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Quagmire Theory: US in Vietnam War Analysis

The Quagmire Theory: United States in the Vietnam War
The quagmire theory analyzes the root of the United States involvement in the Vietnam War. It
advocates that American troops and leaders had involuntary and acidentally led the US into the
Vietnam War. Although, This was simply a war we couldn’t win. At the time so many events led
up to the answer, war. The United States founds itself in a “quagemire” because of the thought
held by America that communism was about to expand all over south-east Asia. The quagmire
theory advocates that American troops and leaders did not mean to lead the US into the
Vietnam War. The United States founds itself in a “quagemire” because of the thought held by
America that communism was about to expand all over south-east Asia. Of course, the US did
not like that so they wanted to do something about it. During the Cold War, phrases like,
American credibility and the Domino Theory, which is a belief that defeat in South Vietnam
would spread communism throughout Southeast Asia. Clouded judgment as Washington
weighed its options. When Johnson assumed the presidency Nov. 22, 1963, after the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the new president took in a Cold War foreign
policy forged during the three previous administrations. At the heart of that policy was
confronting communism.
Later, South Vietnamese defeats on the battlefield, political issues in Saigon and North
Vietnamese resolve in the face of an American bombing campaign. They had come together to
come up with a situation in which Washington faced the choice of war or disengagement. This
was simply a war we couldn’t win, but at the time so many events led up to the answer, war.
the quagmire metaphor represented the one-step-at-a-time process that the U.S. inadvertently
became entrapped in the military and diplomatic swamp of Vietnam. American leaders and
troops were nervous about the first option but unwilling to face the political consequences of the
second. They clung to the belief that if they committed more resources, the North Vietnamese
would ultimately “come to their senses” and back down rather than risk all-out war with world’s
strongest military power. This is what they thought soThe United States got caught in a
“quagemire” because America believed that communism was about to expand all over southeast Asia. The quagmire theory advocates that American troops and leaders did not mean to
lead the US into the Vietnam War. The United States founds itself in a “quagemire” because of
the thought held by America that communism was about to expand all over south-east Asia.
Later, South Vietnamese defeats on the battlefield, political issues in Saigon and North
Vietnamese resolve in the face of an American bombing campaign. American leaders and
troops were nervous about the first option but unwilling to face the political consequences of the
second. American simply got involved in this war and turned it in to an american war because of
our pity ideas.
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