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Marriage Seminar: Purpose & Partner Selection

Redemption Truth Assembly
National Youth Convention 2021
Marriage Seminar
Life is in stages and phases as ordained by God. The intention of God is for man He created to maximize
each of the stages and phases to His glory. Isaiah 43:7. (Even every one that is called by my name: for I
have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.)
Ever before we begin to talk about marriage in life, there is need to understand purpose or our creation,
discovery of it and walking in what we discover. This is what will channel path of a man in life of which
marriage is part. Therefore, marriage cannot be treated in isolation in a man’s life.
This is a serious question that begs for an answer in the life of every young man and woman if life will ever
make meaning. To get an answer for this question, there is need to go to the beginning "In the beginning
God…" Genesis 1:1. God created all things by Himself and for Himself, Colossians 1:16-17. So, if
anything or anyone He created will function properly, there is need for it to take bearing in God.
The Maker of heaven and earth desires to stay in heaven but desires a being that will rule on His behalf on
the earth He made. Psalm 115:16. You are placed on earth to do things on behalf of God. Genesis 1:26-28.
He vested man with authority to rule on His behalf. His glory was man’s garment until the unfortunate
happened to God’s man in the garden. Genesis 3, God again in mercy remedies the unfortunate situation
immediately in promise. Gen. 3:15 and brought it to reality in Matthew 1:21.
As you align yourself again to God, then are you able to bring Him glory as intended from beginning and
all that is required on the journey as they come brings Him glory, even marital matter.
Genesis 2:18 – "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make
him an help meet for him."
The God’s man was on duty for God and in God’s magnanimous way, He made help for His man. This
means, God is the Originator of marriage to enhance His purpose in the hand and life of His man. (Don’t
forget He created them male and female from the beginning).
At this point, we are needing to talk in detail; the purpose of God for marriage so as to sharpen our reason
and motive for marriage, else we will waste it when one comes to us.
(Culled from Building A Strong Christian Home by Moses Ann Ogianyo)
a. "Husband and wife are representatives of God on planet earth. They are to bear His image and likeness.
By this, they are to exhibit and express God’s attributes of holiness, love and life-light that drives away
darkness from the earth. In their capacity as God’s ambassadors, they were mandated to govern and
administer all other creations on earth (Gen. 1:26-28).
b. Marriage is meant to be a channel of establishing God’s Kingdom (righteousness, peace, lovingkindness and joy in the Holy Ghost) on earth. Husband and wife are expected to create an atmosphere
where the will of God is carried out on earth as it is in heaven. Gen. 2:15-22, Matt. 6:9-10, Jer. 9:24,
Isa. 66:1-2.
c. Husband and wife though the marriage are empowered to carry out the work of God more effectively
with maximum results. Eccl. 4:9, Deut. 32:30. God’s expectation is to reap bountiful returns from their
combined efforts. John 15:8, 16.
d. It is to provide companionship, fellowship, warmness and oneness between husband and wife. This
takes care of aloneness and loneliness that can be experienced by single men and ladies. Gen. 2:18, 2325, Eccl. 4:9-12.
e. To raise Godly children who will obey God, follow Him, serve Him and perpetuate His ordinances
from generation to generation. Mal. 2:15, Deut. 6:4-7, Ps. 78:5-7. These include biological and
spiritual/adopted children.
f. To provide legitimate avenue for meeting mankind’s emotional and sexual needs. Gen. 2:24, 4:1. All
forms of sexual intimacy such as romance, nakedness and intercourse implanted in mankind are to be
met only in a marriage set up. Prov. 5:15-20, Eccl. 9:8-9, 1 Corin. 7:2-5.
g. It is God’s legitimate platform for raising a strong family, out of which a mutual society can emerge.
Prov. 5:15-20, Heb. 13:4. It is said that strong and/or Godly couples will produce strong families, and
strong families will form strong communities, while strong communities will form strong nations.
Understanding the purpose of God for marriage is so crucial so as not to marry for wrong reasons.
Matthew 11:29, Psalm 32:8
In our following Jesus all that is needed in our journey is in Him and He has promised to guide us. We are
needing to depend on Him solely to guide us. Proverbs 3:6 & 7 (KJV, GNT)
Begin by giving attention to your life and your growth in God. Adam’s relationship with God and God’s
assignment in his hand was what necessitated a help. Gen. 2:8.
It was God that brought him a helper suitable. It is also God alone that can find suitable help for you. As
you strengthen your relationship with God, He will speak to guide you. Psalm 32:8.
1. Scriptures – Psalm 32:8
2. Inner Voice/Witness – Romans 8:14-16
3. Prophecies – Acts 13:1-2, 21:8-11
4. Wise Counselling from God fearing persons – Exodus 18:17-24, Hebrews 13:7
5. Discernment – 1 Corinthians 12:10, Acts 8:23, 16:16-18
6. Dreams – 1 Kings 3:4-15, Matthew 1:20
Whatever means God may use to speak will never contradict the Scripture.
Knowing the set of people not to marry will reduce labour for you or streamline your considerations e.g.
divorcee, backslider, unbeliever, polygamist, etc.
You can only marry among the people of God. Exodus 2:1, 2 Corin. 6:14-16 (These are known will of
Finally, do not go into the journey of marriage all alone; involve God, guidance, governors, counselors,
disciplers and processes in place in the church you attend. For in multitude of counsels, there is safety.