International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 2267–2276, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_236
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=4
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
© IAEME Publication
Scopus Indexed
Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy
Professor, KSOM, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Dr. B.C.M. Patnaik
Associate Professor, KSOM, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Devesh Rath
Research Scholar, KSOM, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
A deep detailed study enumerates on different aspects of entrepreneurial traits
based on challenges like role conflict and motivational factors among womenpreneurs
/ women entrepreneurs in civil, construction and real estate sector spread across the
globe different countries. This articles enlightens the different dependency and
independency factors like mental and physical stress, agony, financial inclusion,
societal hindrances, gender bias etc as negative traits of role conflict along with
highlights the positive aspects of motivation, entrepreneurial skill sets, training,
support etc incorporated which compels women of today’s generation to pursue
entrepreneurship as career alternative rather than getting into jobs. The numerous
elements which urges ladies to enter in this field of entrepreneurship uniquely to gain
cash, monetary help to family, freedom and so forth yet at the same time there are
numerous obstacles before them like continuing in market, capital, gender biasness,
and role conflict, work life balance. Moreover, womenpreneurs is also player in
multiple roles like existing scenario of venture, personal life, professional life, family
life, child parenting life. This leads to psychological stress and different health
hazards. However, the different motivating factors of independent life style, own
identity, extra financial benefit, ecosystem creation, self motivation leads her to
pursue womenpreneurship. Moreover, it also describes the less efficiency of
womenpreneurs in the civil, construction, real estate and architecture sectors thereby
building a societal ideology of the sectors to be a male dominated sector. So,
alternative solutions should be formulated so as to encourage and enhance
womenpreneurs in the field of civil, construction, real estate and architecture sectors
thereby narrowing the gap with respect to male entrepreneurs.
Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy, Dr. B.C.M. Patnaik, Devesh Rath
Key words: Womenpreneur, Women Entrepreneurs, Role Conflict, Work Life
Balance, Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Financial Inclusion, Stress, Business
Visionaries, Performance, Entrepreneurial Skills Gender Bias, Training, Psychological
Factors, Civil, Construction, Real Estate, Architecture.
Cite this Article: Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy, Dr. B.C.M. Patnaik, Devesh Rath, Challenges
and Motivational Factors among Womenpreneurs in Construction and Architecture
Sectors – An Empirical Study, International Journal of Civil Engineering and
Technology 10(4), 2019, pp. 2267–2276.
Is Entrepreneurship a choice or a compulsion? This query has raised serious attention among
entrepreneurship researchers. In the previous two decades, female business people have pulled
in a lot of consideration because of the tremendous effect they have on the economy of each
nation, particularly in their capacity to make employments for themselves as well as other
people, mitigate neediness, and being major drivers of financial development and
improvement (Mari, Poggesi and De Vita, 2016; Kimanzi, 2016). Likewise, the 2015 Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM, 2015) on womenpreneurs set up that ladies business
visionaries had limited the gender gap (proportion of female to men taking an interest in
enterprise) by 6% since 2012 and Total Early-Stage Entrepreneurship Activity (TEA) rates
had expanded by 7%. These insights delineate that there has been an expansion in the quantity
of female wandering into business enterprise.
Worldwide around one-third of the total entrepreneurs population square measure Women
Entrepreneurs. An associate businessperson may be a one who organizes associated manages
an enterprise, particularly a business, typically with wide initiative and risk. The quantity of
freelance ladies has steady augmented over the past 3 decades. Entrepreneurship as a
profession helps people to strengthen the positive impact by dedicating psychological, social
control and money independence to entrepreneurs. The results enumerates that through
continuous growth and upsurge in understanding the role that psychological method of
humans’ plays in action of a goal/ deciding are often solved . Within the context of
entrepreneurial behavior, intention of people helps to demonstrate the longer term projections
of human behavior which might predict the attainable course of action. Entrepreneurship as a
technique to push enterprise may well be prosperous given that an equivalent is punctually
imparted and carefully iatrogenic or instigated. Role conflict and motivation are like the two
sides of a coin in the daily life of womenpreneurs / women entrepreneurs. Role conflict
happens once there square measure incompatible demands placed upon someone specified
compliance with each would be tough. Persons expertise role conflict after they notice
themselves force in numerous directions as they struggle to reply to the numerous statuses
they hold. Interpersonal relations can cause conflict because they are by definition "having an
association between two or more people that may range from fleeting to enduring, which can
cause that conflict." “Motivation as defined by Fred Luthans, is a process that starts with a
physiological or psychological deficiency or need that activates behavior or a drive that is
aimed at a goal or incentive.” The definition of motivation by Stephen P. Robbins (2010) is
“the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the
effort and ability to satisfy some individual need.” “Motivation is the result of processes,
internal or external to the individual that arouses enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a
certain course of action as defined by Gray and Starke.” Inferred from the definitions,
currently motivation is also outlined as one’s disposition to exert high level of efforts towards
the accomplishment of goal or fulfillment of would like. This article highlights the different
Challenges and Motivational Factors among Womenpreneurs in Construction and Architecture
Sectors – An Empirical Study
aspects of Role Conflict and Motivational factors in Womenpreneurs / Women Entrepreneurs
which intends towards an imbalance work life balance between professional and personal life
owing to prospects and the future challenges. The paper is sorted out as pursues: a refreshed
writing audit is first introduced; the technique of the exact investigation and the outcomes are
then represented; at long last, the ramifications of the discoveries just as the restrictions of the
examination are talked about and headings for further research are recommended.
To examine the challenges and motivating factors among civil, construction, real estate,
architect womenpreneurs.
To examine the factors impacting role conflict and work life balance in womenpreneurs.
To examine the performance and motivational factors in womenpreneurs.
The study is predicated on the secondary information. During this regard numerous libraries
visited and a few on-line journals were conjointly reviewed during this direction.
3.1. Literature Related to Challenges and Motivating Factors in Civil,
Construction, Real Estate, Architect Womenpreneurs
Ignasi Brunet Icart and Alejandro Pizzi et al (2013) in their study on Spain has inferred
about the gender differences based on social imagination owing to natural and biological
conditions. Moreover, they have also emphasized on the multiple role sand role conflicts
among women which reduces their chances to enter into construction and real estate sectors as
women entrepreneurs and in return this sector dominates as a male oriented sector. The four
intangible resources of a women entrepreneur in any field like construction, real estate,
chemical etc which leads to business success among them were studied by Crystal X. Jiang,
Monica A. Zimmerman, Grace Chun Guo et al (2012). The parameters are human, social
competence, reputational factor. Souha R. Ezzedeen and Jelena Zikic (2012) concentrates
found female business folks / women entrepreneurs tough multi-layered tested, starting from a
couple of sources in their Entrepreneurial girls in high innovation condition, and coming back
from verifiable personal identity affiliations that compare enterprise and innovation with men
and manfulness. At the hierarchal dimension, females’ tough restriction from male
subordinates and also faces hindrances with male and feminine colleagues. At the business
level, girls were tested by differentials in male-female execution measures, an absence of
feminine smart examples, and solid challenge with male-possessed organizations. They to
boot tough obstruction with relevancy totally different trade partners as well as customers,
money lenders, and companions. The social dimension is battled by them with weights to
regulate to their personal identity character and to commit themselves to either work or
family. The same issues are encountered in the real estate, construction and civil engineering
field by Canadian women entrepreneurs. Prof. Dr. S.W.J. Lamberts (2005) investigation is
non randomized empirical study which utilizes a few example in Dutch real estate association.
The investigation does anyway point at the presence of gender contrasts, specifically
concerning the inspiration for startup, experience, the utilization of a guide, way to enterprise,
development introduction and initiative. An intriguing finding between male and female
depicts male business people every now and again were associated with the overtaking of the
land business they recently worked for, feminine business visionaries were guaranteed to go
in business. It seems that male enterprise within the land business is opportunity-driven, as
they do not become severally utilized at their terribly own drive, whereas feminine commerce
Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy, Dr. B.C.M. Patnaik, Devesh Rath
is a lot of want driven as girls don't seem to be offered the prospect to assume management
over a group up business and go in business. The expansion system of male land operators
may likewise be (incompletely) clarified by the bigger normal size of their organizations.
While female business visionaries appear to concentrate more on coherence than on
development, male business visionaries appear to be progressively proactive concerning
development, concentrating on (future) chances of development. The motivation behind the
exploratory examination by Leslie Patricia Roberts (1998) was to research the affiliation
between six mentalities toward enterprise: 1) accomplishment in business, 2) seen individual
control of business results, 3) confidence in business, 4) inclination for development in
business, 5) inclination for business development in work and 6) inclination for business
development in income; and four sorts of pioneering conduct I) full-time locally established
business enterprise, ii) low maintenance locally situated business, iii) non-locally situated
(business) business enterprise, and iv) non-business (clerical, non-the board work). Golshan
Javadian and Robert P. Singh (2012) analyzed the impact of sexual orientations
generalizations, social conventions, self-efficacy and hazard taking area unit among the
usually looked into subjects in ladies' business / girls entrepreneurs. It gives the idea that
negative generalizations and social obstructions negatively affect effective Iranian business
people. In any case, individual inward factors, with hazard adverseness and low self-efficacy
being ordinarily viewed as hindrances for ladies in the Western world which may not be
obstructions for Iranian ladies regarding enterprise. Iranian ladies' abnormal state of selfefficacy and their hazard taking capacities makes it conceivable components for progress for
the business people. In addition the social and the customary limits are the negative
generalizations are the primary boundaries these ladies need to survive. However, it’s
conjointly inferred that because of the on top of factors the participation of ladies
entrepreneurs in engineering science sector is restricted and limiting it majorly as male
dominated sectors. A Romanian societal study on entrepreneurship mentality, female
entrepreneurs' personal characteristics /competences and motivation was done by Violeta
Sima, Ileana Georgiana Gheorghe, Augustin Mitu et al (2017). The main challenges in
LIMO implementation in Romania with regards to female mentality and work based on
Romanian labour market, female employment, management and women entrepreneurs was
observed. In all sectors like construction, civil, real estate, manufacturing, tourism, service etc
the efficiency of decision making of women in comparison to male is low. The women
entrepreneurs are found to be hard working, open mentality to challenges, team work, better
environmental conditions, good negotiators etc. The principle difficulties of the task were
found to be drawing ladies of all age groups, fortifying women business acumen, tech savvy
with well versed in social media, reinforcing their self assurance. Federico Pablo, Antonio
Garcia and Jose Luis Crespo et al (2014) attempted to comprehend issues on ladies'
practices in innovative movement, business acumen, recognizing the distinctions in contrast
with men. The primary points broke down show comparative findings in connection to
attributes and inspirations, initiative style, key decision, deterrents and results. Innovative
ladies studies results an assortment of segments reflecting the economy's normal; and
customarily female oriented business like selected services and informal sectors rather listing
out a least possibility of existence in core sectors like civil, construction, real estate,
manufacturing etc. Male and female purposes behind progress and survival are observed to be
significantly the equivalent, however close to home qualities and inspirations were observed
to appear as something else. Among the distinctions discovered, it merits featuring the
measure of time given by enterprising ladies to family tasks, the higher extent of ladies in the
staff they utilize, and their pledge to item and administration advancement. It moreover
recommends new methodologies in approaches went for advancing the section of ladies in
pioneering move promise to advancement in merchandise and enterprises. Joseph Farhat &
Challenges and Motivational Factors among Womenpreneurs in Construction and Architecture
Sectors – An Empirical Study
Naranchimeg Mijid et al (2018) studies enumerates an unmistakable probability that the
execution estimates utilized in these examinations have neglected to control for the dimension
of heterogeneity that might be inalienable in the organizations which depends on past research
proposing the less achievement rate of female-claimed firms in contrast with male possessed
firms. Likewise, it's determined that female-had firms have a comparative rate of survival as
their men-asserted accomplices and that the advancement rate appeared ladies-guaranteed
associations with respect to components, for instance, total assets, work, advantage, and
arrangements, is the thing that could be contrasted with men-possessed firms. There is
nonattendance of any gender gaps as far as business execution. Moreover, the outcomes
showed that, while the organizations that are begun by ladies begin littler and remain littler,
they don't fall behind those begun by guys as far as business execution. Be that as it may, it
spreads a message for giving better chances, inspiration, and self-assurance among ladies to
assemble a superior endeavor in contrast with their male partners. In addition study also
shows less women entrepreneurs’ involvement in civil, construction, real estate sector of
business. Valerie Caven and Ani Raiden (2010) studies relates to research the degree extent
of job life balance activities work in the design calling along with requirements addressable of
utilization. The information uncovers critical worries over keeping up a tasteful work-life
balance inside the calling. Most workers inviting work-life balance was seen inside nearby
expert utilized modelers however this included some significant pitfalls of a less innovative
and littler occupations. The examination depends on a two-crease investigation: (i) if the
current discussions on job life balance induces to a great extent overlooked the business
setting this is a critical variable in building up and keeping up work-life balance inside [some]
proficient occupations, for example, design (ii) based on an industrial cultural seismic move
required to be a timely addressable to issues related to the board, and in context to the
business work profile it’s hard to accomplish the set goals.
3.2. Literature Related To Role Conflict and Work Life Balance in
Sara Poggesi & Michela Mari & Luisa De Vita et al (2017) studied that in light of the bidimensional conceptualization of work-family conflict (WFC), recognizing work family
impedance and family obstruction with work, examination checks an all-encompassing model
of the WFC which considers either within region impacts or the cross-space effects of work
and family stressors on work family impedance and family obstruction with work experienced
by womenpreneurs. In addition, throughout late years (20 years), academic thought towards
work-family struggle (WFS) issues has been continually getting to be because of the money
related changes occurring in the open eye. Neneh Brownhilder Ngek et al (2018) describes
the outcomes affirmed the negative effect of family-work conflict (FWC) on the execution of
ladies possessed organizations. A quantitative research method with a descriptive research
design by Olawale Fatoki et al (2017) demonstrated that migrant business visionaries have
an abnormal state of WLC. Ladies business visionaries have a more elevated amount of WLC
contrasted with male business visionaries. Moreover, migrant business people should set
objectives that consolidate both work and life exercises to diminish WLC. The booking of
work and life exercises by business visionaries is imperative and it should set practical desires
for what can be accomplished in multi day particularly at work. Thus, this will empower
business visionaries not to make irrational requests on themselves rather appoint the work to
representatives with the basic goal that business people can possess the energy for different
exercises. In spite of the fact that there is a solid assortment of existing exploration on ladies'
vocation life advancement and on ladies' business enterprise/ women entrepreneurs, there is
an absence of comprehension of the particular encounters of mother business people/ mother
Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy, Dr. B.C.M. Patnaik, Devesh Rath
entrepreneurs as described by Rebecca E. Hudson Breen, Susan L. Tasker, Bryan Hiebert
et al (2017). The center classification "Continuing onward" delineates a recursive fuelled
seven essential influential parameters as an essential social procedure namely feeling upheld,
settling on decisions, adjusting innovatively, recalling the push, recollecting the draw,
imagining the future, and living my qualities. The way toward propping up is a versatile and
recursive procedure of settling on decisions and adjusting imaginatively, which is bolstered
and continued through inclination upheld and having a feeling of living one's qualities. Emma
Hagqvist, Susanna Toivanen, Claudia Bernhard-Oettel (2018) expounds on the
association with work meddling with personal life and personal life meddling with work
among autonomously utilized individuals across over European countries. Sexual orientation
is an imperative hazard parameter in encountering payment of work meddling to personal life,
personal life meddling with work payment, and how obstruction identifies with prosperity, on
both an individual and a logical dimension. Gender equality contrasts to first delineated
reasons for periodical requests and homely youngsters’ identification with impedance, which
moreover, explains the reasons for obstruction identification with prosperity. In the idea of
doing gender, these outcomes propose that manliness and womanliness appear to be
increasingly express among independently employed people. Meltem Ince Yenilmez (2018)
examined the looks at female entrepreneurs who run and work organizations and new
businesses in two unique urban areas in Turkey; Istanbul and Izmir. In outline women
entrepreneurs in these two urban areas, start their organizations all alone. At long last, on the
rundown, lower dimensions of family-work clashes in this investigation uncovers that female
business people normally have a solid family emotionally supportive network and they had
practical house help available to help. Different contemplations ought to be given to the
distinction in economies. This correlation is required by the way that the contrasts among
people, as their unmistakable styles of the executives, or the way that men will in general last
longer as business visionaries than ladies may be. In addition the social issues that either
debilitates or empowers women entrepreneurs / female business visionaries, should be tended
to as culture varies starting with one society then onto the next among created or creating
nations of the world. Sucheta Agarwal and Usha Lenka et al (2015) studied the work-life
parity of ladies business people/ women entrepreneurs. Business enterprise has risen as a
worldwide idea and contributed for financial improvement of the nation based on skills of
business visionaries for accomplishment enterprise creation or entrepreneurship considering
as an unmistakable field in the aggressive business world. Absence of appropriate direction,
government preparing, specialized learning, family backing, and poor system are obstructions
in their enterprising endeavor. Ladies endeavor to keep up work-life balance through their
innovative aptitudes like powerful correspondence, sorting out, arranging, driving and
assigning abilities. Anil Boz Semerci, Thierry Volery et al (2017) described the child
rearing worry of business visionaries / entrepreneurs. The outcomes uncover that social help
is a solid indicator of child rearing pressure and that there is an immediate impact between
child rearing pressure and family obstruction to work. In context to difficulties on child
rearing, numerous business visionaries face consistent strain accomplishes a positive business
outcome adventure also buckle down, for extended periods of time. In this manner, a superior
comprehension of business visionaries' child rearing jobs and stress can reveal some insight
into the difficulties looked without anyone else utilized people and adds to the professional
conduct and vocation improvement writing and useful encounters. Aizzat Mohd. Nasurdin,
Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal et al (2013), examination tried for
gender equality contrasts among Malaysian entrepreneurs with respect to the four elements of
work-family balance a) characterize work-family balance, (b) audit early and contemporary
models of work-family balance, (c) survey the significant causes and results of work-family
parity, and (d) investigate procedures for advancing work-family balance among Malaysian
Challenges and Motivational Factors among Womenpreneurs in Construction and Architecture
Sectors – An Empirical Study
entrepreneurs. It gives the idea that encounters of contention and assistance did not fit in with
the conventional gender role viewpoint as theorized. Despite the fact that the encounters
related with work-family issues have been speculated to be diverse for hitched male and
female business people inside the Malaysian setting, the outcomes demonstrated no
3.3. Literature Related to Performance and Motivational Factors in
Lois M. Shelton et al (2006) studied that the existing hypothesis is reached out to anticipate
the adequacy of procedures for fundamentally lessening work to family strife through
controlling jobs, provides remarkable quality related to work and family jobs which assets
accessible to women business visionary. A calculated casing work dependent on the builds of
job inclusion and job strife is utilized to analyze whether high-development female business
people pick increasingly proper procedures for lessening work– family struggle than their less
fruitful partners. The possible suggestive measures catering to the three fundamental
procedures for controlling roles likely (1) job disposal; (2) job decrease; and (3) job sharing
has been identified. Consequently, the high inescapability of gathering building and
participative organization practices found in women had associations may be driven by the
prerequisite for female business visionaries to manage work– family conflicts similarly as
innate characteristics or socialization. Rincy V. Mathew and N. Panchanatham et al (2011)
studies elaborates that in India, business has customarily been viewed as a male privilege.
This examination revealed that activity over-load, subordinate thought issues, nature of
prosperity, issues in time the load up and nonattendance of fitting social help are the main
issue affecting the adjusting work and life of women agents in India. Also, regardless of the
way that most by a long shot of the representatives dissected in this examination encounters
adjusting work and life issues, there are tremendous differences in the element of adjusting
work and life issues looked by the changed classes of women businessmen. Michela Mari
and Sara Poggesi et al (2015) illustrated a study within Italy, based on influence of family
setting by ladies firms' execution in contextualizing of examination. By utilizing ordinal
relapses, the impact of three elements of the family setting on female firms' execution, to be
specific: the inspirations to begin and enterprise by the help from the family for enterprise set
up; components accomplishing a reasonable harmony among life in relation to work and
family has been illustrated. By and large, the outcomes offer significant help for the
supposition that female entrepreneurs profit by being maneuvered through undertaking, via
explicit family connections or networking also furthermore through chose instruments
adjusting life in work and family, accordingly the addition demonstrated the logic behind a
solid the connection among company's exhibition and the home setting for ladies. The studies
on gender gap enterprises in Poland by Paweł Ziemiański (2018) focuses on the investigation
to break down whether the experience of working in a relative's business is connected
diversely to the surveyed probabilities of people beginning their own new pursuit. Ladies who
have helped in a family-possessed business evaluate their likelihood of going into business as
higher than ladies without such experience do yet it doesn't impact them as much as it impacts
men. This implies probably a portion of the components that can be required to can possibly
influence the pioneering choices of individuals who gain experience when working in a
privately-owned company may lesser affect ladies than men. A study in Bosnia and
Herzegovina by Munira Sestic, Sabina Ibrahimagic (2015) illustrated through the financial
strengthening of ladies can prompt better development, more prominent intensity and better
human advancement. Financial strengthening of ladies through enterprise and private
company offers an enormous space for the presentation genuine changes in their lives. Thus,
Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy, Dr. B.C.M. Patnaik, Devesh Rath
independent work has moved toward becoming for some ladies this is their solitary possibility
for paid work. In the meantime, ladies who undergone up against with fewer chances to go
into business because of explicit gender boundaries in access to data, encouraging groups of
people and insurance. An Israeli entrepreneurs study by Dafna Kariv et al (2008) described
this examination which builds up an imaginative standpoint for an examination of the
connection between business people's pressure evaluated as constructive or pessimistic and
their business' money related execution, which turnover of businesses owned by men and
businesses owned by women. In light of duo overwhelming speculations, the resource
oriented sight in context to pressure examination hypothesis, which guesses that proprietors'
pressure speaks to the capabilities they have and use to deal with their organizations for elite.
A various leveled relapse developed optimistic pressure towards positivity which helps in
business' trigger to turnover thereby blocking the negative pressure gender based
communications through societal help with job hustle and tussle compounded to the basic
impacts of stress factor for achieving enterprise turnover solely. Taking everything into
account, the ramifications of the investigations on businesses owned by men and businesses
owned by women money related execution analyzes; the outcomes to be reevaluated which
demonstrates the board idea of high-performing businesses owned by men in respect to
businesses owned by women.
A study on the different challenges and motivation factors among civil, construction, real
estate, architect womenpreneurs.
A study on prospects leading towards encouragement of more womenpreneurs in the field of
civil, construction, real estate, architect narrowing the gap of male intensive factor related to
the sector.
A comparative study on role conflict, work life balance and performance can be done between
menpreneurs (male entrepreneurs) & womenpreneurs (female entrepreneurs) in the state of
A detailed study on impact of different government schemes, facilities, support from financial
institutions leading towards better performance and motivation among entrepreneurs.
A complete examination on the effects of social inclusion towards entrepreneurship (male and
Thus from the following literature review its seen that there are numerous elements which
urges ladies to enter in this field of entrepreneurship uniquely to gain cash, monetary help to
family, freedom and so forth yet at the same time there are numerous obstacles before them
like continuing in market, capital, gender biasness, and role conflict, work life balance. As she
plays a multiple roles like existing scenario of venture, personal life, professional life, family
life, child parenting life. This leads to psychological stress and different health hazards.
Normally they begin their business after their begin achieving school. Ladies face more role
conflict then men entrepreneurs as social desire is more prominent for them. Life partner's
along with family, in-laws, friends and relatives help is an incredible quality for them.
Dependency in organizing capital is major ordeal for another business person. Also, to
maintain a business she should have a decent systems administration. Next to bunches of
imperatives on the off chance that she get support from her family and particularly from her
mate it will assist her parcel with maintaining her work life balance. However, the different
motivating factors of independent life style, own identity, extra financial benefit, ecosystem
Challenges and Motivational Factors among Womenpreneurs in Construction and Architecture
Sectors – An Empirical Study
creation, self motivation leads to pursue womenpreneurship. In addition different future steps
should be incorporated to encourage more womenpreneurs in the field of civil, construction,
real estate; architect thereby narrowing the gap of mindset related male intensive factor
related to the sector.
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