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Active Transport & Disease: High School Assignment

Active Transport in the Real World!!!
Choose one:
● What is cystic fibrosis, and how does active transport play a part in this disease?
● What is inherited deafness, and how does active transport play a part in this disease?
● What is Liddle’s Syndrome, and how does active transport play a part in this disease?
To Do1. Choose a topic and research it. Try to find out what the problem is with Transport!
2. Discuss it with your partner.
3. Write a ¾ - 1 page explanation, meeting ALL of the following criteria:
1. Written in your own words!!! No copying & pasting.
2. Make sure you explain what the transport problem is, in such a way that another
high school student not in this class would understand.
3. Proofread for punctuation, grammar and capitalization.
4. If you are not sure what to write, try answering the following questions, but make sure
your sentences can STAND ALONE, without the questions.
1. What type of molecule is supposed to be transported?
2. What is messing that up?
3. What symptoms does the person show?
4. How does the transport of that molecule relate to the symptoms the person has?
5. Which type of transport is this?
Remember, the MAIN POINT of the essay is how a problem with ACTIVE TRANSPORT
causes the disease.