American Marriage Style:

American Marriage Style:
In my opinion , American marriage style is really different to Taiwanese.
I see a lot of American movies , american families always live in a house with a yerd
and a garage.And they usually have a party in the house or barbecue in their yerd.
They will drive their van to have a family trip and go on picnic or do some outside
activities , like go hiking,go to the beach to get the sun burn and go on a vacation
irregularly.They are all very energetic.They will keep a pet like a dog or a cat(the big
one).They will have children like two or three even four.And their children are
naughty ,smart and witty , everything to them are all like an adventure and they are
willing and curious to face it.Father in American family have to work outside and is
very firm.Mother in American family some is housewife and some is an able woman.
The married couple always do some close action to each other ,and they won’t be shy.
It’s an American marriage style in my mind.It all come from the movies I saw.I really
like the American family in the movie.The member in the family just like
friends.They have very deep centripental force.I like it!