3. Lymph and Immune Outline

Lymphatic and Immune System 11
I. Lymphatic Vessels
An elaborate network of drainage vessels that collect the excess protein-containing
interstitial fluid and return it to the bloodstream. Called lymph once it enters the lymphatic
A. Lymphatic Capillaries
Structure: simple sq. epithelium, cells overlay like roof shingles, creating
minivalves that prevent backflow of lymph
Function: hydrostatis pressure drives fluid into capillaries
Lacteals: special set of lymphatic capillaries that transport fat absorbed in the
small intestine to the blood
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B. Flow of Lymph
Collecting Vessels – like veins with thinner walls and more anastomoses
Lymphatic Trunks – formed
a) Paired lumbar
b) Paired bronchomediastinal
c) Paired subclavian
d) Paired jugular trunks
e) Single intestinal trunk
Lymphatic Ducts – empty lymph into venous circulation at junction of internal
jugular and subclavian veins
a) Right lymphatic duct – drains right upper arm and right side of head and
b) Thoracic duct arises as cisterna chyli, drains rest of body
Cisterna Chyli
Transport – lymph propelled by:
a) Milking action of skeletal muscle
b) Pressure changes in thorax during breathing
c) Valves that prevent backflow
d) Pulsations of nearby arteries
Lymphatic and Immune System 11
e) Contractions of smooth muscle in walls of lymphatics
C. Lymphoid Cells
T Cells – fight intracellular pathogens – longer training
B Cells – produce plasma cells which secrete antibodies (mark antigens for
destruction), fight extracellular pathogens
Macrophages – phagocytize foreign substances; help activate T cells, act as
APCs, mobile
Dendritic Cells – capture antigens and deliver to lymph nodes; activate T cells,
can act as APCs, not mobile
Reticular Cells – produce reticular fiber stroma that support other cells in
lymphoid organ
D. Lymphoid Tissue – largely reticular CT, surveillance vantage point for
lymphocytes and macrophages, home/proliferation site of lymphocytes
Diffuse – large collections found in MALT
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Follicles – germinal centers of proliferating B cells, isolated aggregations of
Peyer’s patches and in appendix
II. Primary Lymphatic Organs
A. Red Bone Marrow
Produces B & T lymphocytes, maturation site of B cells
B. Thymus
T cell training and maturation site – happens mostly early in life; does not
directly fight antigens; no follicles (lacks B cells)
Endocrine connection: the thymus is a huge player in the endocrine system,
and it secretes thymosin, which stimulates development of the T cells
III. Secondary Lymphatic Organs
– Where lymphocytes encounter antigens, become activated
A. Lymph Nodes
Location: segmentally located in inguinal, axillary, cervical, popliteal areas, in
connective tissues, in clusters along lymphatic vessels
a) Filter lymph
b) Immune system activation – lymphocytes activated and mount attack
against antigens
Lymph circulation: a) Enters convex side via afferent lymphatic vessels, travels
through subcapsular sinus and small sinuses to medullary sinuses, exits
concave side at hilum via efferent vessels
Endocrine connection: the filtering of lymph makes changes to the blood
volume and solute/solvent concentration, which is under endocrine control as
discussed in the cardiovascular section.
Lymphatic and Immune System 11
B. Spleen – largest lymphoid organ, site of lymphocyte proliferation and immune
surveillance/response; cleanses blood of old RBCs, platelets, and debris
White pulp – around central arteries, mostly lymphocytes on reticular fibers,
involved in immune functions
Red pulp - in venous sinuses and splenic cords, rich in RBCs and macrophages
for disposal of old RBCs and bloodborne pathogens
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C. MALT – Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
Tonsils – form ring of lymphatic tissue around pharynx, gather and remove
pathogens from air, trap bacteria/particulates, allow immune cells to build
memory for pathogens
a) Palatine tonsils – at posterior end of oral cavity
b) Lingual tonsil – at base of tongue
c) Pharyngeal tonsil – posterior wall of nasopharynx
d) Tubal tonsils – surrounds openings of auditory tubes in pharynx
Peyer’s Patches – destroy bacteria, preventing them from breaching intestinal
wall, generate memory lymphocytes, in wall of distal portion of small intestine
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Appendix – behave like Peyer’s patches, vestigial organ
10 Lymphatic and Immune System
I. Innate Immune System
Defense you are born with, protects from a wide variety of pathogens, nonspecific
A. First Line of Defense: Surface Barriers
Skin – physical barrier ,acid mantle (antimicrobial), dendritic cells in epidermis,
mast cells and phagocytes provide local immunity
Mucous Membranes – wet membrane lining cavities, traps debris, cilia beats it
back and moves it to the pharynx (goes to stomach and is destroyed by HCl);
mucin traps microorganisms in the digestive/respiratory pathway; defensins –
antimicrobial proteins for bacteria and fungi
B. Second Line of Defense: Innate Internal Cells & Chemicals
Phagocytes – engulf/digest foreign particles
a) Neutrophils – eat bacteria and die
b) Macrophages – primary phagocytes – wandering
c) Dendritic cells – resident phagocytes
Natural Killer Cells (NKC) – only non-specific lymphocyte, anti-cancer: find cells
doing unregulated DNA replication to induce apoptosis, can fight some viruses
Inflammatory response
a) Benefits – prevents injurious agents from spreading to adjacent tissues,
disposes of pathogens and dead tissue cells, and promotes tissue repair
b) Cardinal signs
(1) Heat – from increased blood flow and tissue activity
(2) Redness – from increased blood flow
(3) Swelling – from increased blood flow, increase in exudate (high ECF,
washes area, drains into lymphatic capillaries)
(4) Pain – Nociceptors compressed from swelling
c) Stages
(1) Inflammatory chemical release – local mast cells release histamine and
heparin (anticoagulant and increase tissue permeability, allows adequate
blood flow); damaged cells release chemotactic factors
(2) Vascular changes – increase size of intercellular clefts; capillaries become
leaky, CAMs exposed by endothelium, slow traveling WBCs
(3) Leukocyte mobilization – neutrophils first, then macrophages and
(a) Margination – WBCs roll along and stick to CAMs
(b) Diapedesis – WBCs squeeze through clefts
(c) Chemotaxis – WBCs follow chemotactic factors to side of damage, ECF
builds up (exudate) goes to lymph nodes if need be
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Antimicrobial Proteins
a) Interferons – proteins released by virus-infected cells and certain
lymphocytes; act as chemical messengers to protect uninfected cells from
viral takeover; mobilize immune system
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b) Activation of Complement – bloodborne proteins that upon activation, lyse
microorganisms, enhance phagocytosis by opsonization, and intensify
inflammatory/other immune responses
Fever – systemic response initiated by pyrogens, high temperature inhibits
microbes from multiplying and enhances body’s repair process
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II. Adaptive Immune System Overview
Trained defense with exposure to antigens; specific, has memory, and can vary in strength
Lymphatic and Immune System 11
A. MHC and Antigens
B. B and T Lymphocytes and Antigen-presenting cells
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C. Humoral Immunity
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D. Cellular Immunity
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10 Lymphatic and Immune System
III. Active vs. Passive Immunity
IV.Endocrine Connection
A. Chemical messengers of the immune system stimulate the release of cortisol
and ACTH; lymph provides a route for the transport of hormones
B. Lymphocytes programmed by thymic hormones seed the lymph nodes;
glucocorticoids depress the immune response to inflammation
C. Lymphatic vessels pick up leaked fluids and proteins; lymph helps distribute