Emotions Lesson Plan: Anger for 8-10 Year Olds

Lesson: Emotions
Level: Intermediate
Age: 8-10 years old
-Story Angry Akku
-Hello Song
-“Change The
Story” Worksheet
-“What makes you
angry?” Worksheet
-Pencil markers
-Crayons, pens,
coloured pencils
- Write about what makes them feel angry (I feel angry
when…) using a story to illustrate the communicative
situation and a drawing that will address kinesthetics/ visual
-Retell a story in a cooperative writing activity that replaces
the book’s situations with their own reasons to feel angry.
5 min
-If you don`t
Step 1: Warm up (Hello song)
have a hello
song,there is a
Hello, class! How are you today? suggestion in
Sleepy?! Oh, no! Let`s sing a song the end.
to wake up! Stand up, everybody. -You can put
Are you ready? 1, 2, 3 – Start
the song on
your laptop
and play it
(Don`t forget to do the gestures, along with the
students or
not. If you opt
Good job, class! That was fun,
to do so, it`s a
wasn`t it?
good idea to
bring speakers
to the
classroom and
set all the
before class
Step 2: Read the story
10 min
Alright, guys. Let`s make a circle,
please. Sit down. (You can also
bring a piece of fabric or a rug, so
students can sit on the floor)
Do you like stories? Today you
will hear a story called “Angry
Akku”. Akku is an Indian girl and
she calls her dad “appa”. Well,
let`s hear the story.. Be quiet and
pay attention...
Step 3: “What makes you
angry?” drawing
15 min
So! What makes Akku angry,
guys? (Write on the board what
they say).
Now what makes YOU angry? For
example, I feel angry when..
someone yells at me. (Act out the
situation – someone saying loudly
“Cmon!Move! You`re too slow!”
-Use the album
to tell the story
to the kids.
Don`t read the
story, TELL it.
Take a few
minutes before
class to read
attentively and
memorise it.
-Avoid asking
while you`re
reading, this
can distract
the kids.
you can
present the
story on Power
-Whenever you
say an
emotion, use
your body
language to
express that
feeling. Do that
during the
whole class.
-While the
What about you? Do you like
students are
when someone yells at you? Or making their
do you feel angry? Do you like
drawings, write
when your parents don’t let you on the board “I
play video games? Do you like
feel angry
when your parents don’t let you when…” and tape
eat a cake? Or when you have
a picture of
to clean the bathroom?
someone yelling.
(or make a
I’ll give you a paper and you
have to draw 1 thing that
makes you angry. It can be
Show me your drawings! (Make
questions about their drawings,
so they can try to explain it for
you. Try to speak in English as
much as possible). Very good,
guys! You`re all great artists!
-Help the
Step 4: Write what makes you students to write
their sentences
5 min
Now look here. Let`s complete
the sentence together – I feel
angry when… someone yells at
me. Good job.
Look at your drawings. Write a
sentence about your drawings.
Start with “I feel angry when..”
Tell me your sentences!
-Write the keysentences to
explain the next
activity (Akku
Step 5: Change the story
15 min
Excellent! Now let’s divide the
class in groups of 4. You will
change Akku’s story using what
makes YOU angry. I’ll give you a
paper and you have to complete
the story.
-Help students
only when
necessary, but
this is an
activity they
should do
without too
For example, Maria what makes
you feel angry? (Wait Maria to
answer or read what’s in her
drawing. E.g. I feel angry when
my brother uses my doll).
Akku drew….”her brother using
the doll. “
….“Stupid brother that uses my
You’re right. “This is a very
stupid brother.”
Step 6: Retell the story
10 min
Well done, class! Ready to tell
your stories? I`m really excited to
hear them! Who wants to come
first? (You may need to choose a
What makes Akku angry in this
story? (Ask this after all the
-You can help
students by
showing the
photos of the
original story.
-They may
read the story
instead of
telling it, but
that`s okay.
Step 7: Wrap up
2 min
So, guys, let`s make a quick
review! What makes YOU angry?
(Students should say something
like “ I feel angry when…”)
Very good! You are great
Step 8: Goodbye Song
5 min
Alright, guys! Time to tidy up the
Let`s sing our goodbye song!
Thank you for coming and I`ll see
you next class.
-You can also
make a few
without saying
the names of
the people who
made them.
Eg: write on
the board a
sentence that
is not correct
or ask them to
between a
sentence that
is incorrect
(one they`ve
made during
the class) and
the correct
-If you don`t
have a goodbye
song, there is a
suggestion in
the end.
Hello Song:
OBS: This material does NOT belong to me. I am simply sharing
what I found to be a good classroom resource.
1) Print the pages from the story available on:
2) Glue the pictures on cardboard paper or another type pf
thicker paper you have.
3)Laminate the pages.
4)Make a cover and write the name of the story or put an angry
face (or both). (There`s a suggestion for the cover below. If you
choose to use them, you can glue everything on cardboard
paper, cut and glue to your cover).
5)Get the pages together making holes on them and using a
binder or tapes. Here are two suggestions extracted from a
google search:
OBS: These pictures, ideas, books do NOT belong to me.
What makes you angry?
1. Draw the things that make you feel angry.
2. Complete the sentence with your information.
I feel angry when _________________________
Change the story
1. Rewrite Akku`s story completing the blank spaces with your own information.
When the last school bell rang, all the children laughed
and screamed with joy. All, except Akku. Akku was
"Akku! Akku! Look at the pretty sunflowers!" said Appa, as
they rode through a field. "GRRMPH! They’re TOO YELLOW!
They’re making my eyes hurt!" said Akku.
"Akku! Akku! Look! Look at all the monkeys!" said Appa, pointing at the roof of their
house. "CHEEE!" said Akku. "SHOOO! Go AWAY! SHOOO!"
"Here, drink some buttermilk," said Appa. "It’ll cool you down."
"HRRRM!" said Akku. "I DON’T WANT ANY!"
"Try a sip, at least?"
"OKAY! FINE!" said Akku, and tried a sip. It wasn’t all that bad.
She had another sip. And another. In no time, the glass was empty.
"Would you like a vada?" asked Appa.
"FFEHH!" said Akku.
"Just one little bite?"
"Okay, FINE!" said Akku, and took a bite. It was quite good.
She took another bite. And another. In no time, the plate was
"Good girl," said Appa. "Now will you tell me why you’re so angry?"
"NO!" said Akku.
"Was it something I did?"
"Was it something Amma did?"
"Did something bad happen in school today?"
"MAYBE!" "Oho."
"Would you like to draw it?" asked Appa. "Here’s a nice
sheet of paper and some crayons." "Okay, FINE!" said
Akku drew ____________…
"This is ___________________________________," said Akku.
"You’re right. ________________________________!" said Appa.
And Akku drew________________________…
"___________________________________________!" said Akku.
"You’re right," said Appa. "_____________________________________”.
And Akku drew_______________________________
"_____________________________________," said Akku.
And Akku drew __________________________________…
"___________________________________________," said Akku.
"_________________________________________," said Appa.
And Akku drew her teacher… "This is my teacher, Amala Miss," said Akku.
"She helped me up when I fell down. And then she hugged me."
"That’s nice of her," said Appa.
"And then she pinched my cheeks. I DON’T LIKE IT when my cheeks are pinched."
"Oho! That must have HURT, no?"
"A little bit. But I’m okay now."
"That’s good."
"See how well you draw, Akku?" said Appa. "You’re a real artist! Will you draw
something for Amma too?"
"OH-kay!" said Akku, and started drawing some more. "This is a little white mouse…
and this is a boat… and this is a coconut tree…"
"And this is a sunflower… and this is your cycle, Appa… and this is a dog… and this
is a frog…" In no time, Akku had forgotten all about the STUPID
_______________________________. And about the ______________________________. And
about _________________________. And Akku even forgot about being ANGRY.
10 Things to Do If You Feel ANGRY like Akku:
1. Laugh loudly and jump around with your arms in the air!
2. Slowly – very, very slowly – breathe in, and breathe out!
3. Drink some water! Or buttermilk!
4. Eat a piece of fruit! Or a vada!
5. Tell a grown-up about how you’re feeling!
6. Write about how you’re feeling!
7. Draw it out! Paint it!
8. Play with a pile of clay!
9. Make up a song about your anger! Sing it aloud!
10. Dance like a monkey!
2. Tell your classmates your new story!
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s
why we call it ‘The Present’.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Goodbye song:
This one is really fun if your students already know some
informal ways to say goodbye (eg. See you later, alligator)
This one is easier and calmer. You can search another song as
well, but make sure to sing the same song in the end of every
class until they learn it well, before teaching them a different
And that`s the end! I hope this was a useful lesson plan for you
and perhaps it helped you to change the world for the better –
we`re all creating a Brave New World together! If you have any
questions, post on the comments section on TpT and I`ll do my
best to clarify anything.
Thank you and good teaching!
Brave New World