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Nouman Zamurd - Industrial Engineer Resume

Nouman Zamurd
1st Jan 1995 | +92-302-5915440 | noumanzamurd@gmail.com | linkedin.com/in/nouman-zamurd-8a0980169/
Zaid Baig Road, Old nasheman colony, Westridge III, Rawalpindi
Research intern | Industrial & Manufacturing Engineer | Operations Management | Health and safety
Management |Total Quality Management |Supply Chain Management
I want to be the part of a professional and ambitious organization, where I can apply my engineering knowledge
and skills that would enable me as an engineer to learn and contribute to fulfilling the objectives of the
BACHELORS IN Industrial and Manufacturing Engineer
September 2015 – June 2019
• Status: Graduated
• CGPA: 3.87/4
• Total quality management (TQM), Operational Management, Health and Safety Management, Supply chain
management, product design and development (PDD), Computer Aided Design (CAD).
Final Year Project.
September 2018– May 2019
‘’ Development of SAM bank-based production planning system in stitching department through the creation of
Decision Support System (DSS) at feroze1888 textile mills ltd.’’
This project results in
Removal of sudden push and pull from the system.
Smooth production planning of stitching department.
Bargain with contractors on type of products.
Removal of blindness in the system
Semesters Projects
September 2015– May2019
 Maze runner
Obstacles avoiding and special maze runner robot by using Arduino as a class project
 Health and Safety
a) Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
b) First Aid
c) Accident Investigation
 3D modelling
Made a complete 3d model of 4 stroke engine by using pro-e-wildfire 5.0.
a) There were 35 parts to design
b) Assembly of those parts.
Internship/ NUST CIE.
• Verification of research papers on NRP.
• Affiliate the papers with their authors.
• Add the current working position and working institute of the authors.
• Verify the impact factor and year of publication.
• Reasons for Approving or rejecting the papers submitted to research staff.
June 2019 – Present
July 2018 – August 2018
Packages Limited Lahore.
Lean Manufacturing Project and inventory maintenance that includes.
a) Reduction of changeover between two jobs in Flexible printing department. Time was reduced by 20%
b) Check and balance between the number of parts in inventory and in maintenance workshop. Apply 5S in
Flexible packaging department hall 1 and in inventory.
Firm foundation in Engineering. Graduated with Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Degree from
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST). Acquire additional practical knowledge from different
projects related to 3D modelling, Health and Safety management, Work and Method Study and Product Design
and Development plus working with different societies help me how to deal with different situations. I am kind
of person who works really hard in right Direction to achieve the objectives
Gold Medal. Throughout my bachelors I stand 1st among my class and on the basis of my performance I’ll be
awarded with president gold medal in December 2019.
Community Involvement. Engaged in numerous non-profit initiatives. Part of a school in a slum area of
Karachi for providing free of cost education to the poor children and organized a blood donation drive at
university in collaboration with Indus Hospital.