Anatomy Sem 1 exam review

NAME __________________________
Anatomy & Physiology
Semester 1 Exam Review Guide
How to use this guide…
This is a very comprehensive list of everything we have covered this semester. Just start reading. If you
understand it – delete it! If you don’t understand it – keep it. Then, when you are done reading the entire
thing, go back and study the parts that remain. I have saved this online as a word document (so you can
delete as you go) and also as a PDF file in case you can’t open word on your computer.
The semester exam is composed of about 100 multiple choice questions and 25 Lab Practical.
§ Chapter 1-The Human Body: 20ish questions
§ Chapter 3-Cells & Tissues: 15ish questions
§ Chapter 4-Skin & Body Membranes: 15ish questions
§ Chapter 5-The Skeletal System: 25-30ish questions
o 5ish-bone anatomy
o 5ish-long bone development
o 5ish-Haversian System
o 25ish-gross anatomy
§ Chapter 6-The Muscular System: 25-30ish questions
Chapter 1-The Human Body (pages 1-25)
§ Anatomy – Definition and Example =
§ Physiology – Definition and Example =
§ Anatomy—Levels of Study – Compare the following.
o Gross anatomy =
o Microscopic Anatomy =
§ Levels of Structural Organization
o Organ System Overview – List the functions of each system and organs in them.
Organ system
Organs include:
§ Necessary Life Functions – Briefly describe the importance of each of the life functions
§ Survival Needs – Describe the importance of each of the survival needs
§ Interrelationships Among Body Systems
o Homeostasis—Define and Explain the importance
o Homeostatic imbalance - Define and Provide an example
o Maintaining Homeostasis – Define, Provide an example, and Describe the importance of…
• Receptor =
____________ Pathway =
Control center =
_____________Pathway =
Effector =
o Feedback Mechanisms
§ Negative feedback - ex.\
Positive feedback - ex.\
§ The Language of Anatomy
o Exact terms – provide examples for the following…
§ Anatomical Position =
§ Direction
§ Regions
§ Structures
Regional Terms
§ Anterior body landmarks – Identify all
§ Posterior body landmarks – Identify all
Directional Terms
Body Planes and Sections – Describe the following sections
§ A sagittal section =
§ A median, or midsagittal, =
§ A frontal section =
§ A transverse, or cross, section =
Body Cavities
§ Dorsal body cavity
§ Ventral body cavity
o Why is it important to use the Special terminology above?
Chapter 3-Cells & Tissues (pages 64-108)
§ Cells & Tissues
o Atoms (define and example) =
o Macromolecules (define and example)
o Cells (define) =
o Tissues (define and example) =
o Organs (define and example) =
o Organ system (define and example) =
§ Body Tissues
o Tissues
§ Groups of cells with similar structure and function
§ Four primary types
o Epithelial Tissues
§ Locations
§ Functions
Epithelium Characteristics
Classification of Epithelia
• Number of cell layers
o “_______________________” = one layer
o “_______________________” = more than one layer
• Shapes of cells
o “_______________________” Shape = Flattened
o “_______________________” Shape = cube-shaped
o “_______________________” Shape = column-like
Simple Epithelia – Describe the shape and arrangement of the following tissues, then list
where you and find them in the human body.
• Simple squamous
o Shape & #Layers =
o Usually forms membranes
§ Location =
§ Location =
• Simple cuboidal
o Shape & #Layers =
o Location =
o Location =
o Location =
• Simple columnar
o Shape & #Layers =
o Often includes mucus-producing goblet cells
o Location =
• Pseudostratified columnar
o Shape & #Layers =
o Often looks like a double layer of cells
o Sometimes ciliated, Location =
o May function in absorption or secretion
Stratified Epithelia – Describe the shape and arrangement of the following tissues, then list
where you and find them in the human body.
• Stratified squamous
o Cells at the apical surface are flattened
o Found as a protective covering where friction is common
o Locations
• Stratified cuboidal—shape and #layers =
• Stratified columnar—surface cells are columnar, cells underneath vary in size and
• Stratified cuboidal and columnar
o Rare in human body
o Found mainly in ducts of _________________________
• Transitional epithelium
o Shape of cells =
o Location =
§ Glandular Epithelium
• Two major gland types
o “_______crine” gland
o “_______crine” gland
o Connective Tissue
§ Found everywhere in the body
§ Includes the most abundant and widely distributed tissues
§ Functions =
§ Characteristics
• Variations in blood supply
o Some tissue types are well vascularized
o Some have a poor blood supply or are avascular
• Extracellular matrix
o Definition =
o Two main elements
• Produced by the cells
• Three types
§ Connective Tissue Types
• Bone (osseous tissue)
o Composed of
o Used to:
• Hyaline cartilage
o Most common type of cartilage
o Composed of
o Locations
• Elastic cartilage
o Provides elasticity
o Location
o Highly compressible
o Location
Dense connective tissue (dense fibrous tissue)
o Main matrix element is ______________________________________
o Fibroblasts are cells that _____________________________________
o Locations
• Loose connective tissue types
o Areolar tissue
§ Most widely distributed connective tissue
§ Soft, pliable tissue like “cobwebs”
§ Functions as…
§ Contains which fibers? …
§ Can soak up excess fluid (causes edema)
o Adipose tissue
§ Matrix is …
§ Many cells contain…
§ Functions
o Reticular connective tissue
§ Delicate network of interwoven fibers
§ Forms stroma (internal supporting network) of lymphoid ORGANS =
o Blood (vascular tissue)
§ Blood cells surrounded by fluid matrix called blood plasma
§ Fibers are visible during clotting
§ Functions =
Muscle Tissue
• Function is to produce movement
• Three types
o ________________________muscle
§ Voluntary or Involuntary?
§ Location =
§ Produces gross body movements or facial expressions
§ Characteristics?
o ________________________muscle
§ Voluntary or Involuntary?
§ Location =
§ Function is to pump blood
Characteristics of cardiac muscle cells
o ________________________muscle
§ Voluntary or Involuntary?
§ Location =
§ Characteristics of smooth muscle cells
Nervous Tissue
• Composed of…
• Function
§ Can you visually identify the following tissue types?
Smooth Muscle
Nerve Tissue
Reticular Tissue
Areolar Tissue
Adipose Tissue
Bone Tissue
Dense fibrous Tissue
Transitional epithelium
Stratified squamous epithelium
Psuedostratified (ciliated) epithelium
Simple Columnar epithelium
Cuboidal epithelium
Simple Squamous epithelium
Cardiac Muscle
Skeletal Muscle
Chapter 4-Skin & Body Membranes (pages 109-132)
§ Body Membranes
o Function of body membranes
o Classification of Body Membranes
§ Types of Epithelial membranes
§ Connective tissue membranes
• “___________________” membranes
o Cutaneous membrane = skin
§ Dry membrane
§ Outermost protective boundary
§ Superficial epidermis is composed of keratinized _____________ ____________ epithelium
§ Underlying dermis is mostly dense connective tissue
o Mucous Membranes
§ Surface epithelium type depends on site
• Stratified squamous epithelium (Location = ________________ & ______________)
• Simple columnar epithelium (Location = ___________________________________)
§ Underlying loose connective tissue (lamina propria)
§ Lines all body cavities that open to the exterior body surface
§ Often adapted for _____________________ or ______________________
o Serous Membranes
§ Surface is a layer of ______________________ ______________________ epithelium
§ Underlying layer is a thin layer of areolar connective tissue
§ Lines open body cavities that are closed to the exterior of the body
§ Serous membranes occur in pairs separated by serous fluid
• Visceral layer =
• Parietal layer =
§ Specific serous membranes
o Location =
o Location =
o Location =
o Synovial membrane
§ Connective tissue only
§ Lines fibrous capsules surrounding joints
§ Secretes a lubricating fluid =
§ Integumentary System
o Skin (cutaneous membrane)
o Skin derivatives
§ Sweat glands
§ Oil glands
§ Hair
§ Nails
o Skin Structure Layers
§ ____________________________—outer layer
• Stratified squamous epithelium
• Often keratinized (hardened by keratin)
§ ____________________________
• Dense connective tissue
§ ____________________________ (hypodermis) is deep to dermis
• Not part of the skin
• Function =
• Composed mostly of ___________________________________
o Layers of the Epidermis
§ Stratum ________________________ (stratum germinativum)
• Deepest layer of epidermis
• Lies next to dermis
• Cells undergoing mitosis
• Daughter cells are pushed upward to become the more superficial layers
§ Stratum ________________________
§ Stratum ________________________
• Layers of the Epidermis
§ Stratum ________________________
• Formed from dead cells of the deeper strata
• Occurs only in ________________________________________________
§ Stratum ________________________
• Outermost layer of epidermis
• Shingle-like dead cells are filled with keratin (protective protein prevents water loss
from skin)
o Melanin
§ Pigment (melanin) produced by ________________________
§ Melanocytes are mostly in the stratum ______________________
§ Color is ____________________________
§ Amount of melanin produced depends upon _______________ and ___________________
o Dermis
§ Two layers
• ________________________layer (upper dermal region)
o Projections called dermal papillae
o Some contain capillary loops
o Other house pain receptors and touch receptors
• ________________________layer (deepest skin layer)
o Blood vessels
o Sweat and oil glands
o Deep pressure receptors
§ Overall dermis structure
• Collagen and elastic fibers located throughout the dermis
• Collagen fibers give skin its toughness
• Elastic fibers give skin elasticity
• Blood vessels play a role in body temperature regulation
o Normal Skin Color Determinants
§ Melanin
• Color = ________________________
§ Carotene
• Color = ________________________
§ Hemoglobin
• Color = ________________________ from blood cells in dermal capillaries
• Oxygen content determines the extent of coloring
o Skin Appendages
§ Cutaneous glands are all _____crine glands
• “__________________________” glands
o Produce oil
§ Lubricant for skin
o Prevents brittle hair
o Kills bacteria
o Most have ducts that empty into hair follicles; others open directly onto skin
o Glands are activated at puberty
• “__________________________” glands
o Produce sweat
o Widely distributed in skin
o Two types:
§ _______________________
• Open via duct to pore on skin surface
§ _______________________
• Ducts empty into hair follicles
o Sweat and Its Function
§ Composition
• Mostly made of __________
Also contains _________________ and ________________
Some metabolic waste
• Fatty acids and proteins (apocrine only)
(Odor is from associated bacteria)
Produced by hair follicle
Consists of hard keratinized epithelial cells
__________________________ = cells that provide pigment for hair color
Hair anatomy (Three layers)
1. Central medulla
2. _____________________ surrounds medulla
3. _____________________ on outside of cortex
Most heavily keratinized
Associated hair structures
o Hair follicle
§ Dermal and epidermal sheath surround hair root
o Arrector pili
§ Struture:
§ Function:
Scale-like modifications of the epidermis
o Heavily keratinized
Stratum _____________________ extends beneath the nail bed
o Responsible for growth
Lack of pigment makes them colorless
Nail structures
o Free edge
o Body is the visible attached portion
o Root of nail embedded in skin
o Cuticle is the proximal nail fold that projects onto the nail body
Chapter 5-The Skeletal System (pages 133-181)
§ Parts of the skeletal system
o Bones (skeleton)
o Joints
o Cartilages
o Ligaments
§ Two subdivisions of the skeleton
o ________________________ skeleton (skull + vertebral column + thoracic cage)
o ________________________ skeleton (girdles + upper and lower limbs)
§ Functions of Bones:
§ The adult skeleton has ___ ___ ___ bones total
§ Two basic types of bone tissue:
o _________________ bone
§ Homogeneous
o _________________ bone
§ Small needle-like pieces of bone
§ Many open spaces
§ Classification of Bones on the Basis of Shapes:
o _________________ bones
§ Typically longer than they are wide
§ Have a shaft with heads at both ends
§ Contain mostly compact bone
§ Examples:
o _________________ bones
§ Generally cube-shape
§ Contain mostly spongy bone
§ Examples:
o _________________ bones
§ Thin, flattened, and usually curved
§ Two thin layers of _________________ bone surround a layer of ________________ bone
§ Examples:
o _________________ bones
§ Irregular shape
§ Do not fit into other bone classification categories
§ Example:
• Vertebrae
• Hip bones
§ Anatomy of a Long Bone
o “_________________________”
Refers to the Shaft
Composed of compact bone
o “_________________________”
Refers to the Ends of the bone
Composed mostly of spongy bone
o “___________________________”
Outside covering of the diaphysis
Fibrous connective tissue membrane
o “___________________________”
Secure periosteum to underlying bone
o Arteries
Supply bone cells with nutrients
o Articular cartilage
Covers the external surface of the epiphyses
Made of ______________________ cartilage
Function = _________________________________________________________
o “___________________________ plate”
Flat plate of hyaline cartilage seen in young, growing bone
o Epiphyseal line
Remnant of the epiphyseal plate
Seen in adult bones
o Medullary cavity
Cavity inside of the shaft
Contains ________________ marrow (mostly fat) in adults
Contains ____________ marrow (for blood cell formation) in infants
§ Microscopic Anatomy of Bone
o “___________________________”(Haversian system)
A unit of bone containing central canal and matrix rings
o “___________________________” canal (Haversian canal)
Opening in the center of an osteon
Carries blood vessels and nerves
o Perforating (Volkman’s) canal
Canal perpendicular to the central canal
Carries blood vessels and nerves
o “___________________________”
Cavities containing bone cells (osteocytes)
Arranged in concentric rings
o “___________________________”
Rings around the central canal
Sites of lacunae
o Canaliculi
Tiny canals
Radiate from the central canal to ____________
Form a transport system connecting all bone cells to a nutrient supply
§ Formation of the Human Skeleton
o In embryos, the skeleton is primarily ________________________ cartilage
o During development, much of this cartilage is replaced by bone
o Hyaline Cartilage remains in isolated areas such as…
§ Bone Growth (Ossification)
o “_______________________” plates allow for lengthwise growth of long bones during childhood
o New cartilage is continuously formed
o Older cartilage becomes ossified
1. Cartilage is broken down
2. Enclosed cartilage is digested away, opening up a medullary cavity
3. Bone replaces cartilage through the action of bone builders called “___________________”
o Bones are remodeled and lengthened until growth stops
o Bones are remodeled in response to two factors
§ Blood calcium levels
§ Pull of gravity and muscles on the skeleton
o Bones grow in width (called appositional growth)
§ Types of Bone Cells
o “___________________________”—mature bone cells
o “___________________________”—bone-forming cells
o “___________________________”—bone-destroying cells
Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium in response to parathyroid
o Bone remodeling is performed by both “osteo__________” and “osteo_____________”
§ The Axial Skeleton
o Forms the longitudinal axis of the body
o Divided into three parts. List all three parts and provide examples bones in each.
o The Skull
Two sets of bones:
8 ___________________ bones (be able to name them)
14 __________________ bones (be able to name them)
Bones are joined by sutures
Only freely movable joint = _______________________________
Paranasal Sinuses
Hollow portions of bones surrounding the nasal cavity
Functions of paranasal sinuses:
o The Hyoid Bone
The only bone that does not ________________________________________
Serves as a moveable base for the tongue
Aids in swallowing and speech
o The Vertebral Column
Each vertebrae is given a name according to its location
There are 24 single vertebral bones separated by intervertebral discs
Seven _______________ vertebrae are in the neck
Twelve _______________ vertebrae are in the chest region
Five _______________ vertebrae are associated with the lower back
Nine vertebrae fuse to form two composite bones
o Formed by the fusion of five vertebrae
o Formed from the fusion of three to five vertebrae
o “Tailbone,” or remnant of a tail that other vertebrates have
o The Bony Thorax
Forms a cage to protect major organs
Consists of three parts
Sternum (________________ + ____________ + ______________ _____________)
o “_______” ribs (pairs 1–7)
o “_________” ribs (pairs 8–12)
o “_________” ribs (pairs 11–12)
Thoracic vertebrae
§ The Appendicular Skeleton
o Composed of 126 bones
___________________ (limbs)
o The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
Composed of two bones
“_________________”—shoulder blade
These bones allow the upper limb to have exceptionally free movement
o Bones of the Upper Limbs
Forms the arm
Single bone
The forearm has two bones
o Medial bone in anatomical position
o Lateral bone in anatomical position
The hand
o Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
Formed by two coxal (ossa coxae) bones
Composed of three pairs of fused bones:
The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis
It protects several organs
• Reproductive organs
• Urinary bladder
• Part of the large intestine
o Bones of the Lower Limbs
§ The thigh has one bone
• “____________________”
o The heaviest, strongest bone in the body
§ The lower leg has two bones
• “____________________”
o Shinbone
o Larger and medially oriented
• “____________________”
o Thin and sticklike
§ The foot
• “____________________”
o Two largest tarsals
§ Calcaneus (heelbone)
§ Talus
• “____________________”—sole
• “____________________”—toes
o Joints
§ Articulations of bones
§ Functions of joints
• Hold bones together
• Allow for mobility
§ Ways joints are classified
• Functionally
o “Synarthroses”
§ Immovable joints
o “______________________”
§ Slightly moveable joints
o “______________________”
§ Freely moveable joints
• Structurally
o Fibrous joints
§ Generally immovable
§ Example:
• Sutures
• Syndesmoses
o Allows more movement than sutures
o Example: Distal end of tibia and fibula
o Cartilaginous joints
§ Immovable or slightly moveable
§ Bones connected by cartilage
§ Example:
• Pubic symphysis
• Intervertebral joints
o Synovial joints
§ Freely moveable
§ Articulating bones are separated by a joint cavity
Chapter 6 I can statements….
___________________ fluid is found in the joint cavity
Features of Synovial Joints
• Articular cartilage (__________________ cartilage) covers
the ends of bones
• A fibrous articular capsule encloses joint surfaces
• A joint cavity is filled with _________________ fluid
• Ligaments reinforce the joint
• Bursae—flattened fibrous sacs
o Lined with synovial membranes
o Filled with synovial fluid
o Not actually part of the joint
• Tendon sheath
o Elongated bursa that wraps around a tendon
Can I identify and describe the three different muscle types including functions?
Can I name/label all the parts of a sarcomere? (including proteins, zones/discs/lines)
Can I explain all the specialized parts of a muscle cell? (sarcolema, SR, myofibril?)
Can I explain how muscle stimulation occurs?
Can I identify all the parts of a neuromuscular junction? Along with their function?
Can I explain muscle tetanus? A twitch?
Can I explain how energy for muscle cells is maintained?
Can I explain how a muscle is organized, and why there are striations (and what makes them
Can I name two ways that determine what graded response a muscle will have? (what
determines “how contracted” it will get?)
Can I identify the major movements of the body?
Can I explain the how the arrangement of fascicles can be different in diff muscles?
Can I name the muscles of the face, and function?
Can I name the muscles from 208 – 219 and their major function?
Can I comfortable identify a muscle insertion based on movement?
Can I differentiate between prime movers, synergists, and fixators?
Can I answer all the “did you get it questions” in the chapter?
Chapter 6-The Muscular System (pages 182-226)
§ The Muscular System
o Muscles are responsible for all types of body movement
o Three basic muscle types are found in the body:
§ _____________________ muscle
§ _____________________ muscle
§ _____________________ muscle
§ Characteristics of Muscles
o Skeletal and smooth muscle cells are elongated (muscle cell = muscle fiber)
o Contraction of muscles is due to the movement of microfilaments
o All muscles share some terminology
§ Prefixes myo and mys refer to “_________________”
§ Prefix sarco refers to “___________________”
§ Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscles
o ___________________ Muscle Characteristics
§ Most are attached by tendons to bones
§ “_____________________” – Cells have many nuclei
§ “_____________________”—have visible banding
§ Voluntary—subject to conscious control
§ Connective Tissue Wrappings of Skeletal Muscle
• Cells are surrounded and bundled by connective tissue:
o _____________________—encloses a single muscle fiber
o _____________________—wraps around a fascicle (bundle) of muscle fibers
o _____________________—covers the entire skeletal muscle
o Fascia—on the outside of the epimysium
§ Skeletal Muscle Attachments
• Epimysium blends into a connective tissue attachment
• _________________________—cord-like structures
o Mostly collagen fibers
o Often cross a joint due to toughness and small size
• _________________________—sheet-like structures
o Attach muscles indirectly to bones, cartilages, or connective tissue coverings
• Sites of muscle attachment
o Bones
o Cartilages
o Smooth Muscle Characteristics
§ Lacks striations
§ Shape of cells = _______________________________
§ ______________________ - each cell only contains one nucleus
§ Voluntary or Involuntary (circle one)
§ Found mainly in _______________________________________________
o Cardiac Muscle Characteristics
§ Striations
§ Usually has a single nucleus
§ Branching cells
§ Joined to another muscle cell at an intercalated disc
§ Voluntary or Involuntary? (circle one)
§ Found only in _____________________________________
§ Skeletal Muscle Functions
§ Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
o ____________________________—specialized plasma membrane
o ____________________________—long organelles inside muscle cell
o _____________ ______________—specialized smooth endoplasmic reticulum
§ Stores and releases ______ ions
§ Surrounds the myofibril
o Myofibrils are aligned to give distinct bands
§ ___ band = light band
• Contains only thin filaments
§ ___ band = dark band
• Contains the entire length of the thick filaments
o ____________________________—contractile unit of a muscle fiber
§ Organization of the sarcomere
• Myofilaments
o Thick filaments = _____________ filaments
§ Composed of the protein ______________
§ Has ATPase enzymes
§ Myosin filaments have heads (extensions, or cross bridges)
§ Myosin and actin overlap somewhat
o Thin filaments = __________ filaments
§ Composed of the protein __________
§ Anchored to the ___ disc
§ Stimulation and Contraction of Single Skeletal Muscle Cells
o “____________________” (also called responsiveness or irritability)—ability to receive and respond
to a stimulus
o “____________________”—ability to shorten when an adequate stimulus is received
o “____________________”—ability of muscle cells to be stretched
o “____________________”—ability to recoil and resume resting length after stretching
§ The Nerve Stimulus and Action Potential
o Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by a motor neuron (nerve cell) to contract
o “______________ ______________”—one motor neuron plus all the skeletal muscle cells
stimulated by that neuron
o Neuromuscular junction
§ Association site of axon terminal of the motor neuron and muscle
o “_________________ _________________”
§ Gap between nerve and muscle
§ Nerve and muscle do not make contact
§ Area between nerve and muscle is filled with interstitial fluid
§ Transmission of Nerve Impulse to Muscle
o “___________________________”—chemical released by nerve upon arrival of nerve impulse
o The neurotransmitter for skeletal muscle is “_______________________”
o ____________ attaches to receptors on the sarcolemma
o Sarcolemma becomes permeable to ______ ions
o ______________ rushes into the cell generating an “___________ potential”
o Once started, muscle contraction cannot be stopped
§ The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction
o Activation by nerve causes ___________ heads (cross bridges) to attach to binding sites on the thin
o Myosin heads then bind to the next site of the ________________ and pull them toward the center of
the sarcomere
o This continued action causes a sliding of the myosin along the actin
o The result is that the muscle is shortened (contracted)
§ Contraction of Skeletal Muscle
o Muscle fiber contraction is “all or none”
o Within a skeletal muscle, not all fibers may be stimulated during the same interval
o Different combinations of muscle fiber contractions may give differing responses
o Graded responses—different degrees of skeletal muscle shortening
§ Contraction of Skeletal Muscle
o Graded responses can be produced by changing
§ The frequency of muscle stimulation
§ The number of muscle cells being stimulated at one time
o Types of Graded Responses:
§ _____________________
• Single, brief contraction
• Not a normal muscle function
§ _____________________ (summing of contractions)
• One contraction is immediately followed by another
• The muscle does not completely return to a resting state
• The effects are added
§ _____________________ _________________ (incomplete tetanus)
• Some relaxation occurs between contractions
• The results are summed
§ _____________________ __________________ (complete tetanus)
• No evidence of relaxation before the following contractions
• The result is a sustained muscle contraction
§ Energy for Muscle Contraction
§ Types of Muscle Contractions:
o __________________ contractions
§ Myofilaments are able to slide past each other during contractions
§ The muscle shortens and movement occurs
o __________________ contractions
§ Tension in the muscles increases
§ The muscle is unable to shorten or produce movement
§ Muscle Tone
o Some fibers are contracted even in a relaxed muscle
o Different fibers contract at different times to provide muscle tone
o The process of stimulating various fibers is under involuntary control
§ Muscles and Body Movements
o Movement is attained due to a muscle moving an attached bone
o Muscles are attached to at least two points
§ _____________________ = Attachment to an immoveable bone
_____________________ = Attachment to a movable bone
§ Types of Ordinary Body Movements
o ___________________
Decreases the angle of the joint
Brings two bones closer together
Typical of hinge joints like knee and elbow
o ___________________
Opposite of flexion
Increases angle between two bones
o ___________________
Movement of a bone around its longitudinal axis
Common in ball-and-socket joints
Example is when you move atlas around the dens of axis (shake your head “no”)
o ___________________
Movement of a limb away from the midline
o ___________________
Opposite of abduction
Movement of a limb toward the midline
o ___________________
Combination of ______________, _____________, ______________, and ______________
Common in ball-and-socket joints
o ____________________
Lifting the foot so that the superior surface approaches the shin
o ____________________
Depressing the foot (pointing the toes)
o ____________________
Turn sole of foot medially
o ____________________
Turn sole of foot laterally
o ____________________
Forearm rotates laterally so palm faces anteriorly
o _____________________
Forearm rotates medially so palm faces posteriorly
o _____________________
Move thumb to touch the tips of other fingers on the same hand
§ Types of Muscles
o Prime mover—muscle with the major responsibility for a certain movement
o Antagonist—muscle that opposes or reverses a prime mover
o Synergist—muscle that aids a prime mover in a movement and helps prevent rotation
o Fixator—stabilizes the origin of a prime mover
§ Naming Skeletal Muscles
o By direction of muscle fibers
Example: ____________________________________________________________
o By relative size of the muscle
Example: ____________________________________________________________
o By location of the muscle
Example: _____________________________________________________________
o By number of origins
o By location of the muscle’s origin and insertion
Example: _____________________________________________________________
o By shape of the muscle
Example: _____________________________________________________________
o By action of the muscle
Example: _____________________________________________________________
§ Head and Neck Muscles
o Facial muscles
____________________—raises eyebrows
____________________—closes eyes, squints, blinks, winks
____________________—closes mouth and protrudes the lips
____________________—flattens the cheek, chews
____________________—raises corners of the mouth
o Chewing muscles
____________________—closes the jaw and elevates mandible
____________________—synergist of the masseter, closes jaw
o Neck muscles
_____________________—pulls the corners of the mouth inferiorly
_____________________—flexes the neck, rotates the head
§ Muscles of Trunk, Shoulder, Arm
o Anterior muscles
______________________—adducts and flexes the humerus
Intercostal muscles
__________________________—raise rib cage during inhalation
__________________________—depress the rib cage to move air out of the lungs
when you exhale forcibly
Muscles of the abdominal girdle
________________________—flexes vertebral column and compresses abdominal
contents (defecation, childbirth, forced breathing)
________________________—flex vertebral column; rotate trunk and bend it
________________________—compresses abdominal contents
o Posterior muscles
______________________—elevates, depresses, adducts, and stabilizes the scapula
______________________—extends and adducts the humerus
______________________—back extension
______________________—flexes the spine laterally
______________________—arm abduction
§ Muscles of Posterior Neck, Trunk, Arm
o Muscles of the Upper Limb
_______________________—supinates forearm, flexes elbow
_______________________—elbow flexion
_______________________—weak muscle
_______________________—elbow extension (antagonist to biceps brachii)
o Muscles of Pelvis, Hip, Thigh
_______________________—hip extension
_______________________—hip abduction, steadies pelvis when walking
_______________________—hip flexion, keeps the upper body from falling backward when
standing erect
_______________________—adduct the thighs
§ Muscles causing movement at the knee joint
o Hamstring group—thigh extension and knee flexion
o Sartorius—flexes the thigh
o Quadriceps group—extends the knee
§ Muscles causing movement at ankle and foot
o _______________________________________—dorsiflexion and foot inversion
o _______________________________________—toe extension and dorsiflexion of the foot
o __________________________—plantar flexion, everts the foot
o __________________________—plantar flexion
Be sure to review OLD quizzes with Corrections!