AP HUG Unit 5 Study Guide Define each of the following vocabulary terms. Agribusiness Root Crops Metes & Bounds System Agriculture Seed Crops Long Lot System Organic Agriculture First Ag. Revolution Primogeniture Primary Economic Animal Domestication Commercial Ag. Activity Subsistence Agriculture Monoculture Secondary Economic Shifting Cultivation Climatic regions Activity Slash and Burn Ag. Plantation Ag. Tertiary Economic Activity Second Agricultural Rev. Livestock Ranching Quaternary Economic Biotechnology Mediterranean Ag. Activity Green Revolution Cash Crops Quinary Economic GMO Luxury Crops Activity Rectangular Survey Food Desert Plant Domestication Plant Domestication System Township Range System Describe each aspect below in as much detail as possible and describe any impact it has on agriculture at the time. (So, you are essentially answering, “What was the first agricultural revolution? How did it change agriculture? Not every topic will have an answer to how did it change agriculture). Use both your green textbook, the Princeton Review Guide, and the iPads to outline these. 1. Development and Diffusion of Agriculture a. First Ag. Revolution b. Second Ag. Revolution c. Green Revolution (Third Ag. Revolution) d. Modern Agriculture (think about Food Inc.) 2. Major agricultural production regions a. Ag. systems associated with bioclimatic zones (Regions of the planet that share a common climate and biological makeup of plants and animals. Think about the homework you did!) b. Variations within major zones and the effects on markets c. 3. Linkages among regions of food production Rural land use and settlement patterns a. Models of land use- Von Thunen b. Settlement patterns associated with major agriculture types (metes & bounds, townshiprange, etc.) c. Land use/land cover change, irrigation, conservation, deforestation, desertification, etc. (you will find this more helpful in the green textbook) 4. Modern Commercial Agriculture a. Biotechnology, including genetically modified plants and animals b. Spatial organization and diffusion of industrial agriculture c. Organic farming and local food production d. Environmental impacts of agriculture. Read pages 291-316 in your Princeton Review Guide and answer the drill questions on pages 317-318.