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Biology 101 Test Review: Intro Unit

Name:____________________________________ Date: ________ Period: _________
Intro Unit: Biology 101 Test Review
1. Define and give an example of a hypothesis (see your “Science Skills Circuit Training” sheet for
2. Define and give an example of an independent variable
3. Define and give an example of a dependent variable.
4. Define and give an example of a control.
5. Define and give an example of a constant.
6. Define and give an example of bias.
7. For an experiment to be valid, how many independent variables should be present in an
8. True or false? Scientists repeat experiments and run multiple trials to get multiple sets of data.
9. Write an observation based on the information from the line graph below.
10. What is the volume of liquid in the graduated cylinder?
Name:____________________________________ Date: ________ Period: _________
11. What is a beaker used to measure?
12. What scientific tool is used to measure mass? What is the basic SI unit of mass?
13. What scientific tool is used to measure length? What is the basic SI unit of length?
14. Circle which of the above targets show precision but not accuracy.
15. What are the 7 characteristics that qualify an organism as living?
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g. _______________________
16. True or false? Water is a polar molecule because it has a slight difference in charge from one
side to the other.
17. What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion in water? Give an example of each.
18. Sketch and label a water molecule in the space below.