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Music, Art, PE, Health Exam

Direction: Each item requires you to answer a question or solve a problem.
Select your answer from the four choices lettered A, B, C and D. Blacken the
circle corresponding to your answer on your Answer Sheet.
1. His technique in composition is the use of semi-tone scale.
A. Cage
B. Debussy
C. Glass
D. Scheonberg
2. It is the mark of the beginning of the Contemporary Period.
A. Chance Music
C. Impressionism
B. Expressionism
D. Jazz
3. Because there is little sense of goal-directed motion, music does not
seem to move from one place to another.
A. Cage
B. Debussy
C. Glass
D. Scheonberg
4. It is a type of a Jazz that tends toward calm and smoothness.
A. Bebop
B. Cool
C. Ragtime D. Swing
5. It is also known as Aleatory Music.
A. Chance Music
C. Impressionism
B. Expressionism
D. Jazz
6. It tends to make more use of dissonance and more uncommon scales
such as the whole tone scale.
A. Chance Music
C. Impressionism
B. Expressionism
D. Jazz
7. It is a modern contemporary piano piece in Impressionism.
A. Claire De Lune
C. La Mer
B. Für Elise
D. Sunrise
8. It is an experimental or downtown music originated in the US.
A. Chance Music
B. Expressionism C. Jazz
D. Minimalism
9. Following are characteristics of Minimalism except.
A. Minimal Time
C. Slow Transformation
B. Reiteration of Motifs
D. Steady Pulse
10. He is known as one of the 20th century composers with the widest array
of sounds in his works.
A. Cage
B. Debussy
C. Glass
D. Scheonberg
11. Alea in the word Aleatory means __________.
A. Cube
B. Dice
C. Improvise
D. Play
12. It is the first type of a jazz.
A. Bebop
B. Cool
D. Swing
C. Ragtime
13. He was the primary exponent of the impressionist movement and the
focal point for other impressionist composers.
A. Cage
B. Debussy
C. Glass
D. Scheonberg
14. It is equal to a twelfth of an octave or a half tone. It is a half step stone.
A. Chromatic Scale
C. Semi Tone Scale
B. Dissonant
D. Whole Tone Scale
15. The most distinct instrument being used in Jazz Music.
A. Piano
C. Trumpet
B. Saxophone
D. Violin
16. It is made of simple geometric shapes with interlocking planes.
A. Cubism
C. Impressionism
B. Expressionism
D. Surrealism
17. This movement features irrational juxtaposition of images.
A. Cubism
C. Impressionism
B. Expressionism
D. Surrealism
18. Sunrise is a popular Painting made by __________.
A. Manet
B. Monet
C. Munch
D. Picasso
19. It is the icon of modern art, a Mona Lisa for our time.
A. Sunrise
C. Three Musicians
B. The Scream
D. Whistler’s Mother
20. The most consistent artist in creating Impressionism.
A. Manet
B. Monet
C. Munch
D. Picasso
21. It is developed out of the Dada activities during World War I.
A. Cubism
C. Impressionism
B. Expressionism
D. Surrealism
22. He is the father of cubism painting.
A. Manet
B. Monet
C. Munch
D. Picasso
23. It is characterized by relatively small, thin yet visible brush strokes
A. Cubism
C. Impressionism
B. Expressionism
D. Surrealism
24. He was an American artist, director and producer who was a leading
figure in Pop Art.
A. Manet
B. Monet
C. Munch
D. Warhol
25. It emerged in the UK and US during the mid-to-late 1950’s.
A. Cubism
C. Pop Art
B. Installation Art
D. Surrealism
26. It is exaggerated and distortion of real objects.
A. Cubism
C. Pop Art
B. Expressionism
D. Surrealism
27. The following are features of Surrealism Painting except.
A. Element of surprise
C. It is non-sequitur
B. It is distorted
D. unexpected juxtapositions
28. He is the painter of The Scream.
A. Manet
B. Monet
C. Munch
29. A movement that led by Pablo Picasso.
A. Cubism
C. Impressionism
B. Expressionism
D. Surrealism
30. It is most often through the use of irony.
A. Cubism
C. Pop Art
B. Installation Art
D. Surrealism
D. Warhol
31. Which among the practices are considered unhealthy?
A. Eating fruits daily
B. Consuming sweets uncontrollably
C. Eating meat products moderately
D. Minimizing intake of deep friend food
32. FNRI stands for ____________________.
A. Food and Nutrition Research Institute
B. Food and Nutrition Research Institution
C. Federated Nutrition Research Institute
D. Federated Nutrition Research Institution
33. In the food pyramid, we need to drink ______ of water.
A. 5-7 glasses
C. 6-8 glasses
B. 6-7 glasses
D. 8-10 glasses
34. The capacity of an individual to accomplish daily task with alertness and
A. Agility
C. Physical Fitness
B. Coordination
D. Reaction Time
35. The ability of the muscles to produce or a person’s ability to exert
maximum force.
A. Agility
C. Muscular Strength
B. Flexibility
D. Speed
36. The ability of the muscles to move joints with ease through the normal
range of motion.
A. Agility
C. Muscular Strength
B. Flexibility
D. Speed
37. The amount of time it takes to make a physical response once you see
the need to take an action.
A. Agility
C. Muscular Strength
B. Flexibility
D. Reaction Time
38. The linking of the senses such as sight and hearing through the brain to
the different parts of the body to produce smooth, quick and efficiently
controlled movement.
A. Agility
C. Muscular Strength
B. Flexibility
D. Reaction Time
39. The purpose of this exercise is to prepare the body for a more strenuous
A. Bending
C. Stretching
B. Cool-Down
D. Warm-Up
40. What is your BMI If your height is 1.72m & your weight is 75kg.
A. 25.35
C. 26.26
B. 26.00
D. 35.25
41. Which of the following is Cardiovascular Endurance.
A. Hand-Eye Test
C. Partial Curl Ups
B. 3-Minute Step Test
D. 40 Meter Sprint
42. Which of the following is not a Physical Benefit of active participation in
sports and recreational activities.
A. Improvement of skills specific to a particular activity
B. Improve quality of life
C. Revitalization
D. Relaxation and Rest
43. Activities done during one’s leisure time both for relaxation and
A. Eating
C. Physical Activity
B. Fitness Test
D. Recreation Activities
44. Activities that require large body movements such as running, throwing,
or jumping or those that are sports-specific.
A. Active Recreational Activities
C. Physical Fitness
B. Moderate Physical Activity
D. Warm-Up
45. Which of following are not benefit of active participation in sports and
recreational activities.
A. Road map to good health
B. Improve quality of life
C. Sense of achievement
D. Stress and body pains
46. Refers to the state of well-being of a person who uses information,
products and services that will have a direct effect on his/her health.
A. Consumer Laws
C. Health Consumers
B. Consumer Health
D. Quackery
47. An individual that has little or no professional qualifications to practice
A. Albularyo
C. Midwife
B. Hilot
D. Quack
48. Which institution has the foremost responsibility of protecting consumers
and upholding their rights?
A. Church
C. Family
B. Community
D. Government
49. What are health information, procedures and work that satisfy one’s
needs and wants as a consumer?
A. Advertisements
C. Health Products
B. Consumer Education
D. Health Services
50. It involves promotion of food fads and other nutritional practices that
claim to be all-natural.
A. Device Quackery
C. Medical Quackery
B. Health Quackery
D. Nutrition Quackery
51. Why do producers make use of advertisements?
A. to convince consumers to patronize their products
B. for business competition
C. for consumer satisfaction
D. to guide consumers
52. How do you make the right decisions in buying a health product?
A. read advertisements of various products
B. know the content and effects of the products
C. look for a well-known manufacturer
D. buy products endorsed by well-known people
53. Why do people avail for the services of medical quacks?
A. availability of their services
B. high cost of medical services
C. quacks offer quality service
D. people trust them
54. How does the government help consumers?
A. by protecting their rights
B. by providing various consumer products
C. by endorsing good quality products
D. by providing good sample products
55. It is use for non-insulin dependent diabetic patients.
A. Ampalaya
C. Malunggay
B. Bayabas
D. Saluyot
56. It is use for antiseptic to disinfect wounds, for mouthwash or tooth decay
and gum infection.
A. Ampalaya
C. Malunggay
B. Bayabas
D. Saluyot
57. The form of energy medicine where long thin needles are inserted to
specific parts of the body.
A. Acupressure
B. Acupuncture
C. Reflexology
D. Ventosa Cupping Massage Therapy
58. Focuses on treating specific disorders through massaging of the soles of
the feet.
A. Acupressure
B. Acupuncture
C. Reflexology
D. Ventosa Cupping Massage Therapy
59. Specializes in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth.
A. Obstetrician Gynecologist
C. Perinatologist
B. Pediatrician
D. Urologist
60. Specializes in diseases of the kidneys.
A. Nephrologists
C. Perinatologist
D. Urologist