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HHS4U Quiz: Development & Identity in Emerging Adulthood

HHS4U UNIT 2 - Chapter 4 and 5 Quiz
1. Which of the four types of clocks we studied, has speeded up in the past 100 years?
2. Which of the four types of clocks we studied, has slowed down in the past 100 years?
3. According to the “Family Life-Cycle Framework”, as they become independent, young
adults master three tasks. What are the three tasks?
a) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
c) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
4. In Jane Loevinger’s Theory of Ego Development, three stages deal with the adolescent
and emerging adult. Write the stage in the blank.
a) _________________________________ stage, in which adolescents tend to view life in
simple stereotypical ways in an attempt to classify human experience so they can
see where they belong in society.
b) _________________________________ stage, in which young adults begin to understand
and accept individual differences and to distinguish the variations in feelings and
opinions that make people unique.
c) _________________________________ stage, in which individuals are able to appreciate
others as individuals in reciprocal relationships.
5. According to Leonard Pearlin’s Theory of Psychological Distress, the path that individual
lives will take is determined by four elements. What are the four elements?
a) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
c) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
d) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
6. According to Daniel Levinson, “the life structure is the pattern or design of life, a
meshing of “self-in-world”. He discovered that young adults master four major tasks
during this period. List these four major tasks:
a) Forming __________________________________________________________________________________
b) Forming __________________________________________________________________________________
c) Forming __________________________________________________________________________________
d) Forming __________________________________________________________________________________
7. True or False? Circle T or F
a) Klaus Riegel believed that development into adulthood occurs in predictable
b) According to Riegel, development occurs when a change in one dimension
requires an adjustment in on or more other dimensions.
c) Erik Erikson suggested that each of the eight stages he de]ined presents a
dilemma in which the person is challenged to develop.
d) According to Erikson, individuals acquire the basis strength of ]idelity. Fidelity
means the ability to live by society’s standards.
e) According to Erikson, the basic strength that is acquired by resolving the dilemma
of intimacy versus isolation is education.
f) Loevinger concluded from her research that most adults achieve full ego
g) Ego, or identity, is essential for autonomy.
8. Match the word with the correct de]inition:
A. socialization
B. semi-autonomous
C. resocialization
D. anticipatory socialization
E. self-regulation
________ an individual’s ability to make choices about what they will do and what can
happen to them.
________ the process by which people learn appropriate social behaviours in order to
participate in society.
________ when an individual learns and practices a new role before adopting it
________ a young adulthood stage when individuals are trying to achieve
independence & explore their identities but still rely on parents for support
________ when people make a transition to a new role, they stop old behaviours to
adopt new ones.
9. In]luences on Identity Formation: list one factor from each of the following, that
in]luences identity formation.
A. Family: ___________________________________________________________________________________
B. School: ___________________________________________________________________________________
10. What is one example of anticipatory socialization at school that prepares students for
adult roles in the workplace? ______________________________________________________________
11. Write one example of how a mentor helps a young adult entering the work world?
12. Apply the following terms to complete the questions below: {macrosystem;
microsystem; mesosystem and exosystem}
The ecological systems theory takes a broader view than Leonard Pearlin’s theory to
explain how individuals develop. It explains the in]luence of several systems within
society on emerging adulthood:
A. The transition to adulthood is motivated by the developmental needs of emerging
adults, the _____________________________________. The basic development needs are
the same for all emerging adults.
B. Emerging adults are socialized in unique ways by their families and peers, the
____________________________________. Therefore, individuals develop unique
identities, world views, and life structures.
C. The pace of development by the educational requirements and job opportunities of
the socio-economic environment, the _____________________________________________.
D. The socio-economic environment, the ___________________________________________, limits
development within beliefs of the society. The diversity of political, religious,
and economic ideologies in Canada can result in con]lict as individuals form
their own identities, life structures, and world views.
Apply a sociological de]inition for each of the following terms from Chapter 5 below:
a) Gender: __________________________________________________________________________________________
b) Collectivism: _____________________________________________________________________________________
c) Duty-based moral code: ________________________________________________________________________
14. Which cohort was the ]irst to be raised by a generation that challenged the traditional
roles of men and women? Circle the correct letter.
a) baby boomers
b) Gen X
c) Gen Y
d) Gen Z
15. Men and women value different things in the workplace. What is one thing men value
more than women in the workplace? ____________________________________________________
16. What is one common example of con]lict that may develop in an immigrant family?
17. Write 3 common reasons people become homeless:
18: OPINION: Will homelessness in Canada increase or decrease in the next 20 years Why? (5 MARKS)