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Абай Кунанбаев: Жизнь и творчество

Abai Kunanbayev - the great poet of the
Kazakh people, philosopher, humanist,
composer, jewelry master of artistic word. He
was born on 10 August 1845 in the
Semipalatinsk region on the slopes of
Chingistau mountains, near the source of the
Kaskabulak. Initially, the poet was given the
name of Ibrahim. They say that наречению
poet of that name was preceded by a
prophetic dream of his father - Kunanbaja. In
a dream he saw a great representative of the
tribe tobikti - thinker and philosopher Annette
Baba, who pronounced the name of the Holy
son Ibrahim.
Father Abay Kunanbai
Mother Of Abai
- Ulzhan
Knowing classic literature of the East and the West,
Abai creates new literature is in his verses spoke
ancient steppe, new sounded Kazakh language in
which Abai has opened new ways and new depth.
Poems of Abai, his prose, his music is full of deep
lyricism, gentle humor, exposing the evils and
valorization of kindness, love for his people. His poem
«Масгут», «Eskendir» («Alexander the Great»), poems
«black Eyes», «Thick fog», etc. became the classics of
not only the Kazakh and world literature.
Abay's artistic, social, humanistic and religious views
are deeply rooted. Abai's gossip is a classic-style
prose published in classical style that reflects the
artistic power of the great poet, his personality
philosophy. Abai's black words, consisting of forty-five
separate works, are varied in a single direction.
Some of his black words were first published in 1918.
Published in Semey by "Abay" magazine.
Subsequently Abay's black words were translated into
Russian, Chinese, French, etc. translated into many
world languages.
One of the main topics in all the works of the
poet was the actual idea. In Abai's opinion,
the inner spiritual treasure is directly related
to our own. The opinion of this hypocrite is
repeated in Abai's "nineteenth". The
emergence of consciousness and
intelligence on Abai's worldview is a natural
phenomenon that arises from the daily life
Адам ата-анадан туғанда есті болмайды: естіп, көріп, ұстап, татып
ескерсе, дүниедегі жақсы, жаманды таниды дағы, сондайдан білгені,
көргені көп болған адам білімді болады. Естілердің айтқан сөздерін
ескеріп жүрген кісі өзі де есті болады. Әрбір естілік жеке өзі іске
жарамайды. Сол естілерден естіп, білген жақсы нәрселерді ескерсе,
жаман дегеннен сақтанса, сонда іске жарайды, сонда адам десе
болады. Мұндай сөзді есіткенде шайқақтап, шалықтанып не
салбырап, салғырттанып есітсе, не есіткен жерде қайта қайырып
сұрап ұғайын деп тұшынбаса, не сол жерде сөздің расына көзі
жетсе де, шыға беріп қайта қалпына кетсе, естіп-есітпей не керек?
Осындай сөз танымайтұғын елге сөз айтқанша, өзіңді танитұғын
шошқаны баққан жақсы деп бір хакім айтқан екен, сол секілді сөз
In the end, Abai's words are a kind of art that
forms the core of his art. Their intrinsic content,
like the brightness of the sun, are complementary
to one another, gradually expanding, gradually
expanding. From the moment of the opening of
the world to the end of the world, the secrets of
life are separated and systematically explained. It
looks as if it is a hawthorn of the soul and
satisfaction, the rich and the poor, the white and
the black.
Therefore, we need to understand the meaning of
these black words and to get to know them in the
literal sense. If the poet's "Black Words" take place
in the Kazakh language, then the future of our
sovereign country will be much better quality.
Thank you for your attention!