.
Research design
The type of method of this research is qualitative and the approach is mimesis. The data
collection technique is documentation that contains core steps, reading, quoting or collecting
data, and classification of data. On the other hand, data analysis techniques are interpretive
descriptions that contain core steps, problem-solving, quotes, analysis, and inference.
Using this approach, the writer found the point of the problem in the novel Animal
Farm. First, the writer reads the whole story after that the data that is considered important is
collected and then the data is clarified. The writer does this to make it easier for writers to work
on the next steps.
Research instrument
In this data, the writer uses a novel Animal Farm to collect the data. It can make the writer easy
to analyze the actions of the elite class and the impact of these actions on the lower classes.
The novel Animal Farm is a tool to know the whole happen in the society at that time.
Moreover, the writer can get many data to conduct deeper analysis and also to strengthen his
argument to resolve the issues that matter.
Data sources
The writer takes the data from novel Animal Farm by George Orwell published in Russia 1945.
The data that writer took is only focus on the action and the impact of elite class to lower class.
Not only had that but to conduct the deeper analysis the writer taken the data from the internet.
Data collection
Some steps which have been done by the writer to collect the date. The first step is the writer
read the whole story in novel Animal Farm. Second, the writer looked for the problem of the
story. The next steps is marked the important point to make the writer easy to analyze. Then
the writer wrote the data so that more easy to remember.
Data analysis
The analysis of the data is done in some major steps. After finishing collecting the data, to
answer the first and the second study researcher will be analyze the problem that happened in
the story by using reading technique, analyze problems, problem solving and inference. The
writer read the whole story and mark the important point to find and analyze the problem. Then
the writer conduct problem solving and the last make an inference.
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