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CGTN: Global Communication & International Affairs



School of Security Diplomacy and peace studies.

Department International Relations, conflict& peace studies

Masters of international Relations and diplomacy.

Course Cod ADI: 809

Course Title: Global communication, media and international affairs


Lecturer Name: Dr. Boniface Kitaka Muoka

Prepared by: Muthaura Peter Kirera.

ADM NO: S205/26661/2018

Question : Discuss the year of establishment, the location of head-office ownership, growth over the years, real or perceived regional or state leaning in coverage of international affairs china global television network.


China global television network traces its roots from CGTN, it’s an international media group which was launched on 31 st

December of 2016 by CGTN. As a multi-language media group, which operates in television as well as on online platforms (Lu Sun 2018). CGTN Spanish airs news in

28 states and regions including Venezuela, Chile Peru Colombia Spain and Mexico. The CGTN

French covering 87 countries and regions including French, the US, Rwanda, Singapore, Ghana and Morocco, CGTN Arabic broadcast in 22 Arab countries, CGTN Russian targets viewers in 46 countries including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan (CGTN, 2016)

Location of the head offices of CGTN

The headquarters of the china global television network is based in Beijing the capital city of china, with other three strategic locations based in united state of America Washington DC, which was launched on 6 th

February 2012, the Africa operations was launched on 11 th

October 2012 in Nairobi

Kenya, and the third office is under construction in London (Lu, 2018).

The ownership of CGTN

China Global Television Network is a state-owned media organization. The progressive rise of china’s economic strength and important global status, has pushed the Chinese government not only to recognize a multi-language medial house but an international one. This has become an essential undertaking alongside china’s “going out strategy” to enable it improve its world-wide reputation as well as promoting its national image using its media (Lu,2018).

CGTN Objective and mission

According to the China global television network website page, its mission as a media organization is to cover China and the world, to report news from global perspective and cope and offering distinctive alternative to the international information flow. Also, CGTN aims to differentiate itself from other media groups by providing a more balanced reporting. This platform focuses on nations, regions and those stories that are often underreported on global stage by other international media platforms (CGTN-About us 2016).

CGTN disseminate live news bulletin in the first half of each hour as well as the standard news constituent (the world today) which broadcasts 15 times a day, seven days a week. There are other specialist bulletins focusing on Asian and Chinese news. The program in the second half of each hour, constitutes sport bulletins, travel show popularly known as travelogue which takes the viewers to destinations across China and the world as well, a magazine covering the arts, science and sports.

CGTV also provides programs anchored on culture, history and modern society of both China and

Asia in general. For instance, in crossover, the hosts and guests of various background and experiences express issues throughout china (CGTN-About us 2016).

China Global Television Network Growth Over Years

CGTN has grown from one stage to the next for years its growth can be traced from the 1 st


1979 at the onset of China’s “reform and opening up” period. This is the time the mother media house CCTV (China Central Television) began to contemplate using English-language for international news programs. In 1986 English news bulletins kick of on CCTV-2. In February 1991

English news bulletins became availed to international viewers when they moved to CCTV-4.

Later on, 25 th

September of 2000 CCTV-9 commenced dissemination across China, becoming country’s first English television station (Chu LL, 1994).

In three years, period on 1 st

January 2003, CCTV-9 entered the united states cable market, as part of the deal that allowed AOL, Time Warner, and News Corporation access to cable systems in

Guangdong. This rapid growth enabled CCTV-9 to cover the biggest project, the 2008 Beijing

Olympics (Gou, Sang 2004).

On 13 th

December 2016 the former China Central Television brands were simultaneously relaunched as China Global Television Network in order to capture the international scope with worldwide overseas branches: CGTN America broadcast center based in Washington D.C, CGTN

Africa based in Nairobi, Kenya and a European branch under-construction in London. The CGTN has six TV channels which includes the English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian and a documentary available in over 170 countries of the world. It has also expanded its content delivery through digital platforms. CGTN can be accessed via CGTN.com, CGTN mobile applications,

You Tube, Facebook, twitter, Weibo and other social platforms with more than 150 million followers from all corners of the globe.

State/regional Leaning on coverage of international affairs by CGTN.

CGTN news coverage however said to be of international scope concentrates more on the Chinas issues and Asian matters in general compared to other regions of the world. Willing to improve the image of China in its own way in the going global. CGTV also provides programs anchored on culture, history and modern society of both China and Asia in general. For instance, in crossover, the hosts and guests of various background and experiences express issues throughout china (CGTN-About us 2016).


CGTN is relatively a new international media apparatus which desires to be the leading and worldfamous news media in global communication. The name China Global Television Network, openly depicts its intended mission, which is telling the story of china and perhaps the Asian as a region.in my conclusion I will point out that China Global Television network faces a challenge to exercise and enjoy the press freedom because censor mechanism still exists due to state-ownership.


Sun, L. (2018). Developments and New Approaches of Internationalizing China's Media: A Case

Study of China Global Television Network (CGTN) in Witness Perspective. Global Media

Journal , 16 (31), 1-5.

Chu, L. L. (1994). Continuity and change in China's media reform. Journal of

Communication , 44 (3), 4-21.

Sang, H. A., Lin, C. E., & Gou, Y. Z. (2004, May). A wireless Internet-based measurement architecture for air quality monitoring. In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Instrumentation and

Measurement Technology Conference (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37510) (Vol. 3, pp. 1901-1906).


CGTN-About us (2016). Retrieved from https://www.cgtn.com/about-us-26-5-2019

Guo, K., & Sang, C. (2004). Globalizing the Local: How China’s English TV Media Influence the World? Media Asia .
