What is a sentence? Think of an SMS personal messages in your social networking account or email that was missent to you. Reflect on the details that made you realize that you were not the recipient of the message. Share your reflections in class. Group Group Group Group 1 2 3 4 : : : : a a a a five year – old girl man on a wheelchair deaf woman ninety year- old woman What were your difficulties in writing instruction for your audience? Do you think the recipients of your instructions will safely get to their destination? What difficulties do you think they will encounter and how can these be addressed? If you can improved your set of directions, what revisions can you make? What is academic writing? ◦ it is conducted in several sets of forms and genres. ◦ normally in an impersonal and dispassionate tone ◦ targeted for a critical and informed audience ◦ based on closely investigated knowledge ◦ intended to reinforce or challenge concepts or arguments TOPIC ROLE PURPOSE AUDIENCE Given a hand – outs, complete the table below. Excerpt 1 Abstract Purpose Conversational or technical language used Audience Role of the writer/artist Excerpt 2 Comic Strip Excerpt 3 Poster In your learning log, write a reflection of considering the purpose, audience, and your own role in writing a text. You may include experiences to support your points. Read the blog entry Life’s a Beach by AJ Poliquit. (https://ajpoliquit.wordpress.com/2015/05/05 /light-up-la-union/) Thank You !!!