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Podcast Notes Imperialism 2.0


Podcast #4 Imperialism 2.0

 Second wave imperialism in Modern History o After New World Colonization (Gold, God, Glory) o Silver, conversion, Haciendas, etc.

 Need by NICs: o Expansion of many European nations

 Ie. GBR o Massive amounts of raw materials o Markets

 US: expanded o Conquered Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Pacific Islands from Spain in 1898 war

 Spain: contracted o Lost colonies in Central/South America

 England: expanded o EIC taken over by crown o Raj in India o Opium smuggling to China

 Ottomans: contracted o Lost territory

 China-England Trade o Hong traders would force international tradesman to meet in Canton and pay tributes (in silver or trade) o England could not pay for the trade (they didn’t even have goods that the Chinese would accept) o Britain smuggled in opium produced in India

 This became profitable for British as Chinese became addicted to the drug

 British no longer had to pay in silver and they were making profits off the opium o Opium wars:

 Britain= “free trade”. Really was to sell opium

 China was no match to the industrial country o Treaty of Nanjing:

 Unfair

 Extra territoriality (Diplomatic immunity)

 5 ports had to be open to GBR

 Allow missionaries in o Taipeng Rebellion:

 Religious movement motivated by change in perspective of history

 Qing was weakening from rebellion (lent a hand to decentralization)

 Asked local warlords to crush rebellion

 30 million died o Self strengthening movement:

 Shipbuilding yard

 Industry

 Modernize military

 Foreign dept (International relations)

 Translate western texts (scientific/mathematic texts) o Spheres of Influence

 Regions that were controlled by other nations (ie. Those listed below)

 Japan

 Germany

 France

 GBR o 100 Days or Reform:

 Attempt to reform Chinese education (most western education) and streamline bureaucracy

 Manchu leaders and conservative Confucians wanted to crush rebellion so they executed those involved. o Boxers (trained in martial arts. Had religious)

 They wanted to stop the western influence on China

(particularly in North, near Russia)

 They were defeated by Russians in a battle

 They were also executed by local warlords o Decentralization of China

 Local warlords were splitting the empire

 Last civil service examination in 1905

 Final emperor deposed in 1911

 China’s future unsure (entered tumultuous future)

 Japan o Had to impose reforms

 China vs Japan:

 China began 1800s as it normally had (A lot of

Neoconfucianism). Secular government

 Japan was ethnically homogeneous

 Japan was even more secluded (Dutch port in Nagasaki) o Where they learned about Western ideas

 Japan was demanded unequal treaty by US o Demanded extraterritoriality o Ended this and with other nations in 1898

 Maji Restoration (Incredible reforms greater than RUS/CHN)

 Ended feudalism

 Political power centralized (give power back to emperor)

 Did not make major changes but subtle changes that seemed to fit into normal Japanese society (while

Western ideas were implemented)

 Parliament (German style. Emperor could appoint his ministers)

 Banned samurai class (But had them learn trade and business in US and Europe)

 Rapid industrialization o One of fastest most successful o Cartel families (very powerful). Came from

Samurai o Yashuda Family (Yashuda Maji owns many insurance companies today) o Mitsubishi

 Members of parliament were responsive to needs of wealthy o Because 5% of men voted (and were wealthiest men)

 Sino Japanese War o Japan vs. China for control of Korea

 Baltic Fleet (Russian) o Japanese sunk fleet in 5hrs

 Asian power had defeated a NIC European power
