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MPI Heat Distribution Performance Analysis Assignment

Assignment 5
Due date: 04/28/11
Spring 2011
Notice that for this and all assignments it is cheating to get answers from any website or other Internet
source unless the assignment specifically requires you to visit a website.
Solve a computational problem using two-dimensional arrays
(SOURCE of the Problem Set: Dr. Amy Apon, University of Arkansas)
This assignment is a continuation of Assignment 4.
Performance measurement:
Before beginning this portion of the assignment, make sure you enter the following command lines:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/perfsuite-1.0.0b2/bin:/usr/lib64/mpich2/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/perfsuite-1.0.0b2/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib64/mpich2/lib
You can also enter these into your .bashrc file so that you only need to do this once.
1) Modify the MPI heat distribution problem’s source code of the consider large mesh sizes
(Use a mesh size of 1000x1000 or larger)
2) Use the perfsuite package (psrun) to obtain the number of hardware counters involved in the
computation and locate the hotspots in the source code by line number.
3) Use the TAU & PAPI package to generate communication profile and performance profile of
the above application
4) Use Jumpshot to visualize communication patterns & performance profiles from step 3)
5) Describe the results as indicated by the Jumpshot visualization (in a paragraph or two)
Hint: for steps 2) – 4) refer to the examples discussed in L13: Performance Measurement. Use both the information in the slides as well as the
demos in the lecture video (available at the website coursemat folder)