Name ____________________________________ Date __________ A Plastic Ocean Video questions 1. ______ Plastics were developed and sold to be disposable. What does this mean? a. They are lightweight b. They are toxic to the environment c. They are cheap so they can be thrown away after being used once 2. ______ What fraction of our plastic do we use only once and then throw away? a. 1/10 b. ½ c. 1/100 3. The state of Michigan does not border the ocean, yet plastic litter from Michigan can end up in the Atlantic. How does this happen? 4. ______ Large pieces of plastic, like old detergent bottles, are broken up into smaller pieces in the oceans. What causes large plastics to break into microplastics? a. Ultraviolet light b. Waves c. Salt d. All of the above 5. ______ Microplastics are “poison pills” because they: a. Absorb toxins from the ocean b. Provide no nutritional value c. Are made from hydrocarbons, which are toxic 6. ______ Phthalates are hormone disruptors that are commonly found in plastics. They interfere with: a. growth b. metabolism c. reproduction d. early development e. all of the above 7. ______ When a Chinese company’s shipping containers cracked open during a typhoon, bags of nurdles opened up and spilled all over the place. Environmentalists put out a call on Facebook for help. Who came to help? a. Sinopec, the company that owned the nurdles, helped clean up b. The people of Hong Kong came out to help clean up the beach c. Both of the above d. None of the above 8. ______ Seabirds often eat plastic. How does this affect them? a. Since they only eat tiny pieces of plastic, it hardly affects them at all b. They eat many pieces of plastic of all sizes, their stomachs get filled up and they die 9. ______ Turtles eat plastic bags because they mistake them for: a. Small fish b. Seabirds c. Jellyfish 10. ______ Bioremediation and phytoremediation are both methods used to: a. Break down plastics b. Save seabirds and turtles who ingest plastic c. Reduce the amount of toxins in soil 11. ______ To get rid of waste generated by thousands of sailors aboard each of its aircraft carriers, the US Navy is using a process called pyrogenesis. In this process, waste is subjected to extraordinary heat. How is pyrogenesis different from the process of setting garbage on fire in a landfill? a. The products of pyrogenesis are non toxic b. It isn’t any different c. Pyrogenesis can only be done out at sea 12. ______ How does the US government regulate BPA? a. It requires plastic manufacturers to label their products b. It forbids adding BPA to any plastics that will be near food or drink c. It doesn’t regulate BPA 13. ______ Why did the narrator go to different places trying to get food and drink without plastics? a. To model a way audience members can make a difference in their own communities b. To show how much plastic we use and dispose of in our daily lives c. Both of the above 14. Plastic bags are everywhere, and they are terrible for the environment. Hawaii and California have banned plastic bags. In 2015 there was an effort to ban the in Connecticut. This effort obviously failed. What do you think are some arguments against banning plastic bags?