MBA (FT) 1st Semester 2013-2015 Submitted By: - Shruti Pendharkar CONTENTS Introduction Types Of Learning Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Cognitive Process Social Learning Reinforcement Applications DEFINATION An individual reacts to any situation or responds to instructions in particular fashion, that fashion or style is caused due to learning. Learning brings relatively permanent change in human behavior that occurs as a result of experience. Learning is a lifelong process in which new behaviours are acquired. We cannot see learning but we can see changed behavior as a consequence of learning.. Examples: Driving a vehicle An instant learning THEORIES OF LEARNING REINFORCEMENT LEARNING SOCIAL LEARNING CLASSICAL CONDITIONING OPERANT CONDITIONING CLASSICAL CONDITIONING - BEHAVIORIST THEORY “Classical conditioning can be defined as a process in which a formerly neutral stimulus when paired with an unconditional stimulus, becomes a conditioned stimulus that illicit a conditioned response.” (Luthans 1995) UNCONDITIONAL Or NATURAL STIMULUS (US) STIMULUSRESPONSE (SR) CONDITIONAL STIMULUS (CS) Classical conditioning states that an event repeated several times results into desired response. UNCONDITIONAL Or NATURAL RESPONSE (UR) CONDITIONAL RESPONSE (UR) IVAN PAVLOV’S THEORY Ivan Pavlov a Russian psychologist introduced classical conditioning theory. EXPERIMENT CONDUCTED: Dog as a subject. STAGE ONE: presented meat (unconditional stimulus) to the dog. He noticed a great deal of salivation (unconditional response). STAGE TWO : he only rang up the bell (neutral stimulus), the dog had no salivation. STAGE THREE: accompanied the offering of meat to the dog along with ringing up of bell. After doing this several times, Pavlov rang up only bell (without offering of meat to the dog). This time the dog salivated to the ringing up of bell alone. CONCLUSION The dog has become classically conditioned to salivate (response) to the sound of the bell (stimulus). It will be seen that the learning can take place amongst animals based on stimulus – response (SR) connections. The study was undoubtedly single most famous study ever conducted in behavioral sciences. It was a major break through and had a lasting impact on understanding of learning. OPERANT CONDITIONING Operant conditioning deals with Response—Stimulus (R-S) connection. concept originated by B.F. Skinner. states that “most human behavior operates based on the environment.” Learning depends on what happens after the response –THE CONSEQUENCES The learning of voluntary behaviour through the effects of pleasant and unpleasant responses. Operant conditioning Description Outcome Example Positive reinforcement Add or increase a pleasant stimulus Behavior is strengthened Giving a student a prize after he gets an A on a test Negative Reduce or remove an Behavior is reinforcement unpleasant stimulus strengthened Taking painkillers that eliminate pain increases the likelihood that you will take painkillers again Positive punishment Present or add an unpleasant stimulus Behavior is weakened Giving a student extra homework after she misbehaves in class Negative punishment Reduce or remove a pleasant stimulus Behavior is weakened Taking away a teen’s computer after he misses curfew COGNITIVE THEORY Cognitive Approach Edward Tolman The theory consists of relationship between environmental (cognitive) cues and expectations. EXPERIMENT: Subject was RAT He found that the rat could run through critical path with particular intention of getting food (goal/objective). This theory was later applied on human resources where incentives were related to higher performance. SOCIAL LEARNING Behavioral approach. It deals with learning process based on direct observation and the experience. Achieved individuals. people while interacting with observe, alter and even construct a particular environment to fit in the social behavioral pattern. It is practiced in organizations by observing various cultural, and social practices. This phenomenon is distinctly visible in defense services where cadets opt for a particular regiment based on the performance of their instructors (role model). In industrial organizations leader must display a role model so that subordinates copy the style of functioning. PROCESS IN SOCIAL LEARNING ATTENTION PROCESS RETENTION PROCESS MOTOR REPEODUCTION PROCESS RE-INFORCMENT PROCESS RE-ENFORCEMENT APPLICATION OF LEARNING AND OB MODIFICATION USE OF LOTTERIES TO REDUCE ABSENTEEISM: - Attractive prizes can be included in lottery. Absenteeism reduced to a large extent and workers displayed a sense of responsibility that led to increased productivity and higher job satisfaction. WORK PAY VR SICK PAY If sick leave can be converted in to payment of bonus up to a certain extent, the employees would choose to avail of financial benefits and would not absent themselves under the pretext of being sick. This will improve satisfaction level of employees and would not hamper productivity. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Train to adapt to new working atmosphere. MENTORING PROGRAMMERS: Mentors need display model behavior so that subordinates emulate them. Mentors should ensure to develop sense of responsibility amongst the subordinates who should be able to take higher jobs and work for the organization. They are expected to develop positive attitude towards subordinates. This can be achieved by full dedication on the part of both mentor and the trainee. DISCIPLINE: - In organization be it production intensive or service sector, managers should insist that all his subordinates strictly follow the timing of work, dress code, display courteous behaviour when interacting with others and accomplish their assigned task on time. Defaulters should be dwelt with strictly. Any lethargy in programme implementation will not bring behaviour modification. SELF-MANAGEMENT: Regulating various activities and achievement of personal as well as organizational goals would be easier in an environment of self managed organizations.