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KPMG Virtual Assistant Case Study: Mortgage Industry

KPMG builds virtual assistant pilot to
augment contact center workload
Conversational AI can answer routine questions
to improve overall customer experience
U.S.-based mortgage
originator and underwriter
Financial services
Virtual assistant
proof of concept
The client
Benefits to client
Solution highlights
– Financial services organization that
works with mortgage lenders to buy
single- and multi-family mortgages
across the United States
– A virtual agent can augment human
contact center workers by answering
routine customer questions allowing
existing staff to focus on complex
questions and managing the
knowledge base.
– The KPMG team developed a virtual
assistant proof of concept to demonstrate
the capabilities of artificial intelligence
and a roadmap for training it over time.
– Promotes mortgage market liquidity
and makes funding more available to
borrowers by purchasing mortgagerelated securities
– A virtual agent can respond 24x7x365,
reducing the demand for staff.
– The virtual assistant proof of concept
is based on typical client profiles and
interaction flow for a conversational user
– When virtual agents respond to routine
questions, answers are consistent and
come from a broader knowledge base.
– The virtual assistant can operate on the
client’s Amazon Web Services cloud
– When implemented, the virtual assistant
can provide customer support to
locations across the United States.
Client challenge
– Loan seller/servicer expectations are increasing, and they want
faster information access.
– The company’s innovation lab asked KPMG to explore
automation options that could improve the process.
– Company leaders realized the contact center model wasn’t
delivering the level of service customers expected.
– The client hoped a conversational, artificial intelligence-powered
virtual agent could help call center workers answer questions
and guide their customers.
– As contact center agents deal with customers each day, they
constantly referenced complex, legal process documents,
such as seller servicer guides, a labor-intensive and repetitive
task that kept them from more strategic work.
© 2019 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
The solution
The KPMG team worked with the client to build a conversational virtual assistant proof of concept to demonstrate the capabilities
of artificial intelligence. The virtual assistant would provide the client’s customers an around-the-clock, self-serve option for answers
and a better overall experience at a lower cost for the client.
– To create the virtual assistant proof of concept, the KPMG team
defined use cases based on typical customer use, designed
software bot and client profiles, and developed design principles
and interaction flow for a conversational user experience.
– The KPMG and client team collaborated to select the cloud
platform, architect technology platform components, and
construct the virtual agent through a series of Agile development
sprints to operate on their Amazon Web Services cloud platform.
– The team also developed a roadmap outlining skills, process,
and governance considerations needed to train the virtual agent.
The insights
The KPMG team brought significant data analytics, technology, and industry experience to help the client determine a solution to a
complex business issue.
– The KPMG team used its technical and design know-how to
successfully create and implement a conversational virtual
agent the client can use companywide.
– KPMG’s extensive work with data governance and cloud
development experience for creating AI applications on Amazon
Web Services helped fulfill the client’s needs.
– The team applied data science knowledge for constructing
formative processes to maintain and train the AI system.
– For more information on KPMG conversational AI offerings,
visit https://advisory.kpmg.us/articles/2018/how-may-ai-assistyou.html.
If you are interested in learning more about this case study, or if you are
experiencing similar issues, please contact us.
Bob Parr
Tom Haslam
Arthur Franke
For more information about KPMG’s intelligent automation
capabilities, go to kpmg.com/us/intelligentautomation.
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© 2019 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG
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