Blood Study Guide: Chapter 10

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Study Guide – Chapter 10: Blood
1. Fill in the following chart regarding the 3 categories of formed elements of blood.
Formed Element in blood
Common Name
Formed Element in blood
Scientific Name
Normal range per mm3
of blood (pg 341)
Key function
2. Blood is _______ % plasma and ______% formed elements (cells). (pg 341)
3. Name the only blood cell that is actually a whole cell and contains a nucleus.
(Refer to the diagram on the right.)
4. WBCs use ________________ to slip back and forth between the blood
capillaries and the body tissue. (Refer to the diagram on the right.) (pg 345)
5. A ___________________ is a healthcare worker trained in drawing blood from veins for testing or donation.
(pg 352)
6. A normal red blood’s shape is described as having a ( biconcave , spherical ) shape.
7. _____________________ is a large iron-containing protein in RBCs that binds oxygen and
transports it to the body’s tissues. (Refer to the diagram on the left.)
8. If a patient is very tired and pale, what general red blood cell disorder might he/she be suffering from?
9. A person with the sickle cell gene has a better chance of survival where the disease ______________ is
prevalent. ( Ex. sub-Saharan Africa, India, south-east Asia, and parts of Central America and northern South
America) (pg 344)
10. What does it mean to say neutrophils and monocytes are
active phagocytes? In other words, how do phagocytes protect
the body? (Refer to the diagram on the right.)
11. Name the specific type of WBC that is the most numerous and can increase very rapidly in number with an
acute infection. (pg 345)
12. What is the scientific term for blood cell formation? Where does this process occur in the body? Be
specific with your answer. (pg 347)
13. _________________ is a hormone that is released by the kidneys to stimulate the formation of red blood
cells. (pg 348)
14. What is hemostasis? List the three stages of hemostasis.(pg 349)
1st = _______________________________
2nd = ______________________________
3rd = ______________________________
15. A/an ________________ is a stationary blood clot that is attached to the wall of a blood vessel, and a/an
___________________ is a free floating blood clot that can travel around in the body. (pg 350)
16. Identify the following terms or blood disorders–
_____ genetic disorder commonly called
bleeder’s disease
A. Anemia
_____ disease that can occur with Rh incompatibility;
occurs when where baby is Rh+ & mom is Rh-
B. Erythroblastosis fetalis
______ rupture of the RBC
D. Hemophilia
______ abnormally low RBC count
E. Leukemia
C. Hemolysis
______ cancer of the WBC in the bone marrow
17. List the 4 possible blood types the ABO system. (pg 351)
18. If a person has ( Rh+, Rh- ) blood, they have the Rh antigen on the surface of their RBCs. (pg 353)
If a person has ( Rh+, Rh- ) blood, they do not have the Rh antigen on the surface of their RBCs.
19. ABO Blood Groups (pg 353)
Blood Group
Antigen(s) present on RBCs
Antibodies present in the serum
20. If a person has AB+ blood, list all of the blood typing antigens present on the RBCs.