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Take the next step
Creating Work and Learning records
Continuous development of engineering knowledge
and skills is a key part of gaining and retaining
Your Work Record should include the following:
professional recognition.
Project or activity title: name your record
Work Records provide evidence of your work
Project/activity description: a “big picture”
history. Learning Records provide evidence of your
overview, including:
commitment to professional development. Together
who the work was for
these build a picture of the type of engineering
scope and purpose
expected outcomes
other stakeholders with vested interests
specific requirements (such as regulatory
activities you carry out and the continuing professional
development activities you undertake.
Getting into the habit of recording your work and
learning activities as you acquire your knowledge and
skills will make it easier to complete your application for
any other information that will help the
assessors understand the nature of this work.
Role title
Work Records
You’ll use Work Records to capture information about
the projects and/or activities you’ve carried out in
Role description: details about your role and
contribution to the work, such as:
your engineering work. These records are used in
your own personal involvement in the work
competence assessments to demonstrate the practical
your own personal responsibilities
application of your engineering knowledge and skills.
the tasks you specifically performed
Your Work Records should include details about specific
the contribution you made or pieces of work
you were involved with if this was part of a
projects or activities you have undertaken and your
larger project or activity.
personal role or responsibilities within the project or
activity. Files should be attached as sample evidence to
support your Work Record.
Set aside some time on a regular basis
to create and update your Work and
Learning Records.
Start date and end date
Organisation: the organisation you were working
for at the time
Work files: attach documents that provide evidence
of your personal involvement. These will vary
depending on the work you do but might include:
designs, schematics and drawings
tendering documents, project plans or reports
communications – letters/emails, notes, reviews,
records of meetings or site visits, photos, more
detailed project/activity write up, etc.
Take the next step | The competence assessment process | Version 1
In general, three to four paragraphs per Work Record
are enough to outline the project or activity and give
insight into your individual involvement. You will link
these to your application for assessment to provide
evidence for a particular assessment criteria.
Learning Records
Ongoing professional development is a key part of
IPENZ professional recognition. You will need to create
Learning Records outlining the activities you have
completed to develop your knowledge and gain new
skills, and the learning outcomes you gained as a
result. Your Learning Records should focus on outlining
the activities you have undertaken to advance your
You’ll also need to add your qualification details into
the Professional Profile section before starting your
application for assessment. You need to provide details
of your engineering qualification that’s recognised
under the Washington, Sydney or Dublin Accord (not
necessarily your highest engineering qualification).
After you’ve added the qualification, the assessment
tool will confirm if your qualification is recognised under
an Accord. If it’s not recognised, get in touch with the
Competence Assessment Team who will confirm if you
need to take a Knowledge Assessment before starting
an Assessment for Initial Registration.
professional development. Aim to provide a range of
learning activities to show the breadth and depth of
There is a max file size of 20MB (per file)
your professional development.
for supporting documents. Acceptable
Learning records should include the following:
file types are: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, doc,
Title: name your record
docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf.
Type:choose from the list of activity types
including private reading/research, short-courses/
workshops, formal education and on-the-job
training, technical meetings, etc.
Calendar year: the year you completed
the activity
Project/activity description: write a brief
statement about the learning activity and the
new knowledge you acquired.
Where to get help
The Competence Assessment team
can help and advise you on the application
process and your assessment application.
Learning outcomes: describe how you applied
this new knowledge or how it changed the way
you conduct your engineering work.
Hours: how long did you spend on this
learning activity?
Organisation: who ran the learning activity?
Learning files (optional): attach documents that
provide evidence of your learning activity, such as:
slides from a presentation or pages from a
workbook (with notes)
extracts from a technical paper you read as part
of research for a project.
In general, one paragraph is enough to provide a brief
outline of your learning and capture your learning
Take the next step | The competence assessment process | Version 1