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History 1301 Learning Objectives: Unit I

Dr. Díaz-Miranda
Fall 2016
HISTORY 1301/Learning Objectives Unit I
You should have be able to KNOW, UNDERSTAND ,and or EXPLAIN the
1. The most significant factor that allowed nomadic tribes to enter North America
land bridge between Asia and North America that we call Beringia, it later
melted and became the Bering Strait.
3. The people who occupied the valley of Mexico when the Spanish arrived
Aztecs and Mayas
4. The Atlantic tribal group with whom the English had the most contact
5. Know what Indians desired most, upon encountering Europeans
Eurpean trade
6. The single greatest factor that caused the destruction of Native Americans after contact
with Europeans
7. The exchanges of the Old World and the New in the “Columbian Exchange”
Tomatoes, horses, corn and plants were traded. There were advancements in
agricultural production, and a higher mortality rate.
8. The first European nation to establish contact with sub-Saharan Africa
9. Recognize what the Portuguese were searching for when they explored West Africa
They were in search of slaves and gold.
10. Understand what Columbus was originally determined to prove
was seeking a western sea route from Europe to Asia.
11. Know what most Europeans believed at the time of Columbus's first voyage in 1492
Most Europeans believed
12. The result of The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494
Pope divided the world between Spain and Portugal.
13. The men largely responsible for Spain's conquest of the New World
14. Recognize what the Spanish government created in order to better control the
conquistadores in the New World
Encomienda (which was a parcel of land that was given)
Understand what revolutionized early Native American Cultures
An environmental change (global warming) that resulted in an agricultural
15. The background of Hernán Cortés before his attacks on the Aztecs
thought he was working for the crown and was seeking hereditary privilege for
his family. He was a civil servant in Cuba.
16. Understand how Spain primarily regarded her New World domain
a source of precious medal. Regarded the New World as theirs.
17. The racial toleration of most Spanish colonists
18. Realize what interested the first French explorers
19. Recognize why the French had close relations with the Native Americans
20. Comprehend what the financial success of the French empire in North America
depended upon
21. Understand the French experience in the New World
22. Understand the impact of the Reformation upon England's settlement of the New World
23. Know the English monarch responsible for quieting religious conflict and strengthening
England in the face of Spain’s power
24. Where in the 1580s, the English attempted to make a settlement
25. Recognize how English settlers in 17th century colonial America could best be
1. Know what religious movement founded Pennsylvania
2. Recognize why the three lower counties of Pennsylvania were acquired
3. Understand why the creation of the Joint-stock companies
4. Know the company responsible for settlement of Jamestown
5. Distinguish which colony cared less about religion
6. Comprehend what motivated the selection of the site for Jamestown
7. Identify who helped Jamestown survive
8. Describe what allowed Jamestown’s prosperity
9. Recognize who taught Virginia how to grow tobacco
10. The origin of the first settlers to Georgia
11. Know how much land was granted under the headright system in Virginia
12. Know who was responsible for the founding of Georgia
13. In which colony was the death rate for the early colonists most severe
14. The change that came to Virginia in 1624
15. Understand what Lord Baltimore intended Maryland to become
16. Know the document in which the Pilgrims established a civil government in their colony
17. Recognize to what were 17th century English Puritans committed
18. Understand why King Charles I disbanded Parliament in 1629
19. Tell what the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay believed was the best way to reform the
Church of England
20. Find out what made Rhode Island attractive to an unusual number of independentminded people
21. Comprehend if or how the English takeover of New Netherland immediately affected
the colony
22. Recognize for whom was the colony of Pennsylvania established
23. See where large numbers of the first English settlers in the Carolinas came from
24. Understand what would Massachusetts become because of its founding leaders
25. Identify the character of the first English settlements in the New World
1. Recognize what Puritans viewed as essential to their New England commonwealth.
2. Comprehend the reason why the tremendous population growth of seventeenth-century
New England.
3. Recognize how New England families differed from those of other English colonies
regarding grandparents
4. Know about church attendance by New England women
5. Understand what the society created by Puritans in New England tried to copy
6. Know about Sumptuary laws
7. Realize the most important reason for the difference between the New England and
Chesapeake colonies
8. Identify why the differences between New England and the Chesapeake society
9. Recognize why the gap between rich and poor in white Chesapeake society
10. Know where the great majority of the estimated 11 million African slaves carried to the
Americas were sent
11. The opportunities available to Virginian Blacks in the early seventeenth century
12. Who supplied most of the slaves sent to the North American colonies during the colonial
13. What percentage of the eighteenth-century population of the lowlands of South Carolina
was black
14. Know where did the creole language, Gullah, endure longest
15. In which colony were African Americans most able to preserve their African identity
16. Which was the most serious slave rebellion of the colonial period
17. Know the theory of mercantilism
18. Know the principle behind the Navigation Acts
19. Know the intention behind the Navigation Acts
20. The Staple Act of 1663
21. Beginning in 1696, what governmental body settled disputes that occurred at sea
22. What was one of the major causes of Bacon’s Rebellion
23. Who led the armed conflict between Native Americans and New Englanders in 1675
24. The name given to the peaceful ousting of James II by Parliament in 1688
25. How many people were hanged as a result of the Salem witchcraft trials
1. The factor most responsible for the growth of the colonial population between 1700 and
2. Who made the largest group of white, non-English immigrants to the colonies in the
3. Why the first large group of German immigrants moved to America
4. Know the size of the population of the thirteen British colonies in the 1770s
5. What was the "middle ground"
6. The reason for the establishment of St Augustine in 1565
7. The regions of what was known as the Spanish borderlands
8. Which tribe was most successful at resisting conversion to Catholicism
9. The main appeal of the Enlightenment for many Americans
10. The one American who, more than anyone else, symbolized the spirit of the
11. The major financial problem that confronted mid-eighteenth-century America
12. The two most important leaders of the Great Awakening in colonial America
13. What the followers of the Great Awakening were called
14. The most prominent African-American minister, founder of the African Methodist
Episcopal Church
15. The colleges established as a result of the Great Awakening
16. The major source of political information in the colonies
17. The colonial wars between France and England
18. The major source of Anglo-French conflict in the colonies
19. The city the colonial forces captured in 1743, during King George's War
20. The leading figure at the Albany Congress, and designer of the Albany Plan
21. How colonial involvement in imperial wars began
22. To what the failure of the Albany Plan can be attributed
23. The man who led Great Britain to victory in the Seven Years' War
24. Which war between England and France had the greatest political and economic impact
on colonial America
25. Which was NOT a territorial change under the Peace of Paris (1763), which ended the
Seven Years' War