Study of Declaration of Quarterly Results on Stock Prices of Selected Companies Submitted By: 1) Devanshi Thakkar 2) Nihal Jani Roll No- 171116 Roll No- 171135 Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad Email- Email- 3) Riya Shah 4) Ayush Saxena Roll No- 171 Roll No- 171 Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad Email- Email- 5) Harshit Maheshwari Roll No- 171 Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad Email- Abstract- The aim of study is to know the significance of declaration of quarterly earnings announcement by the companies listed on Indian Stock Market and to test the theory of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). The study considers the companies listed on NSE Midcap 100. Sharpe (1936) single index model (SIM) is used to calculate the abnormal returns. The statistical significance between the behavior of share prices and the earning announcements is tested by using t tests. The study shows that there is no significant difference between the abnormal returns pre-earnings and post earnings announcement. Keywords- Efficient Market Hypothesis, Quarterly Earnings, Abnormal Returns. I. INTRODUCTION The Indian economy has been one of the fastest growing economies of the world in recent few years. With this growth there has been a tremendous growth in the Indian capital markets in terms of technology, regulations & settlement processes. The market participants have increased both in terms of companies and investors. The ease of investing into capital markets have become extremely smooth and investor friendly. The regulatory body i.e. is Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) have taken enough steps to ensure fair gains to participants of the capital markets. Such developments have made Indian Capital Markets efficient in terms of absorbing the new information that flows in the markets. Earnings announcements is one such information i.e. public and available to all. When the companies release their earnings, investors/analyst compares them with the predetermined expected earnings and such expectations leads to a phenomenon referred to as Post Earning Announcement Drift (PEAD). Numerous researches over the years have documented that the stock prices tend to drift after the earnings announcement. The earnings form an important part of investors research because the estimates are based out of firms past financial performance, news about the firm whether good or bad and any effect of macroeconomic conditions that affects the firm’s performance and future cash flows. The earnings announcement whether higher or lower than analyst expectations are called earnings surprise. The surprise earnings significantly affect the stock prices. Positive surprise earnings drive up the prices of stocks as it affirms the investors about the future cash flows. Similarly, a negative earnings surprise will make investors lose confidence in the future cash flows of the firm and the stock prices will drift down. Thus, the objective of the study is to know the significance of the earnings announcement on the stock prices for the companies listed at Indian Stock Market. The study considers 10 companies from various sector listed at NSE Midcap for the analysis. The abnormal returns are calculated with the help of William Sharpe (1963) Single Index Model and then the significance is tested by using the statistical tool to establish a relationship between stock prices and the earnings announcement. II. LITERATURE REVIEW A review of various economies across the globe was done to understand the difference in impact as well as difference in the magnitude of impact of earnings of a company on its stock prices. As per the research papers it was understood that in the economy of Malaysia (Raj & Seetharaman, 2011) on the whole, there is a significant effect of the announcement of profits on the stock exchange prices of the bank's shares in Berhad (Malaysian Company). However, the results showed a important discrepancy in the dynamics of stock prices after the announcement of quarterly earnings. (Akinyi & Melissa, 2017) Whereas in case of Nairobi Stock Exchange in total 61 companies were observed and it was seen that stock prices react to earnings announcements in the month of the profit declaration, as well as during the 1st few months after the announcement of the earnings. (Wickramasinghe & Dissanayake, 2016) Colombo Stock Exchange showed that EPS and PE significantly affect the volatility of stock prices, DPS does not have a significant positive impact on the behaviour of stock prices, and PE has a negative impact on the behaviour of stock prices. (Syed & Bajwa, 2018) In case of Saudi Arabia Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) was done. It was seen that All stakeholders are looking closely at employment information and transferring shared prices when date of notification come close, and it after opening its doors for foreign investors the markets behavior is further changing. There has been unusual returns in the market be it due to important dates or post-employment earnings. (Enow & Brijlal, 2016) In Johannesburg Stock Exchange of South Africa using a multiple regression analysis, the result shows that DPS, EPS, P.E accounts 57.8% of price movements when the information related to companies comes out in South Africa. (Kong & Taghavi, 2006) The degree of reconnaissance rewards of the changes in the Chinese Stock Markets is greatly reduced with a fuller total value of employment reporting before the release of the release and subsequent promotion, supporting a conviction of strong energy. Moving ahead not only were companies observed but also specific sectors of such countries were tried and highlighted in the study (Ademola, O, & M, 2016) when companies of Nigerian stock exchange were taken into consideration it was seen that there was a significant and advanced impact of the stock price volatility by accounting information. Each division divide the greatest variations of stock prices at the risk of manufacturing companies in Nigeria (M & Man, 2013) The banking industry in Sri Lanka showed a positive correlation as to there existed positive information on financial reporting information and investors respond positively to the published annual report. Therefore, those response have the potential to create unusual outputs based on available public information. (Lonroth, Moller, & Thinggaard, 2011) In response to such effect on a small cap market of Denmark it was seen that reaction are slower in the market as it is compared to US stock exchange. The reason behind this is that the incorporation of this important information regarding corporate annual announcements gets done within two days so there is not much opportunity available for the investors to take benefit of these information’s. (Angelovska, 2017) During recession as well a trend was being observed in the Macedonian Stock Exchange. The reports suggests that the Macedonian investors do not react so much to the positive news coming from the companies which gives us another trait that it depends on the investing pattern of the people and it differs from country to country. As it was seen that from company to company as well as from country to country there was a difference in the impact, for better understanding overall sectors of India were observed to check whether such gap existed in different sectors of the same country as well or not. (Kumar, 2015) Eight different companies from the Auto sector were chosen for the same. The study conclude that earnings per share proved to be a precise strong predictor of the market price of the share of selected companies. The ratio of price and profit significantly affects the forecasting of the market price of shares and earnings per share, which is the main leading reflector in relation to the market price of the share. (Hemadivya & Devi, 2013) In a similar reference the entire Primary Secondary and Tertiary Sectors were compared using the correlation coefficient and the Difference Analysis. There are various factors that affect the market price of the share. Among them, one of the important factors considered in the study is earnings per share. There is no direct control of such impact of earnings on the stock prices, and there will exist a minor impact which needs to be ignored. But in case of territories where such an impact is high in numeric is a place of concern either due to important information being transplanted out of the company to benefit a few, or due to the strong opinions formulated in that country or industry. Such impact is going to exist in all phases of the business be it boom or during recession. Stock prices will continue to rise and fall based on the earnings of the company but to minimize such impact is what the economies need to aim for a fair and just future ahead. III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The study has been done to establish a significant relationship between the announcement of earnings and the behavior of stock prices. The research consists of non-probabilistic purposive sampling of 10 companies out of 100 companies listed at NSE Midcap. The daily closing prices of all the 10 companies were considered from period 1st January 2013 to 6th August 2018. The sample for the study was arrived for those securities which were listed during the period of study, made their regular earning announcements and had been actively traded. The data was analyzed with the help of various statistical tools like descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, etc. A model was created where first the Beta of the stock is calculated between the actual return of stock price of company with the actual return of the index which in our case is NSE Midcap. The Beta was calculated by the following formula: Company β Century Textiles 1.661560888 The above are the calculated Betas of the selected companies. Biocon 0.842046875 The next step to build the model was calculating the expected return. The Arvind 1.305544166 expected return was calculated with help of Willian Sharpe (1963) Single DHFL 1.484393832 Index Model. This model was chosen because we have only selected single Torrent Pharma 0.574185467 index i.e. NSE Midcap for our study. William Sharpe Single Index is simple United Breweries 0.843036823 asset pricing model which helps in measuring both the risk and return of the TVS 0.887923438 stock. Single Index Model is expressed as: Page Industries 0.58432491 Edelweiss 1.212830645 Tata Chemicals 0.997098301 (Table 1) Where, α = Represent the abnormal returns, β = Beta represent the volatility of price of stock with respect to the Index, ะต = It represents residual returns, Rm = Actual return of the market, Ri = Expected Return on the Asset or Security. The above single index model is used to calculate the expected returns of the stock of the company. The abnormal return was then calculated by subtracting the expected returns from the actual returns. The abnormal return forms the basis of the analysis for the study. The abnormal return around the announcement date was examined for the study. For the analysis abnormal returns for the 30 days prior to announcement of earnings and 30 days post the announcement was examined for the study, However, the day of announcement of earning was taken as 0 (Zero). (Figure 1) (Figure 2) (Figure 3) The above graph shows the abnormal returns plotted on the graph 30 days prior to earnings announcement and 30 days post earnings announcement. The above graphs represent the abnormal return of Biocon, Torrent Pharma & DHFL. The pattern is clear that during the earnings announcement the return drifts depending on the type of result, whether positive or negative. The pattern is common among all the companies examined under the study. Hypothesis of the study H0 = There is no significant mean difference among the returns before earnings announcement and after the earnings announcement. H1 = There is significant mean difference between the returns before and after earnings announcement. (Null Hypothesis states that there is no significance between the returns before or after earnings announcement) IV. RESULT & DISCUSSIONS We have used the t test: Paired for two sample means were the average returns of 30 days prior to earnings was the one variable and other variable was average returns for 30 days post earnings announcement. Mean Company Pre Earnings Post Earnings P(T<=t) two-tail Century Textiles -0.0025 0.0066 0.0861 Biocon -0.0007 0.0021 0.4725 Arvind -0.0002 0.0004 0.8395 DHFL -0.0037 -0.0016 0.6199 Torrent Pharma -0.0001 -0.0027 0.5598 United Breweries -0.0077 0.0001 0.1305 Tvs 0.0038 0.0025 0.7507 Page Industires 0.0021 -0.0043 0.1671 Edelweiss 0.0007 -0.0038 0.4208 Tata Chemicals -0.0016 -0.0003 0.7220 Significance No No No No No No No No No No (Table 2) The above data shows the mean difference between the abnormal returns pre-announcement and the abnormal return of post announcement using the paired t test. The data shows that there is no significant mean difference between the abnormal return pre and post announcement of the earnings. Hence, we do no reject the null hypothesis since the p- value of all the companies is greater than 0.05 at 95% confidence interval. This result shows that there is no mean difference between the abnormal returns pre-earnings announcement and post earnings announcement. So, we accept the H0 for the study where the companies selected have shown no mean difference between the abnormal returns. V. CONCLUSION We conclude that there is no significant returns difference during the earnings announcement of the company. During the literature review of various other research paper on the same topic, it was noticed that there is a change in behavior of stock upon earning announcement but there is not much difference in the abnormal returns of the stock. This research helps us understand the behavior of the stock prices upon earnings announcement and help us validate the efficient market hypothesis that information regarding the stock prices is already present in the market. To further validate this research the sample size can be increased and also the time horizon can be increased to know the more accurate effect. V. Market Sl. No. Name of Author Understu dy John 1 Rudolph Malaysia Raj and A. Stock Seetharaman 2 Akinyi Akenga and Grace Melissa Period of Study Methodology Author's Explanation Used A substantial irregularity in the 1991-92 to dynamics of stock prices after the 2010-11 Market Olang Margaret ANNEXURES announcement of the announcement of earnings. Securities Exchange 2014 and 2015 Neutral Networks with Sharpe-Linter form of CAPM Stock prices react to earnings Nairobi Artificial announcements in the month of the income announcement, as well as during the starting months after the announcement of the earnings Chi- Square Test, T-Test, Regression Analysis Income per share has observed to be 3 Dr.Pankaj Kumar Automobil e Sector : India an exceptionally solid forecaster of market cost of offer, 2011-12 to while value profit proportion affect 2015-16 fundamentally on the expectation of market cost of offer of select Multiple Regression Analysis organizations of auto area as entirety Primary, K. 4 Hemadivya and Dr. V. Rama Dev There Manufactu ring and 2010-11 to Service Sector India 2012-13 of are diverse elements influencing the market cost of an offer. Among them one of the vital calculate taken the examination is Earnings per share Exploratory Research, Coefficient Correlation, Analysis Variance of EPS and PE significantly affect the Mihiri 5 Wickramasinghe and Tosh Dissanayake and Ishtiaq Stock Exchange 2010-11 to 2014-15 volatility of stock prices, DPS does not have a significant positive impact on the behaviour of stock prices Ali Murad Syed 6 Colombo Ahmad Bajwa Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis Saudi Stock Market does not bear Estimated Saudi Stock Exchange 2011-12 to 2016-17 semi-strong form of Efficient Market Model Market Hypothesis as substantial of Sharpe, irregular returns were established Robustness in the days close to announcement. Test Significant average abnormal price changes can be found, however, Helle L. Lonroth, 7 Peder Fredslund Moller and Frank Thinggaard Copenhag en Stock Exchange two and three days after the 1993-94 to announcement day. The Danish Regression 1996-97 capital market has become more Model efficient and sophisticated during the last two decades. It was normal that income declarations amid a recessionary 8 Macedoni Julijana an Angelovska Stock Exchange 2008-09 to 2009-10 period would result in positive value response, the investigation has shown that the data substance of profit was past speculators' Event Study Methodology and Hypothesis Testing advantage EPS Samuel 9 Enow Tabot Johannesb and urg Stock Pradeep Brijlal Exchange 2008-09 to 2013-14 and value altogether income are emphatically Multiple corresponded to share costs in Regression spite of the fact that profit per share Analysis was definitely not More than predictable earnings Shuhong Kong 10 and Shanghai Majid Stock Taghavi Exchange 1998-99 to 2002-03 announcement indicates to a Event Analysis, growth in the average of stock M-EGARCH returns on days before the Approach announcement and a decrease later Statement of financial statement 11 Wang Man and Menike M. Colombo Stock Exchange 2007-08 to 2012-13 might have information had and positive investors responded definitely to the annual financial. 12 Osundina, J. Ademola , Jayeoba, Olajumoke and O. Olayinka, Ifayemi M Nigerian Stock Exchange Each division divide the greatest 2004-05 to variations of stock prices at the risk 2013-14 of manufacturing companies in Nigeria Event Study Methodology and Hypothesis Testing Cross Section Fixed Effect Model, Research Hypothesis