736 CHAPTER 19 Aldehydes and Ke tones: Nucleophilic Addition Reactions SUMMARY AND KEY WORDS acetal [R 2C{O R'bL 717 acyl group, 697 1,2- addition, 725 1,4-addition,725 aldehyde{RCHOl. 695 betaine, 720 Cannizzaro reaction, 724 carbanion, 708 conjugate addition, 725 cyanohydrin [RCH(OH)C 707 = NJ, enamine (R2N- CR = CR 2), 710 hemiacetal,717 imine IR 2C=NR), 710 keton e (R2C= Ol. 695 Mcl.aftertv rearrangement,732 nucleophilic ad ditionreaction, 702 Schiff base, 710 Wittig reaction,720 Wolff-K ishner reaction,715 ylide, 720 Aldehyd es and keton es are among the m ost im po rtant of all compounds, both in bio chemistry and in th e chemical inelust ry. Aldehyd es are normally prepa red in th e lab orat or y by ox ida tio n o f primary alcohols o r by partial reducti on of es ters. Ket ones are sim ilarly prepared by ox idation o f seco ndary alcohols or by addition of di organocopper reagents to acid chlorides. Th e nucleophilic addition reaction is the m os t com mon reaction of aldehydes and ket ones. Many different kin d s of prod ucts can he prepared by nucl eoph ilic additi on s. Aldehyd es a n d ketones a re redu ced by Nal1 H4 or LiAIH 4 to yield seco n da ry and primary a lco h o ls, respectively. Addition of Grignard reagen ts to ald eh yd es and keto nes als o gives alcoh ols (tertiary and secondary, respectively), and additi on of HCN yield s cyanohydrins. Prima ry am ines add to carbonyl co m po un ds yieldin g im in es, and second ary arnin es yield enamines. Reaction of an alde h yde or ket one with hyd ra zine and base gives an alkane (the Wolff-Kishner reaction). Alco h ols acid to car bo nyl g roups to yield acetals, wh ich are va luable as pr o tecting g ro u ps. Phosphorancs add to aldehy des and ketones to give alkenes (th e Wittig reaction) in wh ich the n ew C=C bond in the product is exactly where the C = O bond was in th e sta rti ng material. Cl', {3-Uns a tura ted ald eh yd es and ketones oft en react with nucleop hiles to give the product of conjugate addition, o r l,4-add ition. Parti cularly useful is th e reaction with a dior gan ocopper reagent, whi ch results in th e addition or an alkyl, ar yl, or alkenyl grou p to th e double bond. IR spe ctroscopy is helpfu l for ide n tifyin g aldehydes and keto nes, Carbon yl gro u ps ab sorb in the IR range 1660 to 1770 cm -I , with the exact position highly dia gn osti c of the kind of car bo ny l gro up pr esent in th e m olecule. 13C NMRsp ectroscopy is also useful fo r ald ehyd es and ketones beca use their carbony l carbon s sh ow resonances in the 190 to 2 15 8 ran ge. IH NMR is usefu l for aldehyde - CHO protons, which absorb near 10 8. Aldehydes and ketones undergo two ch aracte ristic kinds of fragmentation in the mass spect rometer: 0' cleavage and McLafferty rearrangement . SUMMARY OF REACTIONS 1. Preparation o f aldehyd es (Sect ion 19.2) (a) Ox idati on o f primary a lco ho ls (Sec t ion 1 7. 7) (h) Partial redu cti on of esters (Sectio n 19.2) 1. DISAH , tol uene 2. H30 + + R'O H Summ ary of Reaction s 2 . Prepa ra tion of ke to n es (Sect io n 19 .2) Diorgan o co pp er rea cti on with ac id ch lo rides 3. Reaction s o f aldeh yd es (Section 19 .3) Oxida tion to give carboxylic acids o II R' /c~ ~ OH 4. Nu cl eo phili c ad dit io n react ions of a ldehyde s and ketones (a) Ad d ition of hyd rid e: alcohols (Sectio n \ 9.7) H 1. NaBH 4 , ethanol 2. H30 + R/ \ / C OH ' R' (h) Addi tio n o f Grignard rea ge n ts: a lco ho ls (Sectio n 19 .7) R" OH 1. R"M gX. et her 2. H30+ R/ \/ C ' R' (e) Ad di tio n of He N: cyanohydrins (Sectio n 19.6) HeN CN OH \ / C R/ ' R' (d ) Add itio n o f prim ary arnin es: im ines (Sectio n \9. 8) o II >C, R> ' R' (e) Addi tion o f seco nd a ry am in es: en arn ines (Secti o n 19. 8) o R " / C, HNR '2 C / H / \ 737 738 CHAPTE R 19 Aldehydes and Ket ones: Nucleophilic Addition Reactions (f) Wo lff-Kishn er reaction (Sectio n 19 .9) H H \ / R/ C ' R' + + N2 H2 0 (g) Ad d it io n o f a lco h o ls: aceta ls (Sec tion 19.10) o R"O II R/ C ' R' + \ / A cW 2 R"OH C R/ cat alys t OR" ' R' + H20 (11) Ad d iti o n of phosph orus ylides : Wittig reaction (Sectio n 19.] I) THF S. Co n juga te ad d itions to O' ,.8-u nsa tu ra te d al de hyd es and keton es (Sectio n 19 .13 ) (a) Con jug ate ad ditio n of am ines o II R/ /C ~ \/ / C, ~ C/ / 'H NHR' (b ) Conjuga te ad d ition of water o II \ / C -: ' c/ j \ C " OH H (c) Co n jug ate add ition of alky l groups: dio rgano copper reac tio n 1. R' 2CuLi , ether 2. H30 +