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67 Art Lessons & Projects for All Grades

67 Art Lessons and Projects for all Grades
April 17, 2019
67 Art Lessons and Projects for all Grades
Here are 67 art projects and lessons for younger and older art students, covering many art genres and
subject areas. 45 of these, from Elementary Visual Arts, are available as separate downloads in the
folder linked above, and this document nicely details out 22 art lessons and activities (also in a smaller
file size).
3D Kinetic Sculpture, Alex Calder
Architecture, Art Nouveau, Natural Forms
Art Brut and Symbolic Figures, Jean Dubuffet
Color Field Paintings, Helen Frankenthaler
Colorful Words and Telling Images, Visual Storytelling
Comic Book Style Self-Portraits, Roy Lichtenstein
Day of the Dead, Exploration of Warm and Cool Colors
Degas Dancers, Pattern and Unity, Movement in Art
Elements of Art, Charley Harper
Elements of Art, Cy Twombly
Elements of Art, Tree of Life
Expressionism, Cubism, Marc Chagall
Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Paul Klee
Figurative Narratives and Collage, Trenton Hancock
Figure Drawing, Shape, Form and
Georgia OKeeffe, A Closer Look
Giant Kites of Guatemala, Cutural Holiday
Introduction to Typography
Landscape and Perspective, Maynard Dixon
Landscape Materials
Landscapes and Language Arts, Dr Seuss
Language Arts, Visual Storytelling, Dr Seuss
Memorials and Public Art, Maya Lin
Mosaics, Art and the Environment
Native American Culture
Paper Quilts, Black History Month
Picasso and Cubism, Self Portraits
Plein Air Painting, Creating in Natural Settings
Pop Art, Value, Shading, Hearts
Popular Culture 3D Art, Jeff Koons
Principals of Art, Line, Shape, Color, Texture
Printmaking, Native American Heritage
Scratchboard Landscapes
Self Portraits, Amedeo Modigliani
Self-Portaits Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism
Self-Portraits, Frida Kahlo
Sketches and Inventions, Leonardo da Vinci
Spiral Jetty, Bird Habitat, Environmental Art
Stained Glass Windows, Light Screens
Statue of Liberty, Peter Max
Street Art
Symbolism, Modern Art, Collage, American Flag, Personal Flag
Symbolism, Neo-Pop Artwork
The Arches, Horizon Line, Foreground, Background
Valentine Op Art Heart
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
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