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Friendship in Marriage: Essay on Compatibility & Communication

It is not lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. - Frederich
To some extent, I agree with this statement as It would be important for someone to ask
themselves, “are you capable to maintain the relationship with your partner when you two are
married together? Will you be able to accept and eventually adapt to your partner’s lifestyle?”
Since most of the time, changes have to be made at the start of a marriage. This can lead to
several outcomes, for example, Person A has a pet peeve on people leaving their clothing on
the floor for days without cleaning them and unfortunately, his wife does it all the time as she
thinks that It is not a big deal at all” From this scenario, person A could react to this in a
negative way by shouting at her wife and she would be mad as why is her husband shouting
at her for no reason. Consequently, this could lead to an unhappy marriage as Frederich
Neitsche would say. Therefore, it is an important issue for one to consider before deciding
to marry someone. However they should also be mindful and open-minded to their
partner’s action since nobody is perfect, so as long as they communicate well to their
partner and share their own thoughts they will have a happy marriage.