Premarital Sex: A Religious Perspective on Morality & Consequences

In the present generation, many people have ruined their whole lives just
by one impulsive decision they’ve done in the past. Practically every person
knows someone who had their dreams shattered because of some mistake they
hoped they never did. No "new morality" can change the life of someone who
had to give up her baby not knowing whether it will ever be adopted or not, or the
lady who was swallowed by guilt after a sexual experience and ended up in a
mental institution, or the girl who thought her boyfriend loved her only to find out
that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with her now that she’s pregnant, or
the woman who tries to find happiness in marriage only to have those premarital
experiences with someone else haunting her, or the young person who is slowly
dying in agonizing pain because of acquiring some sexually transmitted disease
that has gotten past the point where it can be cured.
In our present generation, it has become very difficult for a person to find
out just about the right thing to do with sex before marriage, or as we commonly
know as pre-marital sex. Premarital sex, or the act of engaging in a sexual
intercourse before marriage, is one of the most pressing issues the world is
facing today. Because of peer pressure and the wrong influence of media,
people are being misled and the standards of society have constantly changed
since then.
As a firm believer of the teachings of the church, I am completely against
the idea of premarital sex. While they are willing to take a chance, to take the
risk, few want to pay the consequences.
First, we tend to ask ourselves: Is premarital sex moral? After all, the messages
we receive from most TV shows and movies these days tell us that "everyone is
doing it." But maybe there is something inside you, like a voice in your head, that
is making you uncertain about whether or not sex before marriage is a right or
wrong action. Many people refer to this voice as their conscience. But how do
you know if your "conscience" is right? The answer to these questions can be
found in the Bible. Premarital sex, referred to by the Bible as fornication, is
strongly condemned by the church. The bible explains that the body is not meant
for sexual immorality, but for the Lord. With this, we can conclude that premarital
sex is a grave sin and that the church promotes complete abstinence from this
immoral act.
Another consideration that we need to think about before involving in
premarital sex is our health and safety. People who have had more than one
sexual partner may develop the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Knowing this, one must think twice before doing it.
Most people also don't consider the emotional damage caused by
premarital sex. You see, sex is an emotional experience and it affects our lives in
ways we don't understand. After engaging in premarital sex, many people
express feelings of guilt, embarrassment, distrust, resentment, lack of respect,
tension, and so much more. God wants to spare us from all the unnecessary
emotional pain that is why we should never advocate for premarital sex.
Lastly, in discussing premarital sex, we would often focus on the
recreation aspect of it. Although sex is a pleasurable act because God created it
that way, the Church stresses that its primary purpose is not for recreation, but
rather for re-creation. In other words, sex is for reproduction. God commands us
against premarital sex not to rob pleasure from those who are unmarried, but for
the greater purpose of avoiding consequences such as unwanted teenage
pregnancies, illegal abortions and protecting children born to parents who are not
prepared for them.
Now that we are fully aware of its consequences and conflict with
moralilty, it is important that as concerned citizens, we must campaign for a
morally just community that condemns sexual immoralities like premarital sex.
We must take part in upholding human dignity and empower people to take a
stand against premarital sex for this act can lead to serious problems which can
affect the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person’s life.