80102016 - 2
1. The objectives of financial reporting are based on
a. Generally accepted accounting principles
b. Reporting for regulators
c. The need for conservatism
d. The needs of the users of the information
2. The relevance of providing information in financial statements is subject to the constraint of
a. Comparability
b. Cost-benefit
c. Reliability
d. Faithful representation
3. Which of the following is an enhancing quality that relates to both relevance and faithful
a. Comparability
b. Confirmatory value
c. Predictive value
d. Freedom from error
4. What is the requirement for incorporating an item into the financial statements?
a. It meets the definition of relevance and faithful representation.
b. It meets the definition of an element and can be measured reliably
c. It satisfies the criteria of capital maintenance
d. It meets the requirement of comparability and consistency.
5. What is the purpose of reporting comprehensive income?
a. To report changes in equity due to transactions with owners.
b. To report a measure of overall entity performance.
c. To replace net income with a better measure.
d. To combine income from continuing operations with income from discontinued
6. When a full set of general-purpose financial statements are presented, comprehensive income
and its components should
a. Appear as a part of discontinued operations.
b. Be reported net of related income tax should effect, in total and individually.
c. Appear in a supplemental schedule in the notes to financial statements.
d. Be displayed in a financial statement that has the same prominence as other financial
7. Which is an acceptable method for reporting comprehensive income under IFRS?
a. One comprehensive income statement.
b. Two statements, an income statement and a comprehensive income statement.
c. In the statement of changes in equity.
d. One comprehensive income statement or two statements, an income statement and a
comprehensive income statement
8. Which of the following is true about financial statement requirements?
a. Prior year comparative financial statements are required.
b. Income statements for three years are required.
c. Statements of financial position for three years are required.
d. There are no specific requirements regarding comparative financial statements.
9. Which of the following items would cause earnings to differ from comprehensive income?
a. Unrealized loss on investment classified as available for sale
b. Unrealized loss on investment classified as trading
c. Loss on exchange of similar asset
d. Loss on exchange of dissimilar asset
10. Which of the following statements conforms to the realization concept?
a. Equipment depreciation was assigned to a production department and then to product unit
b. Depreciated equipment was sold in exchange for a note receivable.
c. Cash was collected on accounts receivable.
d. Product unit costs were assigned to cost of goods sold when the units were sold.
11. What is the underlying concept that supports estimating a fixed asset impairment charge?
a. Substance over form
b. Consistency
c. Matching
d. Faithful representation
12. What is the concept that supports the issuance of interim reports?
a. Relevance
b. Materiality
c. Consistency
d. Faithful representation
13. Which of the following is an essential characteristic of an asset?
a. The claims to an asset’s benefits are legally enforceable.
b. An asset is tangible.
c. An asset is obtained at a cost.
d. An asset provides future benefits.
14. The installment method of accounting may be used if the
a. Collection period extends over more than twelve months.
b. Installments are due in different years.
c. Ultimate amount collectible is indeterminate.
d. Percentage of completion method is inappropriate.
15. Which statement best justifies the use of the cost recovery method of revenue recognition to
account for installment sales?
a. The sales contract provides that title to the equipment only passes to the purchaser when
all payments have been made.
b. No cash payments are due until one year from the date of sale.
c. Sales are subject to a high rate of return.
d. There is no reasonable basis for estimating collectibility.
16. Which of the following is not one of the criteria for revenue recognition for sale of goods?
a. The significant risk and rewards of ownership of goods are transferred.
b. Payment has been received.
c. The entity does not retain a continuing managerial involvement or control over the goods
d. The costs incurred can be measured reliably
17. Which of the following is the first step within the hierarchy of guidance when selecting
accounting policies?
a. Consider the most recent pronouncements of other standard setting bodies.
b. Apply a standard from PFRS if it specifically relates to the transaction, other event or
c. Consider the applicability of the definitions, recognition criteria and measurement
concepts in the Conceptual Framework
d. Apply the requirements in PFRS dealing with similar and related issues.
18. The effect of a change in accounting policy that is inseparable from the effect of a change in
accounting estimate should be reported
a. By restating the financial statements of all prior periods presented.
b. As a correction of an error.
c. As a component of income from continuing operations, in the period of change and future
periods if the change affects both.
d. As a separate disclosure after income from continuing operations, in the period of change
and future periods if the change affects both.
19. If it is impracticable to determine the cumulative effect of an accounting change to any of the
prior periods, the accounting change should be accounted for
a. As a prior adjustment
b. On a prospective basis
c. As a cumulative effect change in the income statement
d. As an adjustment to retained earnings in the first period presented.
20. An entity that has included in consolidated financial statements this year a subsidiary
acquired years ago that was appropriately excluded from consolidation last year should report
a. An accounting change prospectively.
b. An accounting change retrospectively.
c. A correction of an error.
d. Neither an accounting change nor a correction of an error.
21. A voluntary change in accounting method may only be made if
a. A new standard mandates the change in method
b. Management prefers the new method
c. The new method provides reliable and more relevant information
d. There is no prohibition for the change.
22. The loss on disposal of a discontinued component should
a. Exclude associated employee relocation cost
b. Exclude operating loss for the period.
c. Include associated employee termination cost
d. Exclude associated lease cancelation cost
23. An entity recently moved to a new building. The old building is being actively marketed for
sale, and the entity expects to complete the sale in four months. Each of the following
statements is correct regarding the old building, except
a. It will be reclassified as an asset held for sale.
b. It will be classified as a current asset.
c. It will no longer be depreciated.
d. It will be valued at historical cost.
24. Financial statements shall include disclosures of material transactions between related
parties, except
a. Nonmonetary exchanges by affiliates.
b. Sales of inventory by a subsidiary to the parent.
c. Expense allowances for executives which exceed normal business practice.
d. An entity’s agreement to act as surety for a loan to the chief executive officer.
25. What is the purpose of information presented in notes to financial statements?
a. To provide disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles.
b. To correct improper presentation in the financial statements.
c. To provide recognition of amounts not included in the totals of the financial statements.
d. To present management response to auditor comments.
26. The summary of significant accounting policies should disclose the
a. Proforma effect of retroactive application of an accounting change.
b. Basis of profit recognition on long term construction contracts.
c. Adequacy of pension plan assets in relation to vested benefits.
d. Future minimum lease payments in the aggregate and for each of the succeeding fiscal
27. Which of the following is not true about the presentation of financial statements?
a. A separate statement of comprehensive income and separate statement of changes in
equity are required.
b. The LIFO cost flow assumption is not allowed for inventories.
c. Presentation of extraordinary items is required.
d. Impairment losses may be reversed in future periods.
28. Which of the following items is required disclosure in the income statement?
a. Revenue, cost of goods sold and advertising expense
b. Finance cost, tax expense and income
c. Operating expenses, nonoperating expenses and extraordinary items
d. Gross profit, operating profit and net profit
29. Which of the following inventory is not valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value?
a. Manufactured inventory
b. Retail inventory
c. Biological inventory
d. Industrial inventory
30. The specific identification method of accounting for inventory is required for
a. All inventory items
b. Inventory items that are interchangeable
c. Inventory items that are not interchangeable and goods that are produced and segregated
for specific projects.
d. Agricultural inventories.
31. Which of the following is not true about accounting for inventory?
a. FIFO is allowed
b. Interest costs may not be capitalized when financing purchase of inventory
c. The weighted average method is acceptable
d. Inventories are always valued at net realizable value.
32. Which of the following attributes would not be used to measure inventory?
a. Historical cost
b. Replacement cost
c. Net realizable value
d. Present value of future cash flows
33. Which of the following statements is true about biological assets?
a. Biological assets are only found in Biotech entities.
b. Biological assets are living animals or plants and must be disclosed as a separate item in
the statement of financial position.
c. Biological assets must be valued at cost.
d. Biological assets do not generally have future economic benefits.
34. Impairment loss for asset to be held and used shall be reported
a. As an extraordinary item.
b. As a component of discontinued operations.
c. As a component of income from continuing operations.
d. As a change in accounting estimate.
35. Long-lived assets are required to be reviewed for impairment
a. At the end of reporting period, every three years.
b. When the asset is fully depreciated.
c. When circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset might not be
d. At the end of reporting period, every year.
36. The impairment rules for long-lived assets apply to all of the following, except
a. Building currently used in the business
b. Financial instruments
c. Land
d. Minicomputers used to run a production process
37. What is required with respect to accounting for goodwill?
a. Goodwill should be amortized over a five year period
b. Goodwill should be amortized over the expected useful life.
c. Goodwill should be recorded and never adjusted
d. Goodwill should be recorded and periodically evaluated for impairment
38. Which is true about the revaluation model for valuing plant, property, and equipment?
a. Revaluation of assets must be made on the last day of the fiscal year.
b. Revaluation of assets must be made on the same date each year.
c. There is no rule for the frequency or date of revaluation
d. Revaluation of assets must be made every two years.
39. An entity uses the fair value model for reporting investment property. Which of the following
statements is true?
a. Changes in fair value are reported in profit or loss in the current period
b. Changes in fair value are reported in other comprehensive income for the period
c. Changes in fair value are reported as an extraordinary gain in the income statement
d. Changes in fair value are reported as deferred revenue for the period
40. When accounting for property, plant and equipment, an entity
a. Must use the cost model for presenting the assets
b. May elect to use the cost model or the revaluation model on any individual asset.
c. May elect to use the cost model or the revaluation model on any asset class.
d. Must use the cost model for land
41. An entity that acquires an intangible asset may use the revaluation model for subsequent
measurement only if
a. The useful life of the intangible asset can be reliably determined.
b. An active market exists for the intangible asset.
c. The cost of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.
d. The intangible asset is a monetary asset.
42. Which is a criterion that must be met in order for an item to be recognized as an intangible
asset other than goodwill?
a. The fair value can be measured reliably.
b. The item is part of the activities aimed at gaining new scientific or technical knowledge.
c. The item is expected to be used in the production or supply of goods or services
d. The item is identifiable and lacks physical substance.
43. Which of the following statements is true about accounting for development cost?
a. Development cost must be expensed
b. Development cost is always deferred and expensed against future revenue
c. Development cost may be capitalized as an intangible asset in very restrictive situations.
d. Development cost is recorded in other comprehensive income.
44. Which of the following is the proper treatment of the cost of equipment used in research and
development activities that will have alternative future use?
a. Expensed in the year in which the research and development project started.
b. Capitalized and depreciated over the term of the research and development project.
c. Capitalized and depreciated over the estimated useful life.
d. Either capitalized or expensed but not both, depending on the term of the research and
development project.
45. Intangible assets with indefinite life are tested for impairment
a. Quarterly at the quarterly reporting date
b. Annually at the annual reporting date
c. Biannually at the reporting date
d. There are no guidelines defining when intangible assets are tested for impairment
46. Any investment may be accounted for at fair value through profit and loss when
a. It is traded in an active market
b. It is an equity instrument
c. It is a debt instrument
d. The instrument matures within 2 years.
47. Investments are classified in any of the following different ways, except
a. Fair value through profit and loss
b. Amortized cost
c. Tradable
d. Fair value through other comprehensive income
48. An equity investment may be accounted for using the equity method if the investor has
significant influence over the investee. Significant influence is indicated by ownership of
a. At least 10%
b. From 20 to 50%
c. More than 50%
d. More than 70%
49. Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from changes in a benchmark
based on any of the following, except
a. Stock price
b. Mortgage and currency rate
c. Commodity price
d. Discount on accounts receivable
50. Derivative instruments are financial instruments that must contain
a. One or more underlying, or one or more notional amount.
b. No initial net investment or small net investment.
c. Terms that do not require or permit net settlement.
d. All of these.
51. Which of the following statements is true regarding interim reporting?
a. The discrete view is required for interim financial statements.
b. Interim reports are required on a quarterly basis.
c. Interim reports are not required.
d. Interim reports require the preparation of only a statement of comprehensive income and
a statement of financial position.
52. In financial reporting for segment of a business, an entity shall disclose all of the following,
a. Types of products and services from which each reportable segment derives revenue.
b. The title of the chief operating decision maker of each reportable segment.
c. Factors used to identify the reportable segments.
d. The basis of measurement of segment profit or loss and segment assets.
53. For segment reporting purposes, which tests must be applied to determine if a component is a
reportable operating segment?
a. Revenue test and asset test
b. Revenue test, asset test and profit or loss test
c. Revenue test, asset test and expense test
d. Revenue test, asset test and cash flow test
54. The most relevant measurement of liabilities at initial recognition and fresh start
measurement should always reflect
a. The expectation of the management
b. Historical cost
c. The credit standing of the entity
d. The single most likely minimum or maximum possible amount
55. In calculating present value in a situation with a range of possible outcomes all discounted
using the same interest rate, the expected present value would be
a. The most-likely outcome
b. The maximum outcome
c. The minimum outcome
d. The sum of probability-weighted present values
56. If an entity uses the modified cash basis of accounting, the modifications from the pure cash
basis should have substantial support which requires that
a. The financial statements have only minor modifications from GAAP.
b. The modifications must be the same as those required by tax law.
c. The modifications must be the same as GAAP and not illogical.
d. No modifications are allowed.
57. Prospective financial information is defined as
a. Any financial information about the past, present or future.
b. Any financial information about the present or future.
c. Any financial information about the future related to day-to-day operations.
d. Any financial information about the future.
58. To achieve a reasonably objective basis, financial forecasts and projections should be
a. In accordance with GAAP.
b. Using information that is in accordance with the plans of the entity.
c. With due professional care.
d. In Accordance with GAAP, using information in accordance with plans of the entity and
with due professional care.
59. An entity must report finance costs in the statement of cash flows
a. In operating activities
b. Either in operating activities or financing activities
c. In financing activities
d. In investing activities or financing activities
60. An entity acquired equipment by issuing shares. How should this transaction be reported in
the statement of cash flows?
a. As an outflow of cash from investing activities and inflow of cash from financing
b. As an inflow of cash from financing activities and an outlflow of cash from operating
c. At the bottom of the statement of cash flows as a significant noncash transaction
d. In the notes to financial statements as a significant noncash transaction.
61. Cash advances and loans from bank overdrafts should reported in the statement of cash
flows as
a. Operating activities
b. Investing activities
c. Financing activities
d. Other significant noncash activities
62. Interest paid on a note payable should be reported in the statement of cash flows
a. In operating activities
b. In financing activities
c. Either in operating activities or financing activities
d. Either in investing activities or financing activities
63. All of the following should be classified as investing activities, except
a. Cash outflows to purchase manufacturing equipment
b. Cash inflows from the sale of bonds of other entities
c. Cash outflows to lenders for interest
d. Cash inflows from the sale of manufacturing plant
64. An entity received notification of legal action against the entity. The attorneys determine that
it is probable the entity will lose the suit and the loss can be estimated reliably. How should
the estimated loss be reported?
a. As a loss recorded in other comprehensive income.
b. As a contingent liability reported in the statement of financial position and a loss in the
income statement
c. As a provision for loss reported in the statement of financial position and a loss in the
income statement
d. In the notes to financial statements as a contingency
65. If a long-term debt becomes callable due to the violation of a loan covenant
a. The debt may continue to be classified as long term if the entity believes the covenant can
be renegotiated.
b. The debt must be reclassified as current.
c. Cash must be reserved to pay the debt.
d. Retained earnings must be restricted in the amount of the debt.
66. Which of the following would not be considered a “provision”?
a. Warranty liability
b. Bad debt
c. Tax payable
d. Note payable
67. A contingency is described as
a. An estimated liability
b. An event which is not recognized because it is not probable that an outflow will be
required or the amount cannot be reasonably estimated.
c. A potentially small liability
d. A potentially large liability
68. Which of the following is reported as interest expense?
a. Pension cost interest
b. Postretirement health-care benefits interest
c. Imputed interest on noninterest-bearing note
d. Interest incurred to finance construction of machinery for own use.
69. The discount resulting from the determination of present value of a note payable should be
a. Addition to the face amount of the note.
b. Deferred charge separate from the note.
c. Deferred credit separate from the note.
d. Direct deduction from the face amount of the note.
70. How should an entity calculate the net proceeds to be received from the bond issuance?
a. Discount the bonds at the stated rate of interest.
b. Discount the bonds at the market rate of interest.
c. Discount the bonds at the stated rate of interest and deduct bond issuance cost.
d. Discount the bonds at the market rate of interest and deduct bond issuance cost.
71. Which is a true statement for electing the fair value option for valuing bonds payable?
a. The effective interest method of amortization must be used to calculate interest expense.
b. Discount or premium is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.
c. The fair value of the bond and the principal obligation value must be disclosed.
d. If the fair value option is elected, it must be applied to all bonds.
72. What method may be used to report the bonds payable at year-end?
a. Amortized cost
b. Fair value through other comprehensive income
c. Amortized cost and fair value through other comprehensive income
d. Amortized cost and fair value through profit or loss
73. Issued convertible bonds are
a. Separated into debt and equity components with the liability component recorded at fair
value and the residual assigned to the equity component
b. Always recorded using the fair value option
c. Recorded at face value for the liability along with the associated premium or discount
d. Recorded at face value without consideration of a premium or discount.
74. Which of the following methods is used in IFRS to account for defined benefit plans?
a. Projected unit credit method
b. Benefit-years-of-service method
c. Accumulated benefits method
d. Vested years of service method
75. An entity has several pension plans covering various classes of employees. When may the
entity net assets and liabilities of the various plans?
a. Assets and liabilities may always be netted.
b. Assets and liabilities may be netted when there is a legally enforceable right to use the
assets of one plan to settle the obligations of another plan.
c. When the estimated cash inflows and outflows are similar in pattern.
d. When the assets and liabilities are both financial.
76. An entity signed a lease to rent equipment for ten years.. At the end of the lease term, the
entity may purchase the equipment for a nominal amount. The equipment is estimated to
have a useful life of 12 years. How should the entity classify this lease?
a. Operating lease
b. Capital lease
c. Finance lease
d. Sales type lease
77. An entity signed an agreement to lease land and a building for 20 years. At the end of the
lease, the property will not transfer to the lessee. The life of the building is estimated to be 20
years. How should the entity account for the lease?
a. The lease is recorded as a finance lease.
b. The lease is recorded as an operating lease.
c. The land is recorded as an operating lease and the building is recorded as a finance lease.
d. The land is recorded as a finance lease and the building is recorded as an operating lease.
78. What is the interest rate used by a lessee to capitalize a finance lease when the implicit rate
cannot be determined?
a. The prime rate
b. The lessor’s published rate
c. The lessee’s average borrowing rate
d. The lessee’s incremental borrowing rate
79. Initial direct costs incurred by the lessor under a sales type lease should be
a. Deferred and allocated over the economic life of the leased property.
b. Expensed in the period incurred.
c. Deferred and allocated over the term of the lease in proportion to the recognition of rental
d. Added to the gross investment in the lease and amortized over the term of the lease as a
yield adjustment.
80. Which of the following statements is true about accounting for leases?
a. All leases are treated as finance lease
b. All leases are treated as operating lease
c. When land and building are leased, elements of the lease are considered separately in
accounting for the lease
d. Operating leases are never recorded in the statement of financial position
81. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the provisions for income taxes in the
financial statements of a sole proprietorship?
a. The provision for income taxes should be based on business income using individual tax
b. The provisions for income taxes should be based on business income using corporate tax
c. The provision for income taxes should be based on the proprietor’s total taxable income.
d. No provision for income taxes is required.
82. Which is not subject to the application of intraperiod income tax allocation?
a. Discontinued operations
b. Income from continuing operations
c. Prior period errors
d. Operating income
83. Which is correct about the presentation of deferred tax assets and liabilities?
a. Current deferred tax assets are netted against current deferred tax liabilities
b. All noncurrent deferred tax assets are netted against noncurrent deferred tax liabilities
c. Deferred tax assets are never netted against deferred tax liabilities
d. Deferred tax assets are netted against deferred tax liabilities if they relate to the same
taxing authority.
84. Which of the following is true regarding reporting deferred taxes in financial statements
prepared in accordance with IFRS?
a. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are classified as current and noncurrent based on
expiration date.
b. Deferred tax assets and liabilities may only be classified as noncurrent.
c. Deferred tax assets are always netted against deferred tax liabilities.
d. Deferred taxes of one jurisdiction are offset against another jurisdiction in the netting
85. When collectibility is reasonably assured, the excess of the subscription price over the stated
value of the no par ordinary shares subscribed should be recorded as
a. No par ordinary shares
b. Share premium when the subscription is recorded.
c. Share premium capital when the subscription is collected.
d. Share premium capital when the ordinary shares are is issued.
86. A retained earnings appropriation can be used to
a. Absorb a fire loss when an entity is self-insured.
b. Provide for a contingent loss that is probable and reasonably estimable.
c. Smooth periodic income.
d. Restrict earnings available for dividends.
87. In accounting for share-based compensation, what interest rate is used to discount both the
exercise price of the option and the future dividend stream?
a. The entity’s known incremental borrowing rate.
b. The current market rate that entities in that particular industry use to discount cash flows.
c. The risk-free interest rate.
d. Any rate that entities can justify as being reasonable.
88. In what circumstances is compensation expense immediately recognized?
a. In all circumstances
b. In circumstances when the options are exercisable within two years for services rendered
over the next two years.
c. In circumstances when options are granted for prior service and the options are
immediately exercisable.
d. In no circumstances is compensation expense immediately recognized.
89. Compensation cost for a share-based payment to employees that is classified as liability is
measured as
a. The change in fair value of the instrument for each reporting period.
b. The total fair value at grant date.
c. The present value of cash payments due over the life of the grant.
d. The actual cash outlay for the period.
90. What is the measurement date for a share-based payment to employees that is classified as a
a. The service inception date
b. The grant date
c. The settlement date
d. The end of the reporting period
91. In determining diluted earnings per share, dividends on nonconvertible cumulative
preference shares should be
a. Disregarded
b. Added back to net income whether declared or not.
c. Deducted from net income only if declared.
d. Deducted from net income whether declared or not.
92. In determining earnings per share, interest expense, net of income tax, on convertible debt
that is dilutive should be
a. Added back to weighted-average shares outstanding for diluted earnings per share.
b. Added back to net income for diluted earnings per share.
c. Deducted from net income for diluted earnings per share.
d. Deducted from weighted-average shares outstanding for diluted earnings per share.
93. In computing basic earnings per share, an entity would include which of the following?
a. Dividends on nonconvertible cumulative preference shares.
b. Dividends on ordinary shares.
c. Interest on convertible bonds.
d. Number of nonconvertible cumulative preference shares.
94. The primary purpose of a quasi reorganization is to give an entity the opportunity to
a. Obtain relief from creditors.
b. Revalue understated assets to fair value.
c. Eliminate a deficit in retained earnings.
d. Distribute the shares of a newly created subsidiary to shareholders.
95. When an entity goes through a quasi reorganization, the carrying amounts are stated at
a. Original cost
b. Original carrying amount
c. Replacement value
d. Fair value
96. Which of the following is not a method that may be used to account for treasury shares?
a. Cost method
b. Par value method
c. Retained earnings method
d. Constructive retirement method
97. An entity has cosigned the mortgage note on the home of its president guaranteeing the
indebtedness in the event that the president should default. The entity considers the
likelihood of default to be remote. How should the guarantee be treated in the financial
a. Disclosed only
b. Accrued only
c. Accrued and disclosed
d. Neither accrued nor disclosed
98. If the payment of employees’ compensation for future absences is probable, the amount can
be reasonably estimated and the obligation relates to rights that accumulate, the
compensation should be
a. Accrued if attributable to employees’ services not yet rendered.
b. Accrued if attributable to employees’ services already rendered.
c. Accrued if attributable to employees’ services whether already rendered or not.
d. Recognized when paid.
99. For a troubled debt restructuring involving only a modification of terms, which of the
following specified by the new terms would be compared to the carrying amount of the debt
to determine if the debtor should report a gain on extinguishment of debt?
a. The total future cash payments
b. The present value of the new debt at the original interest rate
c. The present value of the new debt at the modified interest rate
d. The amount of future cash payments designated as principal repayments.
The vested benefits of an employee in a pension plan represent
Benefits to be paid to the retired employee in the subsequent year.
Benefits accumulated in the hands of an dependent trustee
Benefits to be paid to the retired employee in the current year.
Benefits that are not contingent on the employee’s continuing in service.
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