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Racial Inequality in US Education: A Short Paper

Cultural and Racial Minorities – Module 6 Short Paper
917562478 Rino Yoshida
Currently, in the U.S., education does not work equally for all races
and ethnicities. Majority of people consider getting higher education
helps to move up the economic ladder from landing decent-payment jobs,
however, for minority groups, it is still tricky. For example, there are
racial disparities in students’ debt of college tuition. After four
years of graduation, Blacks graduates have nearly $25,000 more student
loan debt than Whites. Due to the rising tuition, the debt accumulated
and increasing than a few decades before. Even students of color
entranced college, rates of receiving bachelor degree has disparities
per races. For instance, today only 22.8% of Blacks aged 25 to 29 are
college graduates, in comparison to 42.1% of Whites. In case of the high
school graduation rate gap, it is slightly but still lower than Whites.
The history of the racially segregated education system is the central
historical factors which have shaped the current state of education in
the U.S First is the Native American Boarding Schools which began in the
1870s. Under the school system, they were educated as part of the
“civilization” which means rub those indigenous culture from them and
eliminate it. Even though it ended in the 1950s, the long-term effects
inflict that Native American have the lowest educational attainment
rates of any group in the U.S.
Second is on the Jim Crow Law era; Blacks were separated from but
supposedly equal to schools for Whites. The goal was to keep Blacks in
limited skills to be the urban labor in the industrialized market. These
inequitable school systems lasted for 100 years and inflicted on
rationalize Blacks to segregate and keep them in lower economic
I think the contemporary pattern of educational inequality cannot be
explained by culture differences per racial groups, but by the place
they got an education, in short, their environment affects most. Schools
for the student of color had significantly fewer access to high quality
of education including facilities than that of Whites. Many minorities
and economically disadvantaged students are located in property-poor
urban districts which are worst in educational expenditures. Thus, it
means that educational attainment cannot be explained by the culture,
but by the socio-economic status and the environment which they have
grown up.