Model SOP Standard Operating Procedure Name of the facility / activity : Preparation of CuSO4 solution for Hb Estimation SOP no. Effective Date Pages Prepared by 1.3.1 27-11-2000 4 Version Review Period Date of Review Reviewed by VI 2 years 01-01-2015 LOCATION : Blood serology laboratory. SUBJECT : Pre donation haemoglobin testing of blood donor FUNCTION : Preparation of CuSo4 solution for Hb Estimation DISTRIBUTION: Lab Technician/Lab Assistant Master File 1. Authorised by Number of copies 10 SCOPE OF APPLICATION: The specific gravity of 1.053 is equivalent to 12.5 g/dl haemoglobin. CuSO4 solution of specific gravity 1.053 is used for pre donation haemoglobin test. 2. RESPONSIBLITY: The laboratory technician is responsible for preparation of CuSO4 solution for Hb Estimation for determining suitability of donor for blood donation. 3. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT: 1. Good quality anhydrous (CuSO4), (CuSO4, 5H2O) 2. Distilled or deionized water. 3. CuSO4 preparation record form. 4. Accurate chemical balance (accurate to at least 0.01 gms) 5. Glass containers, measuring flasks, beakers etc. 6. Preparation record. 4. PROCEDURE: Preparation of CuSO4 Solution for Haemoglobin Screening One litre of stock Prepared By Approved By 1. Label the preparation flask with identity and date of preparation e.g. Stock CuSO4 sol. Matching with Hb conc. of 12.5 gm% 2. Carefully weigh 159.63 gms of pure air dried crystals of CuSO4 5H2O 3. Tip the crystal into the preparation vessel and add 80% of the total volume of copper sulphate solution. 4. Cap the vessel and mix well to ensure that it has dissolved completely. 5. Add the remaining volume of distilled water to give the correct total volume of copper sulphate solution. 6. Recap the vessel and mix well. 7. Using a hydrometer check the specific gravity of solution. Reading should be within 1100. If it is not within this recheck the reading. If still not correct inform some senior member of staff. 8. If reading is correct proceed further, tightly cap the container and keep it in a moisture free place. 9. Thoroughly clean all the reusable glassware and equipment. Preparation and dispensing of working solution from stock solution: a. Choose a clean area for dispensing. Use dry and clean bottles. b. Do not interrupt the dispensing operation Materials and equipment required for manual dispensing: a. Graduate pipettes and pipette filters b. Clean. preferably autoclaved glass screw capped bottles c. Suitable self adhesive labels d. Stock CuSO4 and distilled water e. Preparation record Method: 1. Label the glass bottles appropriately. detailing identity of contents and expiry date 2. Dispense the required Vol. of copper sulphate and DW into each bottle 3. Mix well and cap the bottles tightly. Prepared By Approved By 4. Keep them at room temp. and ensure that all the bottles are labelled correctly and there is no leak. 5. Complete the preparation record, detailing the data dispensed and number or bottles prepared 6. Thoroughly clean all reusable glassware or equipment used. Quality control: Routine QC should be performed on each batch of CuSO4 solution prepared, before it is released for use. One bottle for each 20 bottles prepared upto a max. of 10 bottles should be set aside for QC check. QC Check: 1. Hold each bottle upto the light and check for cloudiness or the presence or precipitate. If it is not completely clean it must not be used. 2. Using a hydrometer recheck that the Sp gravity is within the required range. lf it is not so, repeat the reading, if it is still out of range do not use it and a senior member of staff should be informed. 3. 5. If batch passes the above checks, it can be released for use. DOCUMENTATION: Enter all details in the registers. 6. REFERENCES: i. Technical Manual, 11th ed., American Associating of Blood Banks, 1993. ii. Technical Manual, 15th ed., American Associating of Blood Banks, 2005. iii. Donor room policies and procedures ........... AABB publication. 7. END OF DOCUMENT Prepared By Approved By