Name _______________________________________________________ Period ____________________________ (Use the back for more room.)

Name _______________________________________________________ Period ____________________________
Intro test #3 Study sheet
(Use the back for more room.)
1. Draw a picture of the Earth with the three main layers labeled.
2. Which sphere are the following parts of? You can use the first letter of each sphere.
_____ Antarctica
_____ wetlands
_____ the air that a hawk breathes
_____ bird
_____ endangered species
_____ crust
_____ quartz
_____ lakes
_____ ice sheet
_____ wind
_____ ocean currents _____ snow
_____ rain
_____ trees
_____ you
_____ mountains
_____nitrogen and oxygen gas
3. Which branch(es) of Earth Science are each of these studied in? You can use the first initial of each branch. Some
will have two answers.
_____ sunspots
_____ weather
_____ atmosphere
_____ mountains on Mars
_____ minerals
_____ ocean currents _____ wind
_____ human interaction with biomes
_____ water pollution
_____ tornadoes
_____ earthquakes
_____ ozone layer
_____ motion of planets
_____ seasons
4. Give an example of two spheres interacting.
5. Define heat, thermal energy and temperature.
6. Which of these show chemical properties/changes or physical properties/changes? Use the first initial.
_____ size change
_____ shape change
_____ melting
_____ burning
_____ boiling
_____ phase change
_____ temperature change only _____ creating a new gas
_____ fizzing
_____ odor change
_____ mass change
7. Give an example of an endothermic and an exothermic reaction.
8. Draw a pie chart describing the % of land, saltwater and fresh water.
9. Define a polar molecule, cohesion, and adhesion.
10. Describe how polarity determines cohesion.
11. Give an example of adhesion. How is it different from cohesion?
12. Describe the difference between gaseous state, liquid state and solid state.
13. Draw a picture of a polar water molecule. Include the + and – charges.
14. Why do icebergs float?