How have the plastics industry responded to restrictive legislation about... plastic. There are many participants in the plastics industry and the...

How have the plastics industry responded to restrictive legislation about the use of
There are many participants in the plastics industry and the response has
predictably run the gamut of possible responses.
I would categorize their response in two “buckets”:
1. Defensive
2. Helpful
On the defensive side companies have:
1. Run ad campaigns touting the benefits of plastic v. paper and cardboard.
Some of the benefits are – lighter weight, ability to recycle, durability, water
2. Litigated against laws restricting plastics use (bag laws) and restrictions on
plastic making chemicals.
3. Attacked competing products (cardboard)
On the helpful side they have:
1. Helped institute recycling programs
2. Reduced the plastic used in products by better engineering
3. Offered alternative products that are BPA free.