Uploaded by Ariana Schwartz

Silk Painting Project Rubric: Assessment Criteria

Emerging (1)
Developing (2)
Proficient (3)
Advanced (4)
The project was completed with
minimum effort, the student did
not finish the work accurately.
The student finished the project,
but it could have been improved
with more effort, or chose an easy
project and did it indifferently.
The student worked hard and
completed the project, but with
a bit more effort it might have
been outstanding.
The project was continued until
it was complete as the student
could make it; gave it effort far
beyond basic requirements.
When faced with creative or
technical challenges, the student
chose the easy or obvious
solution; used minimal effort to
test ideas or solve problems
When faced with creative or
technical challenges, the student
preserved in problem solving;
used effort and practice to grow
and learn
When faced with creative or
technical challenges, the
student preserved in problem
solving; explored multiple
ideas/solutions using
experimentation, effort and
practice to grow and learn
Color is not complex (mixed/
Color is somewhat complex
Color is complex (mixed/
Color is highly complex
Demonstrates little or no
knowledge of color theory and
color relationships.
Choice and application of color
shows a minimal knowledge of
color relationships and color
Choice and application of color
shows basic knowledge of color
relationships and color theory.
Choice and application of color
shows an advanced knowledge
of color relationships.
Color choice contributes to the
depth, impact and artistic
statement of the final piece.
Color choice greatly enhances
the depth, impact and artistic
statement of the final piece.
When faced with creative or
technical challenges, the student
gave up easily; did not preserver
in problem solving
COLOR - What is the
evidence the student
understands color theory
and can apply it to a
finished work?
Color choice detracts from depth,
impact and artistic statement of
the final piece.
Color choice neither enhances nor
detracts from the depth, impact
and artistic statement of the final
The student showed poor
craftsmanship; evidence of
laziness or lack of understanding.
The student showed average
craftsmanship; adequate, but not
as good as it could have been, a
bit careless.
The student showed average
craftsmanship; with a little more
effort, the work could have been
outstanding; lacks the finishing
The student showed above
average craftsmanship; the
artwork was beautiful and
patiently done; it was as good
as hard work could make it.
The student did almost nothing
toward completing the
assignment, did minimum or no
amount of preparation or
cleanup, distracted others.
The student was apathetic toward
the assignment, complained,
assisted in preparation and
cleanup when asked.
The student participated
enthusiastically, performed more
than adequately, assisted in
preparation and cleanup .
The student willingly
participated in necessary
preparation or work for
classroom, was sensitive to the
feelings and knowledge of
others, exhibited a positive
attitude toward assignment.
The student describes her/his
The student uses everyday
vocabulary to describe the work of
art and the process of developing
and creating the work.
The student uses simple artspecific vocabulary and principles
to describe the work of art and
the process of developing and
creating the work.
The student skillfully uses
vocabulary associated with the
work's particular arts discipline
in reflecting on the process of
developing the work and in
evaluating the work.
REFLECTION - What is technique and method in a basic
the evidence that the
student understands how
to question, discuss and
judge his/her own work?