How to write organic chemistry lab reports

Expectations of Lab Report for Exp 15
1) Introduction  Explain the goal of the lab: and briefly demonstrate/explain the reaction/mechanism that
is taking place (you can get the picture of the powerpoint in the shared files)
 Describe some basic reactive properties of alcohols and how to create a good leaving
group from alcohols
 Describe the substation of alcohols, and the mechanism expected for 2ry alcohols
 Describe the concept of alkyl shift, and when is expected.
 Briefly describe the silver nitrate reaction, and how it can indicate the connection of a
bromine group
 Reference the text book/lab book when necessary
2) Procedure - Step-by-step description of what happened (past tense)
 Give a step by step set of directions
 Full paragraphs in 3rd person past tense
 What happened, not what the book says (not instructions to someone else)
 Include any chemical formulas, concentrations and measurements
 Use correct scientific names and labels (when applicable)
 Give measurements, but DO NOT give analytical data/setup (ie TLC) or calculations
(that’s in results) but you can give observations
3) Results - The raw results & calculations
Ok, for most of the results, I’m completely fine with just being handed your raw lab
data/calculations in lab book.. But….
 Write one (or more) paragraphs interpreting the analytical data (in this case IR and silver
nitrate test)
 Save major conclusions for discussion section.
Note: Ok to mix results/discussion together if you choose.
4) Discussion - Explain! What does the data mean?
Note: Use specific pieces of evidence from the results to support your arugments.
 What results indicate formation of product (again, refer to IR and silver nitrate test)
o Is this test clear or ambiguous? Explain.
 What is the % yield for this experiment, and what does this indicate about your results.
 (OPTIONAL) Is there a way to improve the results of the lab? Be specific.