topic 5.2

Noah Miles
Topic 5.2
Key Terms
Bureaucracy: A system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state
officials rather than by elected representatives.
John Marshall: an American politician who served as the fourth Chief Justice of the United States from
1801 to 1835
Judicial Review: Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
Louisiana Purchase: A land deal between the United States and France, in which the U.S. acquired
approximately 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million
Lewis and Clark expedition: The first American expedition to cross the western portion of the United
Barbary War: A series of conflicts that culminated in two wars fought at different times over the same
reasons between the United States, Sweden, and the Barbary states of North Africa in the late 18th and
early 19th centuries
Impressment: The taking of men into a military or naval force by compulsion, with or without notice
Embargo: An official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.
Marbury v Madison: The first U.S. Supreme Court case to apply the principle of "judicial review" -- the
power of federal courts to void acts of Congress in conflict with the Constitution.
1. Jefferson’s administration differed greatly from the previous two because of his impressive
accomplishments such as the Louisiana purchase in 1803, the launch of the Lewis and Clark
expedition of discovery, and his lowering of the national debt. All 3 of these accomplishments
were extremely big and would affect the history of the united states immensely.
2. Chief Justice John Marshall shaped the supreme court through the extreme amount of decisions
(more than 1,000 in 35 years) he was apart of and the establishment of the precedent of
“Judicial Review”. Judicial review gives the supreme court the power to review the acts of
Congress and the president to determine if they were constitutional.
3. American merchant ships established a reexport trade in the Atlantic because the British navy
captured most of France’s merchant ships and banned direct American voyages between the
French west indies and France. So, the American merchants picked up cargoes in the French
colonies, took them to different ports in the U.S. and had them reshipped to France as if they
were American products.
4. The Federalist and Democratic republicans reacted very differently to the impressment of
American Sailors by Britain. The Federalist saw this impressment as the costs of doing business
and to not do anything because of how important their trade with Britain was. However, the
Democratic Republicans were insulted and felt like the U.S. should act, for it threatened the
country’s economic growth.
5. Marbury v Madison tightened the relationship between the legislative and executive branches.
The ruling of Marbury v Madison essentially said any ruling that congress or the president makes
can be deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. This made both branches mad because
they felt like they were less powerful and had less of a say in what goes on. This anger brought
them together and strengthened their relationship.