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The Giver Chapters 1-4 Pop Quiz

Name: ___________________________________
The Giver- Chapters 1-4
Pop Quiz
Date: _______
Chapter 1- Answer in complete sentences.
1. What event is making Jonas feel Apprehensive?
2. What is Jonas’ father and mother’s job?
3. Why is getting a job assigned to the night crew seen as a “lesser job”?
4. What is a family unit made up of?
Chapter 2- Answer in complete sentences.
5. What is the name of the baby that Father wants to take home to nurture?
6. What was one of the few rules that was not taken very seriously and almost always broken?
7. What is the name given to the most important Elder and what is their job?
8. Explain what will happen to Jonas and the rest of the Twelves after they receive their Assignment.
9. What is so amusing about the following statement, “ …father took down the stuffed elephant. Many of
the comfort objects, like Lily’s were soft, stuffed, imaginary creatures.” What can you infer from this
Chapter 3
10. Why does Jonas feel comfortable when father brings Gabe home for the first time?
11. How many births are the birthmothers allowed to have and what happens after they are done with being
birth mothers?
12. In the flashback of Jonas and Asher playing catch with the apple, describe what Jonas experiences.
Why can you infer about the way people see the world?
Chapter 4
13. Why is Jonas so nervous that he decided over the years to do his service hours at a variety of
different places?
14. What happens during the release of the old?
Name: ___________________________________
The Giver
Chapters 5-8
Chapter 5
1. After the family gets up for the morning, what is the ritual called that they must perform?
2. Describe the dream that Jonas has. What does his mom call this dream that he had.
3. What is going to stop Jonas from having a dream like this again?
4. What can you infer from the following statement? (you must answer question 3 correct to understand questions 4)
“Then, in the same way that his own dwelling slipped away behind him as he rounded a corner on his bicycle, the dream
slipped away from his thoughts. Very briefly, a little guiltily, he tried to grasp it back. But the feelings had
disappeared. “
Chapter 6
5. What is the unusual/special reprieve that Gabriel receives from the committee?
6. During the Ceremony of Sevens, what does the receiving of a front-buttoned-jacket symbolize?
7. What was the name of the 4 year-old child that fell into the river and was lost forever?
A. Gabe
B. Caleb
C. Sara
8. What happens if you decide that you want to go to another community because you do not fit in?
9. Read the following excerpt.
“…the community performed the Ceremony of Loss together, murmuring the name of the little Four who fell into the
river throughout an entire day. It would get less and less frequent, softer in volume, as the long and somber day went
on, so that the little Four seemed to fade away gradually from everyone’s consciousness.”
What can we infer about the community from this statement?
Chapter 7
10. What is the punishment for disciplining children?
11. What Assignment is Asher and Fiona given?
a. egg hatchery and laborer
b. recreation and birthmother
c. recreation and caretaker of old
12. What happens during the ceremony that has Jonas embarrassed?
Chapter 8
13. Why is the fact that the old Receiver has pale eyes, so important?
14. How many receivers are there currently in the community?
15. List one of the qualities of a receiver.
16. Read the following excerpt.
“ But at the same time he was filled with fear. He did not know what his selection meant. He did not know what he was
to become. Or what would become of him.”
Which literary element is this an example of?
a. foreshadowing
b. flashback
c. dialogue
Name: ________________________________
The Giver- Chapters 9-12
Pop Quiz
Period: _____
1. Recall at least three rules Jonas must follow as the new Receiver.
2. Why does the fact that the door to the Giver’s office is locked, bother Jonas so much.
3. How does the Giver transfer memories to Jonas?
4. What is the first memory the Giver transfers to Jonas? Why does he pick this specific memory?
5. Explain what happens to the Giver after he transmits a memory to Jonas.
6. Why did the Community decide to get rid of snow?
7. What is the first painful memory the Giver shares with Jonas?
8. When does Jonas experience his first lie?
9. How does Jonas experience seeing beyond with Fiona?
10. How does the giver help Jonas with seeing other colors besides red?
Name: _________________________________
The Giver- Pop Quiz
Chapters 13-16
Date: _________
1. Jonas’s personality is slowly starting to change. What are some ways that Jonas seems different to you
now, as compared to the beginning of the novel?
2. Why do you think Jonas is trying to pass memories to his family?
3. What happened ten years ago when the Giver’s successor failed?
4. What is the first real painful memory that the Giver transfers to Jonas? How does Jonas respond to
receiving this memory?
5. Do you think Jonas is brave? Why or why not?
6. How is Jonas’ training going to start changing?
7. Why does the community think that it is necessary to release a newborn if the birthmother gives birth
to twins?
8. What important information do we find out about Gabriel in this chapter?
9. Why do you think the Giver ends up giving the memory of war to Jonas?
10. What do you think Jonas’s response to the memory will be? Why do you think this is?
11. Describe the Giver’s favorite memory. What would he choose this as his favorite memory?
12. How does Jonas’s family react when he asks them if they love him?
13. What are some things that Onas begins to think that the community should start implementing?
14. Why do you think Jonas is choosing not to take the pill? What do you think is going to happen to him as
a result of this?
Name: __________________________________
Date: __________
The Giver- Pop Quiz
Chapters 17-20
Chapter 17
1. Explain why it is so difficult for Jonas to watch his friends play a game of war?
2. How does Jonas’s father determine which of the twin babies the community will keep?
Chapter 18
3. Why did Rosemary decide to go to the Elder and ask for Release?
4. Explain what happened to the Community after Rosemary was released?
Chapter 19
5. Why is Jonas’s father being a nurturer, so ironic?
6. What happens when a person is released from the community? Knowing what release means, what is the literary term we can use for
this word?
Chapter 20
7. What was the one thing the Giver kept to himself the whole time he transferred memories to Jonas?
8. What happens to Jonas once the plan is put in motion?
8. What is the Giver no longer able to see anymore?
9. Explain what the plan the Giver and Jonas have come up with, entails.
10. At the end of the chapter, we can infer that the Giver would like to be released after he helps out the community. Why does he
want to be released?
Name: ______________________________________
Period: ________
The Giver
Chapters 21-23
1. What happens at evening meal that forces Jonas to run away before the plan can go into effect?
2. What does it say about Jonas that he is still thinking about rules as he is running away?
3. What is Jonas’s and Gabe’s experience like as they travel away from the community?
4. Do you believe that Jonas and Gabriel reach their destination? What destination did they come to? Why do you think this?
5. What do you think happened to the community after Jonas and Gabriel reached their destination?
Date: ________