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Biology Unit Test Review: Ecosystems, Cycles, and More

Biology Unit Test Review
Note: These review questions are to guide you in your study. For the Unit Test, you must be familiar with
ALL materials covered from Chapter 2, 3 and 4 of the textbook. (Even the ones not included in this review!!).
Energy Flow in Ecosystem
What 2 important functions do atmosphere provide to Earth?
What does lithosphere made of?
What does hydrosphere consist of?
What is the biosphere?
Light Energy
Complete the photosynthesis reaction :
CO2 + H2O
________ + __________
What are the products of cellular respiration?
Cellular respiration occurs continuously, while photosynthesis only occurs during the day. Explain why.
Organisms that can make their own energy-rich food compounds using the Sun’s energy are called _________.
How do Consumers obtain their energy?
For us humans, what are the two important things that photosynthesizing organisms provide for our
What is the difference between food chain and food web?
What is an ecological pyramid?
What does energy pyramid illustrate?
Which diagram represents pyramid of numbers? Which one represents pyramid of biomass?
Figure A
Figure B
Secondary Consumers
Primary Consumers
(Insect herbivore)
Biogeochemical Cycles
Is the transfer of energy between trophic level efficient? Explain your answer.
How is energy “lost” during the transfer between one trophic level to the next?
What is Transpiration?
Draw out a Water Cycle.
Which plant’s activity leads to more CO2 in the atmosphere? Write out the process.
Which plant’s activity decreases level of CO2 in the atmosphere? Write out the process.
Draw out the Carbon Cycle. How do human activities affect the carbon cycle? Give some examples.
What are some possible ways we can reduce the CO2 level in atmosphere?
If Nitrogen is so abundant in the atmosphere, why do we need the Nitrogen Cycle?
List 2 source for nitrogen fixation.
How does increase use in fertilizer affect the environment?
Biotic & Abiotic Factors
1. There are various abiotic factors affecting our terrestrial ecosystems, list 2 key abiotic factors.
2. For the abiotic factors you mentioned above, provide an example of human activity which disrupts it, and
the resulting effect on the ecosystem.
3. There are various abiotic factors affecting our aquatic ecosystems, list 2 key abiotic factors.
4. For the abiotic factors you mentioned above, provide an example of human activity which disrupts it, and
the resulting effect on the ecosystem
5. When whale-watching you can see little spots on the whale’s back. These are barnacles (related to crabs)
and by living on the whale’s back they got a free ride to wider range of nutrient-rich waters. The whale
receives no benefits nor any disadvantages. What is the type of relationship shown?
6. Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria found in the soil provide plants with nutrients that they need, while the plants
provide food source for these bacteria. What is the type of relationship shown?
7. While walking in your local Mississauga parks, you see a healthy population of squirrels. Assuming they
are living at ideal conditions, explain why we do not see an explosion of squirrel’s population in our parks.
8. A large proportion of Canada’s population can be found in the Southern Ontario region. Name the biome
this region falls under. Give 2 abiotic factors that may contribute to the larger population number.
9. Only a small population of Canada lives in the Tundra biome. List some abiotic and biotic factors that may
contribute to this situation.
Terrestrial & Aquatic Ecosystem, At-risk species,
1. Nitrogen is a component of fertilizers. In spring run-off, the fertilizers ended up on our lake. How will this
affect the algae population? How will this affect the fish population? Explain your answer.
2. Which water bodies will be more suitable for swimmers – oligotrophic ones or eutrophic ones? Why?
3. Create a flow chart of the categories as species at risk move through from normal populations to extinction.
4. The Greater Prairie Chicken has not been seen in Ontario, Manitoba or Alberta anymore. It was last seen in
Saskatchewan in 1977. It can still be found in the prairie states of the U.S. What is its at-risk classification?
5. What is causing the sharp decline in the number of sharks in our ocean?
6. What does it mean when a species is threatened?
7. What function does the agency RENEW perform with regards to at-risk species?
Habitat Fragmentation & Invasive Species
1. What are the types of services and products that a sustainable ecosystem will provide to us?
2. A volcanic eruption destroyed all life forms on Mt. Krakatoa in 1883. Through succession, life forms were
re-established there. Give details on the process of succession for that area.
3. What are the benefits of Ecological Succession?
4. Explain the 5 factors that improve the sustainability of habitat fragmentation.
5. Looking at the pictures below, circle the habitat fragmentation that provides a better option. Explain why.
6. What is the primary reason that the Amazon rainforest is being cleared?
7. What must happen for a non-native species to be classified as invasive species?
8. List the 3 types of control measure to deal with invasive species.
Pollution & Resource Management
1. Explain what acid rain is and what caused it.
2. Why are many Northern and Southeastern Canadian lakes more susceptible to damage from acid pollution?
How do they differ from lakes in Southwestern Ontario?
3. In 1989 Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker ship travelling from Alaska, collided with a reef and spilled 40 million
litres of crude oil. Give examples of negative effects to the surrounding ecosystem that you would expect to
see due to the oil spill.
4. Due to the volume involved and ocean conditions, various clean-up methods were used in the aftermath.
List a few methods we studied that can be utilized in to clean up oil-spill at sea. Explain the process.
5. What is the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”?
6. An ecologist found a dead bird on her local beach. Curious as to the cause of death, she dissected the bird
and found little bits of colourful plastics in its stomach. Provide explanation for her findings.
7. What are the advantages of selective cutting method when harvesting forest? What are the disadvantages?
8. Managed hunt, such as deer hunting is permitted in Ontario. Explain why.
Definition of Agroecosystem:
Two characteristics of our Agroecosystems are _____________ & ______________
What must humans do to maintain their monoculture farms?
What is soil?
What is the part of nutrient cycle that is present in natural ecosystem but is missing in agroecosystem?
As a result of the above, what must humans do to replenish the nutrients in the soil?
Fertilizers can be classified into 2 class ________________ & _______________ fertilizers.
List alternative farming methods that are more eco-friendly and explain how they work.
1. Natural fertilizers release nutrients quickly.
2. Plant materials (leaves, wood) are example of natural fertilizers.
3. A disadvantage of synthetic fertilizer includes lost of nutrients through leaching.
4. Synthetic fertilizers benefits soil micro-organisms and nutrient cycling.
5. By using synthetic fertilizers, exact amount of nutrients required can be measured and applied.
6. Algae bloom is one consequences of natural fertilizers.
Multiple Choice
1. Which one is NOT a function of air spaces in soil:
a) Providing oxygen to plant roots
c) Enabling nutrients to reach the roots
b) Allowing water to pass through
d) Enabling photosynthesis to occur
2. The cultivation of a single crop in an area is called
a) mega-farming b) monoculture
c) agriculture
d) agroecosystem
3. Which one does NOT cause compaction of soil:
a) People taking shortcuts through grass fields c) Construction equipment sitting on a grass patch
b) Watering the soil
d) Leaving heavy objects on the ground for a long time
4. Which of the following applies to No-Tillage Farming:
a) Rotating the type of crop planted each year c) Leaving corn husks on the ground as fertilizer
b) Using IPM method
d) Planting only crops that are suitable for the local soil
5. What occurs in an agroecosystem when farmers harvest their crops?
a) Nutrients are removed and not returned to the soil.
c) the amount of available soil is gradually increased
b) Nutrients are replaced naturally by rain and sunlight.
d) all of the above
Pest & Pesticides
What is a pest?
Toxins that kill plants, insects and rodents are all examples of _________
Herbicides are used to control ___________
___________________ pesticides kill only a limited variety of things
What are some disadvantages of using pesticides?
When non-target predators are killed due to pesticides, what do you expect to see? Give example.
What is bioaccumulation? Give example.
What is the process shown by the picture on the right?
How does the bioamplification process affect humans?
What are “Super Rats” seen in parts of UK able to do? Explain why.
What is Organic Farming?
Describe the Biological Control method used in organic farms.
Describe the Altered Timing method used in organic farms.
How does crop rotation and mixed planting assist in reducing pesticide use?
How does Baiting Pests method work to control pest population?
List 2 disadvantages of organic farming
What does IPM stands for?
In using IPM what strategies are used to control pests?
Urban Ecosystem
1. Urban ecosystem is characterized by high density & biodiversity of plants.
2. Cats and dogs are common species in natural ecosystem.
3. Urban ecosystem is dependent on importing food from outside of the ecosystem.
4. Use of incandescent bulbs in traffic lights is a “greener” option.
5. By promoting buying of locally grown produce we are reducing transportation costs.
6. Green roofs on buildings negatively impact air quality.
Multiple Choice
7. In a natural ecosystem:
a) Waste water is returned to surface water
b) You see mostly non-native species
c) Most rainfalls are absorbed at surface ground
d) It cannot be sustained without inputs FROM and outputs TO other ecosystem.
8. In an urban ecosystem:
a) Surface water is mostly found in ponds, lakes & rivers
b) There’s huge consumption of water from surface or groundwater supplies
c) Complex natural food web exists
d) It is independently sustainable.