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Cloning: Types, History, and Methods

“The way to be invisible - is to truly be imaginary. But since you
cannot imagine yourself, you have to clone your imagination into
being an image of yourself. Imagine that.”
What is cloning?
Cloning is a process
wherein the main
objective is to somewhat
makw a copy of an
organism. The word
cloning originated from
the greek root word
"klwn" which means
twig. You may find the
meaning of the root
word quite odd but the
story behind it is that a
plant is a clone of its
distant relative.
What is a clone?
A clone is an
organism which is
genetically similar or
identical to an organism
it was produced from.
Although it is called a
clone, it is not a 100%
similar because no two
organisms are exacty
Dolly the cloned sheep
Do clones ever occur
Yes. In nature, some plants
and single-celled organisms,
as bacteria, produce
genetically identical offspring
through a process called
asexual reproduction. In
asexual reproduction, a new
individual is generated from a
copy of a single cell from the
parent organism.
Natural clones, also known as
identical twins, occur in
humans and other mammals.
These twins are produced
when a fertilized egg splits,
creating two or more embryos
that carry almost
identical DNA. Identical
twins have nearly the same
genetic makeup as each other,
but they are genetically
different from either parent.
How are genes cloned?
Researchers routinely use
cloning techniques to make
copies of genes that they
wish to study. The procedure
consists of inserting a gene from
one organism, often referred to
as "foreign
DNA," into the genetic material
of a carrier called a vector.
Examples of vectors include
bacteria, yeast cells, viruses or
plasmids, which are small DNA
circles carried by bacteria. After
the gene is inserted, the vector is
placed in laboratory conditions
that prompt it to multiply,
resulting in the gene being
copied many times over.
What are the types of artificial
There are three different types
of artificial cloning: gene cloning,
reproductive cloning and
therapeutic cloning.
Gene cloning produces copies of
genes or segments of DNA.
Reproductive cloning produces
copies of whole animals.
Therapeutic cloning produces
embryonic stem cells for
experiments aimed at creating
tissues to replace injured or
diseased tissues.
Gene cloning, also known as
DNA cloning, is a very different
process from reproductive and
therapeutic cloning.
First primates born with
'Dolly' cloning method
The History of Cloning
Lost in the midst of all the buzz about cloning is the fact that cloning is
nothing new: its rich scientific history spans more than 100 years. The
landmark examples below will take you on a journey through time,
where you can learn more about the history of cloning.
1938 - The first idea of cloning
Hans Spemann proposes a “fantastic
experiment” – to replace the nucleus of an egg
cell with the nucleus of another cell and
to grow an embryo from such an egg.
Hans Spemann won the Noble Prize in 1935
for his contributions to developmental biology.
He worked mostly with the eggs of newts and
frogs and through careful observation of the
developing embryo he was able to work out the
fate of many cells in the
early embryo.
Spemann reasoned that some cells in the
early embryo were able to direct the fate of
other cells. By transplanting parts of one
embryo to specific locations in another embryo
he determined which cells acted as organizing
centers, presumably by secreting regulatory
1952 – an attempt to clone a Rana pipiens
Robert Briggs and Thomas King; the
scientists collect the nucleus from a frog egg
cell with a pipette and replace it with the
nucleus taken from a cell of a frog embryo; the
experiment is not successful.
Although these experiments were successful
when Briggs and King used unspecialised cells,
they found that they could not make cloned
frogs when they used more specialised cells.
This observation led to the belief that the DNA
in specialised cells was ‘fixed’ and could not be
used to produce a new organism. In 1958,
Gurdon showed otherwise by making clones
using specialised cells from the intestines of
tadpoles of a different species (Xenopus laevis).
1970 a Xenopus laevis frog
John B. Gurdon is successful. He clones
a frog, but its development only reaches the
stage of tadpole. Despite attempts, he never
manages to obtain an adult specimen. For many
years, his achievement is questioned, especially
in light of unsuccessful attempts to clone
1981 – Karl Illmenese and Peter Hope clone
a mouse.
They take the nucleus not from an adult
specimen, but from a mouse embryo In the
mouse experiments, each clone was produced
by taking a nucleus obtained from a mouse
embryo at an early stage of development and
inserting it into a fertilized egg from another
mouse. The original nuclear material in that
egg was then extracted, leaving only the
inserted nucleus.
The egg, after being cultured about four days,
was placed in the womb of a mouse that then
gave birth to an offspring with all the genetic
features of the embryo from which the nucleus
had been taken. The offspring bore no
relationship to the mouse whose egg had been
used or to the mother that bore it. Two Clones
Produced Offspring.
1994 – Neal First tries to clone a sheep.
He takes the nucleus from an embryonic
cell. He obtains a sheep embryo that develops
120 cells; First was known for his contributions
to animal genetics, and in particular for the
development of systems of bovine embryo
cloning, gene transfer, and in-vitro production
of livestock embryos. His research helped to
make major advances in the application of
biotechnology to reproduction in farm animals
possible, eliminating the need for brood cows
in beef cattle breeding. His research focused on
sperm and oocyte maturation, in vitro
production of embryos, cloning of cattle, and
methods for producing transgenic embryos.
1995 – two sheep are cloned (Moran and
These had been the first animals cloned
from differentiated cells obtained by means
of a pioneering method of nuclei transfer.
However, the cells from which the nucleus was
taken did not come directly from another living
animal, but from a cell culture. The ones who
achieved that were Ian Wilmut and Keith
1996 – the first
mammal cloned from
a cell taken from
an adult animal – Dolly
the sheep. Creators: Ian
Wilmut and Keith
Dolly was part of a series of experiments at
The Roslin Institute that were trying to develop a
better method for producing genetically
modified livestock. If successful, this would
mean fewer animals would need to be used in
future experiments. Scientists at Roslin also
wanted to learn more about how cells change
during development and whether a specialised
cell, such as a skin or brain cell, could be used to
make a whole new animal.
These experiments were carried out at The
Roslin Institute by a team led by Professor Sir
Ian Wilmut. Because of the nature of the
research, the team was made up of many
embryologists, surgeons, vets and farm staff.
Dolly was cloned from a cell taken from the
mammary gland of a six-year-old Finn Dorset
sheep and an egg cell taken from a Scottish
Blackface sheep. She was born to her Scottish
Blackface surrogate mother on 5th July 1996.
Dolly’s white face was one of the first signs that
she was a clone because if she was genetically
related to her surrogate mother, she would have
had a black face.
Because Dolly’s DNA came from a mammary
gland cell, she was named after the country
singer Dolly Parton.
1998 – the first cloned mouse (it was called
Cumulina (October 3, 1997-May 5, 2000), a
mouse, was the first animal cloned from adult
cells that survived to adulthood. She was cloned
using the Honolulu technique developed by the
Ryuzo Yanagimachi research group, 'Team Yana',
at the former campus of the John A. Burns
School of Medicine located at the University of
Hawai’i at Manoa. She was a brown Mus
musculus or common house mouse. Cumulina
was named after the cumulus cells surrounding
the developing oocyte in the ovarian follicle in
mice. Nuclei from these cells were put into egg
cell devoid of their original nuclei in the
Honolulu cloning technique. All other mice
produced by the Yanagimachi lab are just known
by a number.
2000 – the first cloned rhesus monkey.
Tetra (born October 1999) is a rhesus
macaque that was created through a cloning
technique called “embryo splitting”. She is the
first "cloned“ primate by artificial twinning, and
was created by a team led by Professor Gerald
Schatten of the Oregon National Primate
Research Center.
This was the first time this technique had
proven successful in monkeys, although it is
often used in cattle. She was the first primate to
have been cloned using this "splitting"
technique. The first non-human primate derived
from nuclear transfer was created in 1997 using
a different technique for "cloning". Only two of
the four embryos survived to a sufficient stage in
which they could be implanted into surrogates,
and Tetra was the only one to be delivered
successfully after 157 days. The announcement
of Tetra was made on 13 January 2000, when she
was four months old. It was thought that by
producing identical primates, advances in human
medical research could be made. A further four
monkeys, cloned using this same technique were
due to be born in May 2000.
First primate created by
embryonic cell nuclear transfer
2000 – the first cloned pig (or even five pigs);
A British company says it has successfully
created the world's first cloned pigs.The company
says five healthy piglets were born at its
laboratories in the United States earlier this month
using cells from an adult pig.The five healthy
piglets named, Milly, Christa, Alexisa, Carol and
Dot-Com, were born at the PPL therapeutics
laboratory in Virginia in the United States.
The company, which was also involved in
breeding the first cloned mammal, Dolly the
sheep, wants to develop the technique to breed
genetically identical pigs which could be used to
x inactivation and epigenetic re-programming,
which normally occurs in a fertilised
embryo before implantation.
In September 2006, CC gave birth to four
live kittens.. The litter was fathered naturally. It
included two males named Tim and Zip and one
female named Tess. Another kitten (a female) was
stillborn. This incident was the first time a cloned
pet gave birth. CC appears to be free of the
cloning-related health problems that have arisen
in some other animal clones. "CC has always been
a perfectly normal cat and her kittens are just that
way, too," says Kraemer.
grow body parts for humans.Since pig organs are
similar in size to those of humans, scientists
believe pigs could be used to solve the problem of
a global shortage of human organs.
2001 – a cat cloned.
CC, for “Coppy Cat” or “Carbon Copy” (born
December 22, 2001), is a brown tabby and white
domestic shorthair and the first cloned pet. She
was cloned by scientists at Texas A&M
University. CC's surrogate mother was a tabby,
but her genetic donor, Rainbow, was a
calico domestic shorthair. The difference in hair
coloration between CC and Rainbow is due to
March–April 2003 – a rabbit
A rabbit is cloned in France and Korea. The
world's first cloned rabbits were unveiled
yesterday by a team of French scientists. While
cloning might seem redundant in view of the
bunny's ability to reproduce naturally, the use of
cloning combined with genetic modification could
lead to the development of GM rabbits that model
human disease and can be milked for drugs.
A research team in North Korea has succeeded in
cloning rabbits.
The report claims that after only two years
of research, a group of seven North Korean
life scientists and experts successfully cloned
a rabbit in 2003 at a laboratory in the National
Academy of Sciences (NAS).
May 2003 – a mule is cloned.
It was achieved by the companies Idaho
Gem and Utah Pioneer; The funder for the
mule-cloning project was the president of the
American Mule Racing Association, Don
Jacklin. Jacklin “wanted to bring the world’s
attention to racing mules,” lead scientist on
the project Gordon Woods toldNPR in 2006.
Jacklin was also hoping to clone animals from
his champion racer, Taz, Woods said. Idaho
Gem, the first cloned mule, was part of Taz's
line, although not a direct copy of Taz,
because he was produced with DNA from a
fetus that would have been Taz's brother.
2004 – fruit flies cloned.
The question everyone asks, says group
leader Vett Lloyd of Dalhousie University in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, is why anyone would
want to clone flies in the first place.She hopes
that the insects, which are very easy to
experiment with, will help to fine-tune the
cloning process in other animals and even in
humans, where the technique is being
researched to aid production of therapeutic
stem cells.
In cloning, the DNA-containing nucleus of
an adult cell is injected into an egg whose own
nucleus has been removed. At the moment, the
majority of cloned mice, sheep and other
animals die before birth. It is thought this is
because the adult DNA is not properly
'reprogrammed' and cannot orchestrate the
growth of an embryoUsing flies, researchers
might reveal genes that are important for this
reprogramming, and that have counterparts in
other animals. That is because it is relatively
easy in flies to knock out the function of a
single gene and then attempt cloning with
these cells, which will test whether that gene
is crucial.
If such genes are identified, then in theory
cloned mammalian embryos might be grown
in tailored solutions that alter the activity of
those genes to improve the technique's success
April 2005 – an Afghan hound (Snuppy)
Woo Suk Hwang, a lead researcher
at Seoul National University, was able to
successfully create a clone using tissuefrom
the ear of a 3-year-old Afghan hound. 123
surrogate mothers were used to carry the
embryos, of which 1,095 were implanted, the
procedure resulted in only three pregnancies;
one resulted in a miscarriage, the other pup
was born successfully but died of pneumonia
by three weeks after birth, the successful clone
was carried by a Labrador Retriever. From the
original 1,095 embryos to the final two
puppies, this placed the success rate of the
project at less than two tenths of a percent.
Snuppy was named as a portmanteau of the
initials of the Seoul National University
(SNU) and the word "puppy".
As the eggs in a female canine are only
fertile during the estrus phase of the estrous
cycle, the eggs could only be harvested during
a three-week period each year. Due to
complexities with removing eggs from
canine ovaries the eggs had to be extracted
from the oviduct which required constant
monitoring to achieve. The nucleus of each
egg was replaced with the cell from the ear of
the adult dog and then electrified and fused
using a chemical reaction. The embryos were
then transferred to the surrogate dogs. Three
of the suggorate mother became pregnant and
two successfully gave birth. Snuppy, the first
to be born, survived while the other died two
weeks after birth. This process of cloning
Snuppy took nearly three years of intensive
2007 – a wolf cloned
South Korean scientists obtained two female
wolves (Snuwolf and Snuwolffy);A former
collaborator of the disgraced South Korean
scientist, Dr Hwang Woo-Suk, claimed today
to have The two wolves, named Snuwolf and
Snuwolffy, said Dr Lee Byeong-Chun, a
veterinary professor at Seoul National
University.DNA tests showed the two wolves
- an endangered species - are clones, the
university's office of research affairs said,
adding the results would be published in the
journal cloning and Stem Cells.
2009 – the first animal from an extinct
species cloned: Pyrenean ibex. The animal
lived seven minutes. It died of lung
The Pyrenean ibex, a form of wild
mountain goat, was officially declared extinct
in 2000 when the last-known animal of its
kind was found dead in northern
Spain.Shortly before its death, scientists
preserved skin samples of the goat, a
subspecies of the Spanish ibex that live in
mountain ranges across the country, in liquid
Using DNA taken from these skin samples,
the scientists were able to replace the genetic
material in eggs from domestic goats, to clone
a female Pyrenean ibex, or bucardo as they
are known. It is the first time an extinct
animal has been cloned.
Sadly, the newborn ibex kid died shortly
after birth due to physical defects in its lungs.
Other cloned animals, including sheep, have
been born with similar lung defects.
Maktoum, the Prime Minister, Vice President of the
United Arab Emirates, and the emir of Dubai. Prior
to this, there had been several unsuccessful
attempts in the Emirate to clone a camel.
Injaz was created from ovarian cells of an adult
camel slaughtered for its meat in 2005. The cells
were grown in tissue culture and then frozen
in liquid nitrigen. Afterwards, one of the cells
was injected into a nucleus-removed oocyte of the
surrogate camel, which were then fused with
an electric current and chemically induced to
initiate cell division. The resulting embryo was
cultured for a week and implanted back into the
surrogate camel's uterus. Twenty days later, its
pregnancy was confirmed using ultrasound and
monitored throughout the gestation period. After
Injaz's birth, its DNA was tested at the Molecular
Biology and Genetics Laboratory in Dubai and
confirmed to be identical copies of the DNA of the
original ovarian cells, proving that Injaz is a clone
of the original camel.
How does cloning work,
anyway? Your guide to realworld replication
2009 – a camel
female cloned (Injaz)
Injaz was created from ovarian cells of a
female killed for meat in 2005. The camel cloning
programme in Saudi Arabia enjoys special care
of the government.
Injaz (meaning "achievement") is a
female dromedary camel, born April 8, 2009,
credited with being the world's first cloned camel.
Dr. Nisar Ahmad Wani, a reproductive biologist
and head of the research team at the Camel
Reproduction Center in Dubai, United Arab
Emirates, announced on April 14, 2009, that the
"uncomplicated" gestation of 378 days. The
cloning project had the personal endorsement and
financial support of Mohammed bin Rashid Al
It’s common knowledge that cloning has broken the bonds of sci-fi, and that labs
around the world are experimenting with cloning techniques. But how exactly does
cloning work, and why haven’t we heard more about it? More specifically, why
haven’t clone armies overrun us yet? Here’s how researchers clone living organisms,
and why it remains a complicated process.
Types of Modern Cloning
“Cloning” isn’t a very
scientific word, so it’s no
surprise that there are several
diferent techniques that you call
cloning. That includes the
common gene cloning, where
reproduced — and used for
medical techniques or even
meeting demand for red
meat — as well as therapeutic
between eggs for a shortened
development process.
But for the real, “that’s what
I meant” style of cloning, we
need to talk about somatic cell
nuclear transfer (SCNT). This
is the type of cloning that takes
the DNA of an adult specimen
and reproduces it, so that an
embryo with that same DNA is
created. It’s the sort of science
that inspired stormtroopers and
dinosaurs in our favorite
movies, and it’s probably
exactly what you were thinking
of. So let’s talk about how
somatic cell nuclear transfer
Step 1: Extract DNA from a donor
First, scientists need healthy, durable
cells from a donor — a.k.a. the organism
they aim to clone. There are different kinds
of cells in the average sexual organism, but
somatic cells are the “neutral” type of cell
that just hangs out doing its job with the
typical two complete sets of chromosomes.
Somatic cells can’t be found among red
blood cells, but white blood cells are
somatic and a common source for DNA
products. Skin cells and the traditional
cheek-swab also work, but the cells have to
be healthy and undamaged. That’s why it is
usually impractical to try to clone ancient
frozen or trapped animals: Their cells are
almost always heavily damaged.
Step 2: Prepare an egg cell
While one part of the scientific cloning
team is working on extracting a plentiful
supply of somatic cells from the donor,
another part is working to prepare a viable
egg cell. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an
egg cell from the same species, but for
greater chances of success, the closer the
When scientists find the right undamaged
egg cells, they carefully extract the nucleus
of the cell. The nucleus is what holds the
single set of chromosomes that contributes to
reproduction. But for cloning, they don’t
want that DNA — they want an intact, empty
shell that can house an embryo. So the
nucleus and all its DNA is removed, while
the rest of the egg is delicately preserved.
Step 3: Insert somatic cell material
Remember, because somatic cells are
complete, adult cells not used for
reproduction, they have the full dual set of
chromosomes, already present and ready for
action. However, scientists need to get this
DNA into the egg cell and prepared to grow
into a new organism. So they — again, very
carefully — remove the nucleus and insert it
into the waiting, empty egg cell.
The goal is to combine them into a single
cell again, which is not easy. Current
successful techniques use a very light,
directed flow of electricity so that the nucleus
and egg cell bind together, and hopefully
agree to their new living arrangement.
Now we have a cloned egg, ready to start
growing! But, while the egg does have two
sets of chromosomes and, in theory,
everything it needs to grow into a copy of
the donor organism, it hasn’t actually been
fertilized — and it can’t be fertilized without
ruining the cloning process.
So scientists try to convince the egg that
it’s fertilized and should start growing. This
is another area where there is a lot of
experimentation with new techniques:
Usually, the egg is subjected to chemical
cocktails designed to trigger the growth
process, often while being zapped with more
electricity (sometimes science really is like
the movies).
When the cell starts to divide, scientists
move quickly onto the next stage, keeping
the egg in similar conditions to the real
reproductive process. If the egg starts to
develop into an embryo that appears healthy,
they typically implant that embryo into a
living female organism to gestate. This is
better for the egg and much less expensive
than trying to grown an embryo externally in
a lab.
Step 5: Repeat until viability
As you probably noticed, there’s a certain
amount of uncertainty and delicate work
involved in all the previous steps. Even
small amounts of cell damage can be
disastrous, and there’s no guarantee a
doctored egg will develop correctly either
inside or outside the carrying organism. In
other words, viability is a major issue. There
are a lot of failed attempts and embryos that
just don’t develop correctly (often going
awry when the embryo is only a small
collection of cells), so it takes massive
resources, plenty of time, and hundreds of
attempts to create a successful clone.
Successful live births are a rarity.
Even then, the process is not usually kind
to the successful clones. They tend to suffer
from shortened lifespans and other problems
summed up by what you could call DNA
whiplash. However, these problems have
diminished as technology has advanced.
Easter Island, where Sephora toromiro once
grew, is a case study in what will happen to
humanity if we don't care for our forests and
our natural environment. By the 1800s, nearly
all of the island's forests had been eliminated
by humans, and the subsequent social
collapse was stunning. Humans obviously
weren't the only ones who suffered.
Plant cloning is the act of producing identical genetical
plants from an original plant. Simply put, cloning is just
to take the cutting or clipping of a plant and grow it
elsewhere on its own. After 1-3 weeks, the roots will
form from the cutting, and a new life of a clone begins.
Types of Modern Cloning
The world's first-ever cloned cat, called "CC," is seen at
seven weeks old with Allie, her surrogate mother. The
kitten is the first successful product of a program aimed
at letting people clone their beloved pets at Texas A&M
University in College Station. (Image: Reuters)
Cloning is the most recent evolution
of selective assisted breeding in animal
husbandry. Cloning animals is a reliable
way of reproducing superior livestock
genetics and ensuring herds are maintained
at the highest quality possible. It’s
important to remember that cloning does
not manipulate the animal’s genetic make
up nor change an animal’s DNA.
It is simply another form of assisted
reproduction. Cloning allows livestock
breeders to create an exact genetic copy of
an existing animal, essentially an identical
twin. Clones are superior breeding animals
used to produce healthier offspring.
Animal cloning offers great benefits to
consumers, farmers, and endangered
1. Cloning allows farmers and ranchers to
accelerate the reproduction of their
most productive livestock in order to
better produce safe and healthy food.
2. Cloning reproduces the healthiest
animals, thus minimizing the use of
antibiotics, growth hormones and other
3. Consumers can benefit from cloning
because meat and milk will be more
healthful, consistent, and safe.
4. Most of the foods from cloning will be
from the offspring of clones that are
not clones themselves, but sexually
reproduced animals.
5. Cloning can be used to protect
endangered species. For example, in
China, panda cells are being kept on
reserve should this species' numbers be
threatened by extinction
Foods Are Safe to Eat
The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) on January 15,
2008, reaffirmed the safety of meat and
milk products from animal clones and their
offspring for human consumption . The
FDA Risk Assessment is the most
comprehensive science-based evaluation of
livestock cloning conducted in the world to
International Acceptance
1. Livestock cloning and the sale of
cloned animals is – and always has
been – legal and safe in the United
2. Cloning research is active in Argentina,
Australia, Brazil, China, France,
Germany, Iran, Japan, New Zealand,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
3. The governments of France, New
Zealand and the European Food Safety
Authority have determined foods from
cloned animals and their offspring are
4. China has said it plans to build a beef
herd equivalent in quality to the United
States, and it will use all available
technologies including cloning.
Cloning is Slowly Being Adopted
No Restriction on Offspring
The U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) also has requested a voluntary
withholding of clones from the food supply
continue at this time
Now that the final science-based Risk
Assessment has been released, the FDA
has signaled that there is no health or
safety reason to continue this moratorium.
Cloning companies will continue to work
out an orderly marketing transition with
the food industry and relevant government
agencies – including the FDA and the
USDA – as they move toward
commercialization. On January 15, 2008,
the USDA noted that the progeny from
cloned animals are safe and there is no
restriction on their movement into the food
supply. Cloning is now being slowly
adopted in the United States.
Supply Chain Management Program
Management Program is important to the
adoption of cloning technology during the
transition period. This program allows
processors and retailers to meet consumer
demands by tracking animal clones
through the use of an animal registry. Such
tracking is solely for the purpose of
consumer information and not an issue
with the safety or healthfulness of the food
Human cloning
is the creation of a genetically identical copy clone of
a human. The term is generally used to refer to
artificial human cloning, which is the reproduction of
human cells and tissue. It does not refer to the natural
conception and delivery of identical twins. The
possibility of human cloning has raised controversies.
These ethical concerns have prompted several nations
to pass laws regarding human cloning and its legality.
Two commonly discussed types of
theoretical human cloning are:
1. therapeutic cloning
2. reproductive cloning.
Therapeutic cloning would involve cloning cells from a human
for use in medicine and transplants, and is an active area of research,
but is not in medical practice anywhere in the world, as of
April 2017. Two common methods of therapeutic cloning that are
being researched are somatic-cell nuclear transfer and, more
recently, pluripotent stem celL induction. Reproductive cloning
would involve making an entire cloned human, instead of just
specific cells or tissues.
(Image: Black Bag-Gawker)
Let’s face it, there have been
conspiracy theories around for as long as
we have had anything to conspire about.
Such ideas have run the gamut from the
plausible to the actually true, to the farthest
reaches of eyebrow raising insanity. It is an
interesting enough phenomenon in its own
right that some of the most mindbogglingly odd theories should catch on
and coalesce into the minds of the masses,
but some of these really take the cake with
regards to sheer, flat out bizarreness.
Comparison of Reproductive and Therapeutic Cloning. artificial cloning
(Image: BioNinja)
This includes: Donald Trump, Avril
Lavigne, John Lennon, Queen Elizabeth II
and many other famous personality who
were accused of having clones.
The theory is particularly aimed at
those in the entertainment industry, where
the list of supposed MKULTRA mindcontrolled puppets is long. Britney Spears,
Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber,
and many, many others have been accused
of being mind-controlled operatives,
mostly based on their noticeable
personality, appearance, and fashion
changes from their younger days. On
occasion, it is not a famous person, but
rather a normal person brainwashed into
committing atrocities, such as is the case
with John Lennon’s assassin. The title of
“insane theories” might shift with more to
show otherwise, but for now these can
undeniably be classified as fringe to say
the least.
1. One of the most valuable benefits that cloning has, is
the ability to clone healthy human organs.
Could we clone organs that would be exact genetic matches?
(Image: Science, How Stuff Works?)
2. Scientists have stated that cloning can
be used to clone a healthy organ of some
sort and replace the damaged with the
new healthy one.
(Image: Jeffrey Mohan Peng)
3. A specific example is that of a heart - by
being able to treat heart attack victims by
cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting
them into the areas of the heart that have been
The Heart Makers
(Image: Youtube.com)
4. Cloning can also benefit humans in other
ways such as: repairing defective genes,
replacing cancer cells, and helping
Franklinia also became extinct during the era of man, though much
less recently. The last known sighting of Franklinia in its native range
was in 1803.
(Image: Healthinnovations)
•Produce animals with desirable traits.
•Increase the efficiency of the livestock
•Offset losses of among endangered
species populations.
•Enable better research for finding cures to
many diseases.
•Provide children for parents who would
like a child but can't have one for various
•Provide parents with an opportunity to
clone a child who has died.
•Decline in genetic diversity.
•Taking nature into our own hands.
•Religious and moral reasons.
Scientists Say ‘Jurassic Park’ Cloning Is Impossible, Crush Dreams
•Physical problems, such as birth
•Possibility of mental and emotional
problems of the clone.
Adam was created without anyone to teach us the importance of each one of us. That if
anyone destroys human life, it is considered that he ravaged the whole world. And if
anyone preserves someone’s life, he has protected the world as a whole. We, like Adam
and Eve, are individually called to be good stewards of everything around us.
In bioethics, the ethics of cloning
refers to a variety of ethical positions
regarding the practice and possibilities
of cloning, especially human cloning.
While many of these views are religious in
origin, the questions raised by cloning are
faced by secular perspectives as well.
Human therapeutic and reproductive
cloning are not commercially used;
animals are currently cloned in laboratories
and in livestock production.
Advocates support development of
therapeutic cloning in order to generate
tissues and whole organs to treat patients
who otherwise cannot obtain transplants,
to avoid the need for immunosuppressive
drugs,[and to stave off the effects of
aging. Advocates for reproductive cloning
believe that parents who cannot otherwise
procreate should have access to the
Some opponents of reproductive
cloning have concerns that technology is
not yet developedenough. Religious groups
are divided, with some opposing the
technology as usurping God's role in
creation and, to the extent embryos are
used, destroying a human life; others
support therapeutic cloning's potential lifesaving benefits
"It has become
appallingly obvious
that our technology
has exceeded our
-Albert E.
I. Multiple Choices
Direction: Choose the letter that corresponds your answer the question.
______1. John B. Gurdon successfully cloned a frog, but ________.
______3. The following statements are benefits of cloning: except ______.
Produce animals with desirable traits.
Increase the efficiency of the livestock production.
Offset losses of among endangered species populations.
Taking nature into our own hands.
______4. Who was the first mammal that was cloned?
Its development only reaches the stage of tadpole.
The cells from which the nucleus was taken did not come directly from another living animal.
He only have the adult specimen.
He was unable to fully replace the nucleus of the egg cell.
______2. After they place the eggs under a microscope and use a pipette to puncture them and extract the nuclei out
of the cells. The next step is ________.
Using a laparoscope, scientists retrieve eggs from the female subject.
They isolate the nucleus and use a mild electrical shock to coax the nucleus into moving into the genetically
empty egg.
C. After days of monitoring the health of the resulting clone, the fertilized egg is then inserted into the mother to
begin its new stage of development.
D. They replace the nucleus of an egg cell with the nucleus of another cell and to grow an embryo from such
an egg.
A. Dolly
B. Cumulina
C. Cc
D. Ralph
______5. How are plants cloned?
A. Just take the cutting/clipping of a plant and grow it elsewhere on its own.
B. Sexual Reproduction
C.Remove a mature somatic cell, such as a skin cell, from a plant that they wish to copy.
D. It makes cells that secrete insulin
II. True or False
Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
____1. Sexual Reproduction always produces clones.
____2. In reproductive cloning, researchers remove a mature somatic cell, such as a skin cell, from an animal that
they wish to copy.
____3. Cloning increase the efficiency of the livestock production.
____4. Cc is the first mammal cloned from a cell taken from an adult animal.
____5. Hans Spemann proposed an experiment to replace the nucleus of an egg cell with the nucleus of another cell
and to grow an embryo from such an egg.
III. Table Completion
V. History of Cloning
Complete the timeline table:
Event Clues
Dolly the Sheep
A labrador is cloned