KS2 Year Overview 2018/19 Autumn 1 Jack and The Beanstalk- story Autumn 2 Letters diary Year: 3 Spring 1 Explanation texts Teacher: Spring 2 Poetry – cat began Summer 1 Story – railway children Summer 2 Recounts Art and Design How do Hindus celebrate Diwali? Rangoli Art N/A Who was Antoni Gaudi? (European artist) Which animals are found in the Rainforests? N/A N/A Design and Technology N/A What makes a kite fly? (Lets go fly a kite) N/A N/A Why do we juggle balls? (Juggling balls) Geography N/A N/A Are rainforests important? (Rainforests) History Who were the Vikings and Anglo Saxons? (Vikings and Anglo Saxons) Where does light come from? (Light) What is extreme about our earth? (Extreme earth) N/A How can I design a mechanical system? (Mechanical posters) N/A Science What makes a rock a rock? (Rocks) Why do we have a Royal family? (Riotous Royalty) What is a plants life cycle? (Plants – caring cooks) N/A How are animals and humans the same, yet different? (Animals including What makes the UK special? (The UK) Why do we have railways? (The railways) N/A Who were the greatest scientists and inventors? (Scientists and Can you feel the force? (Forces and magnets) humans) PSHE inc. Citizenship Religious Education Is the Nativity the greatest story ever told? (Nativity) What is Hinduism? (Hinduism) Careers Computing Using cameras Drama All about me – presentations All about France; Greetings; Name Languages French Do you have a Growth mindset? NY resolutions Numbers 1-12; Age; Brothers/Sisters; Noel Why do we have Good Friday? (Good Friday) What is Sikhism? (Sikhism) Why are What makes a Environmentalists great scientist? important? Why do we have Palaeontologist and meteorologists? Keep Safe online script acting inventors) Characterisation – royal Where do you live?; Parishes Poetry performance Our house; Days of Week Presentation of designs Numbers 13-31; Months of the Year; Birthdays What is Islam? (Islam) School play Animals; Colours; Revision Music Physical Education Physical Literacy Physical Literacy Physical Literacy Physical Literacy Physical Literacy Physical Literacy