Let’s play a game! Look for the ff. words in the dictionary. Fashion (v.) Shudder (v.) Vocabulary Words: 1. swoop (n.) 2. fashioned (v.) 3. flinched (v.) 4. shuddered (v.) 5. trickling (v.) Vocabulary Words: 1. swoop (n.) -a sudden, swift attack 2. fashioned (v.) given a particular shape/form 3. flinched (v.) drew back or shrank, as from what is dan gerous, difficult, or unpleasant. 4. shuddered (v.) trembled with a sudden convulsive movement, as from horror,fear, or cold 5. trickling (v.) - flowing or falling by drops What is your greatest dream? -where you want to go -what you want to do -who/what you want to be when you grow up The Legend of the Three Trees What would you feel just in case that your dream did not come true? What is the dream of each of the three trees? Were the trees able to achieve their dreams through their own way? Explain your answer. Name of Tree and its Dream First Tree: _________________ Dream: _________________ Second Tree: _________________ Dream: _________________ 3rd Tree: _________________ Dream: _________________ What happened to it What it ended up as Did God help them to make their dreams come true? First Tree: olive Dream: treasure chest 2nd Tree: oak Dream: mighty king’s ship 3rd Tree: Pine tree Dream: tallest tree Feeding trough Manger, held the most precious treasure: Jesus Fishing boat Jesus rode on this boat and calmed the seas Useless log Cross where Jesus was crucified What does this story teach us? 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' Jeremiah 29:11 Write a ten-sentence reflection: -what have you learned from the movie? -what will you do to achieve your dreams? -how will God help you achieve your dreams?