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SUS1501 Tutorial Letter: Sustainability & Greed

Tutorial Letter 101/3/2019
Sustainability and Greed
Semesters 1 and 2
Department Applied Management
Please register on myUnisa, activate your myLife email address and
make sure that you have regular access to the myUnisa module
website, SUS1501-2019-S1/S2, as well as your group website.
Note: This is a fully online module and therefore it is only available on myUnisa.
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
Getting started … .......................................................................................................................... 3
PURPOSE OF SUS1501 .............................................................................................................. 4
LECTURER AND CONTACT DETAILS ....................................................................................... 4
Lecturer ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Teaching Assistants ...................................................................................................................... 4
Department ................................................................................................................................... 4
University ...................................................................................................................................... 4
RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................... 5
Joining myUnisa ........................................................................................................................... 5
myLife email account .................................................................................................................... 5
Library services and resources ..................................................................................................... 5
Student Support Services ............................................................................................................. 5
HOW TO STUDY ONLINE ............................................................................................................ 5
What does it mean to study fully online? ....................................................................................... 5
The two module sites .................................................................................................................... 6
myUnisa tools ............................................................................................................................... 6
ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 7
Assessment plan .......................................................................................................................... 7
Year mark and final examination/other options ............................................................................. 7
CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................. 8
Dear Student
Welcome to the module Sustainability and Greed.
Warning: This is a crazy module!
Our basic commitment in this module is the following:
If by the end of this module you have not:
wondered whether you are registered for the wrong degree;
wondered whether your lecturers have lost their marbles;
wondered whether you have lost your marbles;
had to go for a walk to clear your mind;
wondered what the point of all this stuff is; or
wondered what the point of everything is;
well then you need to check that you have a pulse!
This module is meant to confuse you. It's meant to force you to scratch your head. It’s meant to
force you to question things and to wonder. In short, it's meant to force you to THINK.
Intrigued? Well read on......
Getting started …
Part of the craziness is that this is a fully online module.
Because of this, you need to go online to see your study materials and to do all that you need to
do to pass the module.
Specifically you need to go to the website https://my.unisa.ac.za. If you have never logged on to
this before you will need to claim your Unisa login as we describe below under “Joining
myUnisa”. If you have already done this, you will need to login with your student number and
myUnisa is Unisa’s online campus and so once you have logged in you will see a list of all the
modules for which you are registered. These will appear in the bar of sites listed across the top
of your myUnisa web page. (You may need to press the “More Sites” button to see all of them.)
One of these will have a code which looks something like this:
SUS1501-18-S1-<some number>T (e.g. SUS1501-19-S1-100T)
(Note: for semester 2 this will have an “S2” instead of an “S1”)
This is your Sustainability and Greed group site. Once you have found your group site, you
need to go to the Home page and read this carefully. This will tell you what the next steps are.
WARNING: If you jump straight to the Assignments tool as many students seem to do, you will
be completely lost!
The purpose of this module is to remind economic and management sciences students (in other
words you) of your humanity and to present you with a primer for a lifetime of critical thinking.
These objectives are pursued by: a) introducing you to selected moral and political philosophy
theories; and b) providing you with opportunities in the form of case studies to apply these to the
contemporary social themes of sustainability and greed.
The primary lecturer for this module is Prof Neil Eccles:
Department: Department Applied Management
Telephone: 012 433 4685
Email: sus1501@unisa.ac.za
(Contacting us by email is much more reliable and has the added advantage of there being a
record of all correspondence.)
Teaching Assistants
In this module, you will be divided into groups of between 40 and 50 students and each group is
assigned a Teaching Assistant. It is the Teaching Assistant’s job to guide you in the module.
They will provide assistance and feedback on assignments, will facilitate discussions and will
ultimately mark your assignments.
You will only be able to contact the teaching assistants through the public discussion forums on
your group site.
You can contact the Department Applied Management as follows:
Telephone number: 012 433 4696
Email: groensf@unisa.ac.za
To contact the University, follow the instructions in the brochure Study @ Unisa. Remember to
have your student number available whenever you contact the University.
Whenever you contact a lecturer, please include your student number and your group number
to enable the lecturer to help you more effectively.
Joining myUnisa
To go to the myUnisa website directly, go to https://my.unisa.ac.za. Click on the Claim UNISA
Login on the top of the screen on the myUnisa website. You will then be prompted to give your
student number in order to claim your initial myUnisa details, as well as your myLife email login
For more information on myUnisa, consult the brochure Study @ Unisa, which you received
with your study material: www.unisa.ac.za/brochures/studies
myLife email account
It is very important that you activate your myLife email address and monitor this for emails. Over
the course of the semester important emails will be sent to you via this email address and it will
be assumed that you have read them.
Library services and resources
The Unisa Library offers a range of information services and resources. For detailed Library
information go to http://www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default/Library
The Library has created numerous Library guides available at http://libguides.unisa.ac.za
Recommended guides include:
Request and download recommended material:
Finding and using library resources and tools:
Frequently asked questions about the Library:
Services to students living with disabilities:
Student Support Services
The Study @ Unisa brochure is available on myUnisa: www.unisa.ac.za/brochures/studies
This brochure has all the tips and information you need to succeed at distance learning and,
specifically, at Unisa.
What does it mean to study fully online?
Ok – so this module is taught fully online. So what?
Well very simply this means that this is likely to be pretty different from your other modules at
Unisa in the following three ways:
All of your study materials and learning activities are online, on myUnisa. In other
words, there are no printed study materials from Unisa – no tutorial letters (except for this
one) and no study guide. There is also no prescribed text book.
All of your assignments must be submitted online. This means that you do all your
activities and submit all your assignment on myUnisa. In other words, you cannot post your
assignments through the South African Post Office or drop them in an assignments box on
a Unisa campus. Any assignments that are submitted as hard copies will simply be returned
to you unmarked.
Most of the communication between yourself and the university will also happen
online – via your myLife email, and in the Discussion forums. Your lecturers and Teaching
Assistants will communicate with you in the same way – through emails, with
Announcements and in the Discussion forums.
The two module sites
Technically you will have two module sites for the module Sustainability and Greed:
Your group site: This is the most important work space for this module. It is here that you
will find all of your study material. It is also here that you will interact with your fellow
students and your Teaching Assistant, and where you will submit all of your assignments.
Your group site code will look as follows: SUS1501-19-S1-<some number>T
The module site: The site code for this site will look as follows: SUS1501-19-S1.
Essentially you should never need to go to this site. You may however, from time to time get
general announcements sent to your myLife email address from your Primary Lecturer from
this site.
myUnisa tools
The first thing to do once you have accessed your group site will be to read the Welcome
message on the Home page carefully.
This will point you to the first myUnisa tool which you will need to familiarize yourselves with: the
“Learning Units” tool. In this tool, you will find all of the study material for the module. Included
in these learning units are detailed instructions on how to do everything that is expected of you.
Other than this, you will also make use of the following additional tools, particularly when it
comes to submitting assignments:
Self Assessments tool: This is where you will do your first assignment, the very important
Crossroads assignment. It is pretty self-explanatory. You go to the “Self Assessments” tool
and complete the multiple choice questions. Please don’t forget to actually submit the
assignment though.
Discussions tool: This tool is the place for online discussions, where you share your ideas
and insights with the other students in your group. Besides being a place where you can
generally engage with the rest of your group, you will submit seven assignments into
various discussion forums.
Assignments tool: Your final “portfolio” assignment will involve you typing a written
assignment. This typed assignment must be submitted using the online “Assignments” tool
on myUnisa.
We hope that by giving you extra ways to study the material and practise all of the activities, you
will succeed in the online module. To get the most out of the online module you MUST go online
regularly to complete the activities and assignments on time.
Assessment plan
There are a total of eight assignments in this module and a final “portfolio” assignment.
There is no examination.
The assignment due dates are as follows:
Semester 1
Semester 2
Due date
Due date
Assignment 01 – At a Crossroads
18 April
27 September
Assignment 02 – Rules is rules – Deontology
1 March
16 August
15 March
30 August
Assignment 04 – ME, ME, ME – Egoism
15 March
30 August
Assignment 05 – Fair’s Fair – Distributive justice
29 March
13 September
Assignment 06 – Greenies – Environmental Ethics
29 March
13 September
Assignment 07 – Sustainable Development?
18 April
27 September
Assignment 08 – Greed is good?
18 April
27 September
Final Portfolio
10 May
18 October
Assignment 03 –
Because this is an online module, the assignments are not provided in this tutorial letter.
Instead, the assignments are provided online as they become due. Instructions for doing them
are available in the Learning Units.
Year mark and final examination/other options
The assignment mark allocations are as follows:
% of year mark
Assignment 01 – At a Crossroads
Assignment 02 – Rules is rules – Deontology
Assignment 03 – It’s all about consequences - Consequentialism
Assignment 04 – ME, ME, ME – Egoism
Assignment 05 – Fair’s Fair – Distributive justice
Assignment 06 – Greenies – Environmental Ethics
Assignment 07 – Sustainable Development?
Assignment 08 – Greed is good?
Final Portfolio – Assignment 09
The 8 assignments count a total of 80% of your overall final mark.
The remainder of the final mark is made up by a “portfolio” assignment – Assignment 09.
To assist you in estimating your progress, there is a Mark Calculator in the Additional
Resources tool on myUnisa.
Assignment deadlines: Assignment deadlines are strictly adhered to. If your assignment is
late you will get zero (0) unless you have a very good excuse with supporting evidence.
Plagiarism: Please note that copying in any form will not be tolerated. This includes
but is not limited to copying from your fellow students, from the internet, or from the learning
units. Please read the Learning Unit on plagiarism carefully to ensure that you do not fall
foul of this rule. If we detect any copying whatsoever you will be given zero (0) for your
assignment immediately.
You must do your final portfolio even if you have accumulated enough marks in your
assignments to pass. If you do not, you will be marked as “Absent from exam” and you will
fail the module.
That’s all for this TUT101 I think. Do not hesitate to contact us by email if you are experiencing
problems with the content of this tutorial letter or with any academic aspect of the module.
We wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the learning material and trust that
you will complete the module successfully.
Enjoy the journey!
(Prof Eccles)
Institute for Corporate Citizenship